Year 5 & 6 Class News

5/6B Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mr Freeman

Another great week goes by in 5/6B. Here are our certificate winners for this week:

For great living and learning skills…

Hannah –  You always show a responsible attitude to your learning. You are the first in the classroom with your learning book open to complete a task. You are always ready and you are prepared to take a safe risk by putting your hand up. You are a fantastic role model to all pupils – keep it up!

For sport and physical activity…

Chelsea – You showed good knowledge of being tactical during our PE games this week. You are a great team player who is always looking for ways to improve and develop. Well done, Chelsea!

For great learning…

Daniel T – You are always responsible and reflective with your learning. You manage to complete all tasks required, you respond to feedback appropriately and you are always active within the classroom. Super stuff, Daniel!

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 S have had another great week. They’ve had a busy week designing and creating cereal boxes, using relative clauses in their writing and classifying animals in Science. It’s been another tough decision this week to choose my certificate winners.

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Paige- you are joining in so much more in lessons now and putting a lot of effort into all your learning. Well done and keep it up.

For sport and physical activity…

Alfie – you always join in PE with energy and enthusiasm and you always have a smile on your face. Well done!

For living and learning…

Jessica- you contributed so well during the lessons this week. You gave some great examples of which 8Rs you use in your learning.

Well done everyone!

5/6M Celebration

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mr Lindsay

For living and learning skills… Seth, you are a responsible learner. You answer question and listen carefully to others. You take pride in all your work . 

For sport and physical activity… Emily, you were a fantastic partner in our tennis game. You were supportive and showed good control with the ball. 

For great learning… Michaela, your cereal box design is fantastic. The jungle theme is a great concept. Well done. 

Year 5 Reading

Posted on Wednesday 23 September 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

The reading Year 5 have been doing this week is linked to our Science learning about materials. We have been looking at a report about how plastic is harming our oceans and other environments. The children were working on their retrieval skills to answer questions. This involves the children skimming and scanning the text to find the answers to questions. They look for key words, phrases and sub-headings to help them.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 23 September 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

In Year 5 and 6 we have been discussing how we use the 8 Rs to help us learn. We talked about the strategies that we use the most. The children identified that a lot of them feel they show resilience in their learning and that they are always ready to learn. We then discussed which of the 8 Rs they need to use more. Some children explained that they needed to take more safe risks in school by putting their hand up more in class. Well done to those children who used personal experiences to talk about the 8 Rs.

Steph’s Packed Lunch

Posted on Tuesday 22 September 2020 by Mr Lindsay

What a fantastic day! Today, some children from 5/6M had the opportunity to appear on live TV. They used the picture book, After The Fall, as inspiration for designing a set of flower planters. 

Leeds Needs Trees

Posted on Monday 21 September 2020 by Mrs Latham

Leeds City Council have launched a scheme to increase the number of trees around the city. Collect tree seeds (conkers, acorns, beech nuts and sweet chestnuts) and take them to a collection point around the city. The Arium is the closest one to school and you will be helping create new habitats for birds and animals.


5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 18 September 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

It’s been another great week in 5/6 S. Thank you to all the children for working hard.

This weeks certificate winners from 5/6S are…

For great learning…

Jude- you have a brilliant attitude to your learning and you’ve made a great start to the year. You participate so well in lessons – well done!

For sport and physical activity…

James – for having a mature attitude during PE this week. You took on responsibilities to help me and you worked well within a team – super!

For living and learning…

Ellie- you contributed so well during the lessons this week. You were able to give good examples of when you had used the 8 R’s recently.


Well done everyone!

5/6B Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 18 September 2020 by Mr Freeman

Another fantastic week passes as 5/6B pupils continue to present themselves as fantastic role models for the school. We have been working really hard this week to remind ourselves of the 8 R’s for learning and why they are so important both inside and outside of school. Unfortunately, I cannot give a certificate to every pupil (as much as I want to!), so here are this week’s certificate winners:

For great living and learning skills –

Elijah – You have displayed lots of our 8 R’s for learning this week. You have been ready when asked, resilient in your learning and showed great responsibility when helping another pupil outside. Well done, Elijah!

For sport and physical activity –

Kyle – You always show great resilience during our daily miles. You work well independently and in a group in physical activity. You are very responsive and a brilliant role model. Great work, Kyle.

For great learning –

Dylan – You have shown such a mature and brilliant learning attitude from the moment you started in year 6. You are always ready to learn, responsible for the work you do and very reflective – you use this as a chance to improve your learning further. Keep it up, Dylan.

5/6M Celebration

Posted on Friday 18 September 2020 by Mr Lindsay

For great learning…

Marley – your tension-building story was a pleasure to read. It was both gripping and entertaining. 

For sport and physical activity…

Bella – for demonstrating excellent balance and ball control in our tennis game. You moved swiftly and showed great concentration. 

For living and learning…

Conor- you are showing more and more resilience each day. From the egg drop to pushing yourself to draw, you are throwing yourself into every new challenge.