Year 5 & 6 Class News

Remembrance Sunday Y5/6 S

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Recently Year 5/6 S visited the war memorial in Scholes to record a video for Remembrance Sunday. The links to watch the videos are below. Well done to all the children for being so respectful and mature.

Scholes Remembrance Sunday services

Full Service:
Short act of Remembrance:

School Council

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

The School Council met today to make a few plans for this term. Our first bit of exciting news is that the School Council have been re-branded as ‘The Junior Leadership Team.’

We discussed some ideas for Children in Need, which is taking place on Friday 13 November. The team decided that we would do a non-uniform day and collect donations. More information will be sent out on Monday.

The team are currently discussing what our new charity is going to be this year, so we’ll keep you posted when we’ve decided.

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Lleyton- for becoming a more active learner this week. I’m amazed- keep it up!

For sport and physical activity…

Maisie W- for demonstrating control and skill during hockey this week. Well done.

For living and learning…

Freddie W- you are a great role model in my class and a brilliant active learner – well done!

Well done everyone!

Year 5 Maths

Posted on Wednesday 04 November 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This week, Year 5 have been learning about different types of graph. They have been using tables of information and converting them into bar charts and line graphs. They had to think carefully about their axis and the labels for their graphs. Later this week, they will be collecting their own data about how their heart rate changes during exercise and then they will represent this in graph form.

Reading archaeologists 

Posted on Tuesday 03 November 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 raced against the clock to uncover facts about pyramids this morning. At home, you could continue researching about pyramids. What’s your favourite fact? 

Living and Learning – Mental Health

Posted on Wednesday 21 October 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Our focus over the last few weeks has been making sure the children understand about mental health. The children looked at the definition of mental health and how this is different from our physical health. They thought about small feelings that they might experience on a daily basis, and how these have the potential to become bigger feelings. This is when it might affect someones mental health. We talked about how we could look after our own mental health, when things might be getting tricky. They came up with some great ideas, including bubble baths, reading and going for a walk. We also discussed how screen time and technology might not be the best way to relax and deal with feelings.

Remembrance Day

Posted on Wednesday 21 October 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This year, due to Covid restrictions, Remembrance day is going to be a little bit different. Usually, on November 11th, there are church services and parades around the country. 5/6 S have had the privilege of holding a special service at the War Memorial in Scholes. The service was filmed and will be available to watch next month. Along with members of Scholes Church, the children laid crosses for each soldier that died during the World Wars. Some children read some poems- they did this very fluently and with feeling. The children behaved very respectfully and maturely – I’m very proud of them.

5/6B Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mr Freeman

Here are the winners of our certificates this week…

For great living and learning skills…

Chelsea – You have shown a mature, responsible and caring nature towards your class mates. You have taken time to aid the learning of a friend in our class, by making sure they are happy, comfortable and on task. You are a brilliant role model, Chelsea – well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Joseph – You show a fantastic awareness during physical activity. You are always ready and a very active learner – well done!

For great learning…

Daisy Mae – You have come back to school this week as if you’ve never been away. Your attitude to learning is outstanding, you are one of the first with your hand up and you are always a responsible and active learner. Great stuff, Daisy!

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mrs Hogarth


This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Lucas- for great learning in Topic. You demonstrated enthusiasm and a great use of historical vocabulary. Well done.

For sport and physical activity…

William W- for demonstrating enthusiasm and teamwork in PE this week – well done.

For living and learning…

William H- you always have a great attitude to your learning and you’re a great role model. Thank you.

Well done everyone!

5/6m certificate celebration 

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mr Lindsay

For Living and Learning skills… Harry you have been supportive to your peers. 

For sport and physical activity… Elliot you demonstrated great team working skills by passing and communicating effectively. 

For great learning… Thomas your reading fluency has improved immensely. Your hard work is really paying off.