Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and learning: I know what body image

Posted on Tuesday 17 March 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 have been discussing body image. In their classes they generated a class definition of this term and identified what this means to them. They recognised that body image includes our feelings, and thoughts about their height, weight, shape, skin colour and appearance. The children looked at how image had changed over time. Each child was given a template of a bucket and we talked about how we all carry a bucket around and we fill it with the words people say to us. It is important to fill other people’s buckets with positive comments. We finally spent time writing positive comments on every persons bucket and ended the lesson reflecting on these. It was great to see so many positive comments from the children to each other.



Sport Relief – take two

Posted on Friday 13 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We joined in with Sport Relief again today. Each class completed their own sport challenges – trying to improve personal best scores in skipping, basketball, running and football. Thank you for all the donations to this charity.

Success at the West Yorkshire cross country finals

Posted on Thursday 12 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our wildcard entry into the West Yorkshire cross country finals. Out of all of the year 6 girls in West Yorkshire, she came 15th – AMAZING! We are so proud of you.

Living and learning

Posted on Thursday 12 March 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This week year 5 and 6 were visited by a medical student from Leeds University. They took part in a ‘Brain Building Bonanza’ in which they were discovering how the brain works, how it is structured and its function within the human body. The children acted out being a neuron to show how signals are sent to the rest of the body. Ask your child what facts they can remember from the workshop. Ask them what the cerebellum does.

Thank you for helping us help Sport Relief

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We started our Sport Relief fundraising a week early because we were expecting BBC Look North coming to launch the Big Summit Sofa challenge. Unfortunately, we were let down and they postponed the event at the last minute last night. We are resilient and resourceful at Scholes though and were determined to make it a happy and healthy day anyway. We completed nearly an hour of Wake Up Shake Up routines and raised £219.24 for Sport Relief. Thank you to everyone who sent contributions in and to the people who came to watch and support us!

POSTPONED – Big Sofa Summit for Sport Relief 6 March

Posted on Thursday 05 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have had a message from the BBC tonight saying,

We have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Big Summit Sofa Challenge until later in the year. Our role is to deliver our audience the best possible coverage and to do that we need every member of our team on duty.

We are all so disappointed but we will still be dressing in our sports kits and raising money for Sport Relief by doing an extended Wake Up Shake Up dance-athon session as one of our sports challenges. Feel free to come and watch from 9am.

Living and learning: I cover my mouth when I cough, yawn or sneeze

Posted on Wednesday 04 March 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5/6 discussed the vampire sneeze this week. Instead of covering your mouth with your hand, do the vampire sneeze.

Support the Big Summit Sofa Challenge for Sport Relief – Friday 6 March

Posted on Tuesday 03 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

The excitement is building for the launch of the Big Summit Sofa Challenge that the Look North presenters are doing for Sport Relief 2020.  The starting point this year is our school, Scholes (Elmet) Primary! Harry Gration, Amy Garcia and Paul Hudson from BBC Look North will join in with Wake Up Shake Up as their warm-up at 9.30am.

Each class is planning their own sports challenge and children are invited to come to school in their sports kit, in exchange for a contribution to Sport Relief.

The BBC television cameras will also be in school to film us and talk to as many people as they can – some may even feature on the news that night.

They have asked that we encourage as many parents, family and friends to stay after they have dropped children off in the morning, so please feel free to show your support and join in with the fun!
See you on Friday!

Science- working scientifically

Posted on Wednesday 26 February 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This half term we are using our scientific enquiry skills to investigate different materials. We will be coming up with our own questions for investigations, and then carrying out experiments to prove or disprove these. We will be recording our findings and presenting them in different ways. The children are learning about solids, liquids and gases and applying different methods to separate them. We discussed which changes are reversible.

Wonderful homework!

Posted on Friday 14 February 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6S produced some amazing homework this week based on our Living and Learning statement: I can show different ways to stay safe, including online. We enjoyed looking at colourful posters, comic strips and even some quizzes. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at all these creative ideas- keep it up!