Year 5 & 6 Class News

07 May 2020: Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello everyone

Welcome back to another edition of the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF – are you chanting? I think here some people!

Today, we have a mix of learning and trick shots (insert audience ‘wooooooo’ noise here).

So, here goes…

We start with an incredible trick shot.

Awesome work – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Congratulations!

Lucy sent in some methods she has to stay calm:

Well done, Lucy – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Congratulations!

Molly also sent in some tips for staying calm:

Well done, Molly- you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Congratulations!

Our next entrant has been busy…again!

He smashed his art learning:

Has prepped for his VE day celebrations:

And, updated us on the development of the porch he’s been helping to build:

Awesome work! Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Congratulations!

Our final entrant sent in this video which combines reading with extreme sports to pull off a seriously impressive trick shot.

Incredible stuff – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Congratulations!

Love of Reading

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Some people have been in touch today to let me know what books they are enjoying at home and in which places they like to sit and read. Violet has been reading about Ancient Egypt, as this is something that particularly interests her. She knows a lot about the Gods and the hieroglyphs they used and she liked that fact that the book described mummification and the afterlife. She has chosen to read in the garden this morning so that she can enjoy this lovely  weather.

Charlie has sent a picture of a cosy, small space that he likes to read in. It looks really peaceful in there and it’s good to know you have a good supply of toilet rolls in case you are reading a sad story! He is enjoying ‘Matt Millz’ by Harry Hill. Maybe this is a book you might consider reading in the future.

Imogen has been reading Mr Gum and the power crystals. She read it in the garden so she could enjoy the sunshine. She likes the book because it is funny and interesting.

Lleyton has been reading the 36 story tree house book. He likes that it has lots of smaller stories and that they always add a 13 storey to the tree house. He read his book in the den that he built.

Living and Learning: ways to calm down 

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Thanks to Leiyah for sending in her ways to calm down. 

Trick shot 

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

There’s been a flood of fantastic trick shots


Living and leaning: I know ways to help me calm down 

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Amelie has offered some great ways to help calm down. 

Trick Shot

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

The trick shot bar has been raised. It’s going to take a lot to beat this one. 

04 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

I have already been inundated with messages and photographs of the learning that 5/6 S have been doing. It’s so great that you are all keeping in touch and letting me know what you are getting up to.

Lilia has sent me the art work that she and her mum did. They were listening to Kelly Clarkson’s, Stronger, at the time. I wonder who’s is the best – what do you think?

Ava has been working hard on her music lesson also and she has produced this great scratch picture. I love it!

I was very pleased to hear from William over the weekend. He sounds like he has been very busy entertaining himself during lockdown. He told me he has built campfires, slept in the caravan in the garden and built two sheds! He will be coming back to school exhausted! He has had some new additions to the family too – his family are now the proud owner of some chickens. Some of them look huge!

Art/music: Hall of Home Learning Fame 

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Today, we asked children to create a piece of art based on some music. Leiyah chose Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. 

Year 5,6 Quiz of the Week!

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve decided to end the week with a little bit of fun. So, we’ve made a video quiz of the week. Check it out here.

It’s a mix of general knowledge, a recap of some previous learning and a bit of fun! We’re hoping you’ll play along as a family, or maybe against other families and will enjoy 10 mins of trivia and silliness.

If you like it, get in touch and we’ll do a weekly edition published every Friday.


Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello and welcome back to another special edition of the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF

Today’s entrants have been super busy this week and even found time to email their class teachers with a few pics – how kind of them! Seriously, if you haven’t emailed us yet, please do. We’d love to hear from everyone!

Here goes…

Alfie sent a picture of his time capsule and told me that his favourite song is Will We Talk? by Sam Fender. Thanks for being in touch so often, Alfie. Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame! #HoHLF

Ellis and his family had already started creating their own time capsules – great idea! Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame! #HoHLF

Heath was practising his spellings using this great resource and also found time to make a time capsule. Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame! #HoHLF

Amongst lots of other learning, Lucy created her own time capsule. Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame! #HoHLF

And our final entrant smashed her topic learning – check out how good her outline of the UK is! Awesome work, Annabelle. Well done – you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame! #HoHLF

That’s all for this edition. Stay tuned for more.

Send photos to your class teacher’s email address accompanied by #HoHLFTerms and conditions apply*. 

If you want a challenge, I wrote this article with a clear idea in my head about my audience (who I’m aiming it at) and purpose. What was the purpose of this article? Did it work? How did my audience affect the style I wrote it? Would I write the same if this was a more srious article? Or, aimed at people I didn’t know? 

*Terms and conditions: you must send a picture to be entered into the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Winners will be posted on this section of  the website and will receive their prize as soon as they read it. The prize is a virtual high five from the Year 5,6 team.