Year 5 & 6 Class News

Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 19 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Freya has done a great job presenting her ideas about sustainability. She talks about how we dispose of our waste and the impact that plastic has on our oceans.

If anyone else has done a great poster, please send it to me – I’d love to see it.

If you haven’t been in touch with me for a while, send me a quick email to let me know what you’ve been up to.

Record reader

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Thomas only started the 13 Storey Tree House today and he’s already on page 120. The way he’s going, he won’t need this brilliant book mark that he made. 

Home Learning: gardening, baking and maths

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Elizabeth has been super busy over the last few weeks. Can you solve her puzzle? 

Hall of (home learning) Fame

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hey everyone

Welcome back to another very special edition of the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF!

Before we start, have you checked out the Y5,6 Quiz of the Week. It’s on the class news section and was posted on Friday 15 May (and every Friday before that). This family enjoyed it…

Check it out and let us know how you got on!

Well done to these awesome people who’ve sent in some home learning to me recently…

Check out this awesome trick shot.

Congratulations, you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF.

Our next entrant has been super busy again. He fed the baby goslings at Chippies  Quarry.

Made some delicious buns.

And, learnt all about coastal erosion.

Congratulations, you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF.

Our next entrant has been learning how to sow.

And, super impressively, has been making mask adaptors for the NHS – what an awesome thing to do!

Congratulations, you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF.

Our final entrant for the day, Dylan, made his own fact file about space – well done!

Congratulations, you’re in the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF.

Stay tuned for more entrants into the highly prestigious (what does that word mean?) Hall of (home learning) Fame.

Send photos to your class teacher’s email address accompanied by #HoHLFTerms and conditions apply*. 

*Terms and conditions: you must send a picture to be entered into the Hall of (home learning) Fame. Winners will be posted on this section of  the website and will receive their prize as soon as they read it. The prize is a virtual high five from the Year 5,6 team. 

Y5,6 Quiz of the Week

Posted on Friday 15 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

We hope you’re all managing to stay happy and healthy. The quiz of the week is back (sorry it’s a little later than planned) with even more special guests and a little bit of me. Hope you enjoy it – let me know your thoughts!

Home learning: maths

Posted on Thursday 14 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

Mr Lindsay’s maths problem from yesterday caused a challenge for some people – it totally bamboozled some people’s brains. However, Freya and Lilia have completed the task and have sent me a photo to show how proud they are. Well done to those people who demonstrated resilience yesterday – one of our 8R’s.

Year 5/6 Living and learning

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

It sounds like lots of you are enjoying Mr Freeman’s living and learning lesson from today. I have already been sent some photos of the posters you are creating. They have some great ideas about the importance of money and what you can do with your money. They are very bright and colourful too.

The Book of Hopes

Posted on Tuesday 12 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown

I recently came across this amazing collection of short stories, poems, pictures and other things. It’s completely free and contains the works of over 100 famous authors and illustrators including Michael Morpurgo and Jacqueline Wilson.

There’s a range of things to read (in terms of content and difficulty) but each text has been specifically chosen to give children some hope in what is a strange time. The texts are engaging, funny and heart-warming. I definitely recommend checking this book out and reading some as a family.

Although most of the texts seem to be aimed at KS2, many of them could definitely be read to younger children, too. For some of our older children, the texts might not be very challenging. But, that’s OK, too. The point of these texts is about how they make us feel and what we learn.


Trick shot challenge

Posted on Tuesday 12 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

For those of you who are proud owners of a trampoline – this might be something that you want to try yourself. I certainly wont be having a go at this, it looks far too dangerous for me! Well done Ava!

Trick shot 1

Trick shot 2

Quiz of the Week

Posted on Friday 08 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

It’s back. And, this time, there’s an even bigger budget! Check out the video here.

Play along with your family, or against your friends, and have some fun!

As always, let me know what you think – it would be great to get some pictures of you playing along.

Happy quizzing!