Year 5 & 6 Class News

Half term holiday activities

Posted on Tuesday 28 January 2020 by Mrs Latham

Feb half term pdf

Crazy Computing!

Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2020 by Mr Catherall

This term, Y5 and Y6 have started a brand new topic: computing. In this topic, we’ll blend offline computing (without a physical computer) with online computing (on the laptops/iPads) to teach a range of skills and knowledge – you can see what this knowledge is in these ARE (age-related expectations) grids. 

So far, we learnt all about algorithms (a set of instructions for a computer) and evaluated some existing games using the digital computing platform, Scratch.

After the evaluation phase, we designed our own games with a partner – ask your child what the aim of their game is. We discussed some more important computing knowledge like decomposition (breaking a problem down into smaller parts), sequence and selection (how to tell a computer what to do and when, often using ‘if…then…’) and variables (something in a game that keeps track of progress – like a health bar, point system or timer).

Then, we were super excited to start creating our games. We started by creating our backdrops and then we designed our maze. It was really tricky, and we had to be super resillient, but we got there in the end. Ask your child about their recent computing learning:

What have they enjoyed most?

What have they learnt?

What will they be learning over the coming weeks?

Following instructions 

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Mr Lindsay

In writing, we looked at a range of different instructions. We had the opportunity to follow the instructions to check if they made sense. With mixed results, children showed great resilience as balloons popped and ties knotted. 

Living and learning:  I know what a drug is

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Ruth, from D-Side, came into school today to discuss solvent abuse. We looked at a range of household products and learned about how risky they are. We discussed symbols on packaging and their meaning. At home, you could reinforce the message of how dangerous solvent abuse is and look for symbols on your products. 

Designing a computer game

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5/6 have been designing their own computer games this week. From Polar Drop to Crown Dodge, the ideas have been very impressive. They have thought about variables, themes and what their Sprite might look like. At home, you might want to download scratch 2 to design your own computer games. 

Fossil hunting

Posted on Friday 17 January 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 have started their new science unit about evolution and inheritance. They have been learning about fossils this week and how they tell us about the animals and plants that existed millions of years ago. Some children were able to look at an image of a fossil and predict where it might have lived and what it would’ve looked like. We also did some research about Mary Anning. Ask your child what facts they can remember about her.

Scholes Peace Cards

Posted on Thursday 16 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

In November last year, members of Scholes Parish Council came to visit our school during our Community Week. They worked with all of our children, from Year 1 through to Y6 on a range of creative activities.

They talked to the children about the Scholes Peace Flame and their roles in the community.

The councillors were so impressed with our artwork, and are pleased to announce that six of our children have  their peace designs made into cards – Harry, Emilia, Esme, Dolly, Olivia and Archie from Y1/2V.

If you would like to buy a set of 6 peace cards, then they are available from the school office.

Keeping active – new gym fitness equipment

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2020 by Mrs Latham

There was great excitement with the arrival of the new outdoor fitness equipment before Christmas. The wet weather slightly delayed the installation but it is now ready to use. Everyone wants a go!

This is part of our plan to increase physical activity undertaken within school. The UK Chief Medical Officers found that, “the latest evidence shows there is a clear link between physical activity and chronic disease.” We want children to be physically active for at least the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended 30 minutes during the school day, and this will help us to do this.

Merry Christmas!

Posted on Friday 20 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Pop choir performed some songs for us this afternoon. The whole school then joined in with a Christmas sing-a-long. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…lunch!

Posted on Thursday 12 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

We all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch today prepared by our wonderful kitchen staff. The lunchtimes supervisors did a fantastic job (especially Mrs Pennock) decorating the hall too. Thank you!