Year 5 & 6 Class News

Dancing with ‘Hello HipHop’

Posted on Wednesday 15 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Some classes have had a few sessions delivered by Phil from Hello HipHop recently. We also had them booked in to deliver sessions for the whole school during Health Week. We will have to reschedule the sessions for the future but in the meantime, here are some hip hop moves for you to work on. Enjoy!

03 April: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Friday 03 April 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

Firstly, I hope you’re all keeping well and staying positive. It can be tricky to stay happy and healthy when you’re not going outside much but everyone I’ve had contact with has seemed as chirpy as always.

Thanks to the people who have been emailing regularly to stay in contact and get help when they need it. It’s really made me happy hearing from you. If you haven’t sent me an email yet, please do. It’s great to catch up with people!

Today is another exciting day for two people as they make it in to the highly respected ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame!’ #HoHLF

Entrant number 1 has been sending loads of pictures of her learning and it’s all been great! She’s been challenging herself and asking for help if she needs it; what a great skill to have. On a personal note, I really like, and appreciate, how this person always asks how I am and what I’ve been up to – it makes me smile every time. Well done, Lucy and welcome to the ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame!’


Our second entrant today has also sent a lot of images in. He’s been working super hard and has always kept in touch – thank you! What I like most about this piece of learning is that Alfie actually emailed me early in the day to say he was finding this task difficult. I replied with some hints and then later in the day received this picture of his completed learning – awesome effort! Well done and welcome to the ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame!’

Stay tuned for more entrants to our Hall of (home learning) Fame over the coming days.

Send photos to your class teacher’s email address accompanied by #HoHLFTerms and conditions apply. 

Terms and conditions: you must send a picture to be entered into the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Winners will be posted on this section of  the website and will receive their prize as soon as they read it. The prize is a virtual high five from the Year 5,6 team. 

02 April 2020: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Thursday 02 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

It’s great to know that you are all still working well on your learning at home. Some people have even created very precise learning timetables – I’m really impressed! I love it when people are organised.

Below are a couple of photos from Lilia and Freya who have been busy completing the year 6 maths challenges. Well done!

Arty afternoon

Posted on Thursday 02 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Today, with my children,  I have been researching the artist Henri Rousseau, a French painter born in 1844. He created many paintings of jungles, however because he had never visited a jungle, he based his ideas on trips to botanical gardens in Paris. My children and I had a go at creating our own jungle scenes and we used water colours to add colour.

Can you guess which one is mine?

Have a go at researching an artist and creating your own piece of art. Have fun!

Mrs H.x

Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) playlist

Posted on Wednesday 01 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

A few children seem to be missing our daily WUSU sessions. We have had a lot of email requests for videos that children can dance along to (there is one already on the Year 1 & 2 Class News page). Here is the playlist if you would like to dance along to your favourites. There are more videos in the pipeline…watch this space!

01 April 2020: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Wednesday 01 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

It was lovely to hear how Jessica is getting on with her home learning and she sent some pictures through of her work. Her illustration of a Viking is brilliant, with great attention to detail and some adventurous vocabulary in her noun phrases. I really like the posters she has coloured that display a great positive message for everyone. Thank you. Mrs H.x

31 March 2020: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Lilia and Lleyton have been very busy today working on their expanded noun phrases. I think the art work is amazing – well done! If anyone else would like their work posting, just send it over and prepare yourself for fame!


Toilet Roll Challenge

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Some of you may have seen online that people were challenging each other to see how many ‘keepy uppies’ they could do with a toilet roll – it was an online, social media trend.

Well, one of our class got in touch with their effort and challenged Mr Freeman and myself to better it.

Here’s the challenger’s effort (we have his consent to post this)…

Challenger 1 – who actually wasn’t very well at the time

Followed by our responses:

Mr Catherall surprised himself….

And Mr Freeman’s football skills shone through…

Have a go and see if you can beat us.



31 March 2020: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello everyone

I hope everyone is well. We should all be trying to enjoy this opportunity and making sure we keep ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically happy and healthy. It’s been great to hear from lots of you. If you haven’t sent me an email yet, please do. It’s great to catch up with people!

Today is an exciting day for a few member of 56OB as they finally make it in to the highly respected ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame!’ #HoHLF

So, here goes…

This person has been working hard to keep their brain, and their body, happy and healthy. Good job! Well done – you’re officially in the ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame!’ Also, in the back ground I can see an interesting book: ‘The boy at the back of the class‘. This is next on my reading list so maybe we can compare notes next time we see each other.

Here we see an awesome home learning set up from this member of Team 56OB. Really impressive stuff here (and I loved your email telling me what you’d been up to, too). Well done and congratulations on being accepted into the ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame‘.

And finally, it’s a family affair for our next entrants. This collaborative learning approach has led to all 3 members of this household being able to learn from home. Well done and welcome to the ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame’!

Stay tuned for more entrants to our Hall of (home learning) Fame over the coming days.

Send photos to your class teacher’s email address accompanied by #HoHLFTerms and conditions apply. 

Terms and conditions: you must send a picture to be entered into the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Winners will be posted on this section of  the website and will receive their prize as soon as they read it. The prize is a virtual high five from the Year 5,6 team. 

Expanded noun phrases

Posted on Tuesday 31 March 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Alfie, Amelie and Olivia have sent in their work on expanded noun phrases. It’s great to see how you’ve approached the learning in different ways. Well done.