Year 5 & 6 Class News

Hello 5/6 S

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Here is a video message from Mrs Hogarth.


A quick message from Mrs Hogarth

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Miss Fallon and I would like to say a huge thank you for all the gifts  we received today. It’s really generous of you and greatly appreciated. It appears that some parents know me quite well!

Thank you to all the parents of 5/6 S for your positive comments , emails of support and kind messages that we receive. It really does help to keep us going.

The class have had a great term and I can’t wait to see them all again in the new year.

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year.

Mrs Hogarth.x

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Ellis- for great learning in all subjects. You put 100% into everything you do and you’re a great member of our class. Well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Connor- for demonstrating perseverance during WUSU. You’ve finally grasped that tricky dance! Well done.

For living and learning…

William W – for being a great member of my class. You make me giggle every day and our class wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you!

Well done everyone!

A Huge Thanks From 5/6B!

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mr Freeman

Happy Friday!

A quick message from Mr Freeman, Mrs Ravenscroft and Miss Joicey:

A huge thankyou to all pupils and parents involved with 5/6B – your kindness has really lifted our spirits at the end of a difficult year.

Thankyou parents/carers for your gifts and your kind words – we all appreciate it very much!

We hope everyone stays happy, healthy and safe over the Christmas period – we look forward to seeing you all again in 2021!

Best wishes,


A Message From 5/6M…

Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 by Mr Freeman

A Christmas message from Mr Lindsay’s class – we hope you all enjoy it!

Click the link below to view.


5/6 S Christmas Party

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

We’ve had a great afternoon at our Christmas party. There were lots of games, bad singing and crazy dancing! We even managed to link one game to our Topic learning on Ancient Egypt – who can mummify a friend the fastest?

Thank you to all the parents for sending party food in. It was consumed very quickly and they are heading home full of beans! Fingers crossed they’ll all sleep tonight!


Happy Christmas from 5/6S

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

5/6 S have been busy little elves creating a Christmas video for everyone to enjoy. Things are very different this year, but we don’t want families to miss out on the festivities.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the fun!

Happy Christmas.

5/6 S Christmas Video

5/6B would just like to say…

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mr Freeman

Merry Christmas to all! After a fantastic first term back at school, we wanted to spread some Christmas joy at the end of a difficult year. Therefore, we decided to create our own dance to a Christmas classic!

Just click the link below to watch it.

We hope you enjoy it – we enjoyed making it!

5/6 S Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Lucy- you always have an amazing positive attitude to your learning. You’re a great role model in our class – well done and keep it up!

For sport and physical activity…

Jessica- you demonstrated perseverance during basketball this week. You just didn’t give up. Well done!

For living and learning…

Mia- you showed a very mature attitude during our Living and Learning (RSE) sessions this week and you asked some great questions. Well done.

Well done everyone!

5/6B Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 04 December 2020 by Mr Freeman

Here are our certificate winners this week…

For great living and learning…

Daisy Mae – During mathematics, you’ve shown a real mixture of our 8 R’s for learning. Your resilience to overcome a task is fantastic – you are also the first to recognise and celebrate success for your peers, too. Great work, Daisy!

For sport and physical activity…

Emily – During our latest basketball session, you showed some great movement and catching skills. You played a key roll in your team and supported others regularly. Well done, Emily!

For great learning…

Joseph – Every day, you present yourself as a fantastic role model in our school. You are polite, funny and kind to everyone. Your learning attitude has been particularly fantastic lately – you are sharing all your ideas and taking safe risks all the time. Keep it up, Joseph!