Year 5 & 6 Class News

Fancy a twist on a classic dish?

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Amelie has this half term covered in terms of new recipes to try out on your family. Her vegetarian ‘parmo’ with cheesy potato skins sounds great.

5/6M writing 

Posted on Monday 08 February 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Bella, Leiyah and Olivia have sent in their writing from Mr Owen’s lessons. It’s great to see your pride in presentation hasn’t faltered. 

Hall of home learning fame 

Posted on Monday 08 February 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Thank you for sending me your wonderful science work this week. I was over the Moon with the response to Mr Freeman’s lesson. 

Happy Friday!

Posted on Friday 05 February 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Hello Year 5/6! We hope you are all well and feeling happy and healthy. You’ve made it through another week of home learning, so congratulations. We hope you are going to spend the weekend relaxing, getting some fresh air and having some lockdown fun.

Thank you to people who are still emailing their work in, we love to see what you’re producing at home.
Imogen has sent in her piece of writing in. This is from Mr Owen’s writing lessons and she has produced a great witness statement – well done. She has also been very creative and used play dough to show the different phases of the moon for Mr Freeman’s lesson.


Children’s Mental Health Week

Posted on Sunday 31 January 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place on 1-7 February 2021. This year’s theme is Express Yourself.

Here are some activities and ideas for you and your child(ren) to complete at home together.  You can also download it here.

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. It is about finding a way to show who you are, and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself.

As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. Check out the free resources.  

Don’t forget to email your teachers with any photos or messages of your activities about Children’s Mental Health Week.

Thank you!

Home Learning Warriors!

Posted on Friday 29 January 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good week. I am massively impressed by how many children are staying so dedicated to their home learning. Some aren’t always finding it easy, but you are all showing resilience and perseverance – well done!

Thank you to everyone who sends their work in. I love seeing what you are getting up to at home and it looks like you are enjoying the home learning.

Charlie has sent his report in about Covid 19. I like the fact that he has thought about the layout and presentation of his report. It shows great awareness of audience and purpose.

William has sent in his amazing illustration of an alien. He has really thought about his vocabulary choices. I particularly like the ‘puddle of drool.’

James has been working hard on producing some information about sea defenses, following Mr Freeman’s lessons this week.

Jessica has put a massive amount of effort into her writing this week and has produced an amazing report about her new planet. I like the vocabulary choices and the presentation, as well as the illustrations. Well done.

Imogen sent in her writing skills work. She had a go at producing a sentence tree and completed 15 lines – amazing! That’s definitely beaten my score.

Again, thank you to everyone for sending your work in. Make sure you remember to go on TT Rockstars as much as possible and find a quiet time in your day to do a bit of reading too. If you haven’t been on any Zoom meetings with your teachers yet, please get yourselves on there. We love to see your smiling faces. I have some children that attend daily and it cheers me up massively to have a chat with them.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Get out for some fresh air, do some baking and make sure you have a giggle at some point.

Take care.

Remarkable Writing

Posted on Thursday 28 January 2021 by Mr Roundtree

From Mr Owen, who’s leading the Y5,6 home learning writing sessions…

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some of the fantastic writing that’s been happening in Y5 and Y6 recently, both at home and in school. Children have been creating their own planets, including maps and loads of links to geography learning. Classes in Moortown, Scholes (Elmet) and St James’ have all been working on the same projects, and the end products look great! Children should be really proud of what they’ve created.

Here are just some of the great examples that I’ve been sent. If you’d like to send yours in, I’d love to see it! (Send me an email –

In St James’… How awesome is this?

In Moortown, Y6… What a great effort!

In my class: Moortown, Y5… This one even had an accompanying video!

This one included lots of the things we’ve been working on recently and included great vocabulary:

Scholes (Elmet) children have been really creative too…

At St James’ again… Working hard to create amazing planets!

Amazing presentation, fantastic ideas and great writing skills on show!

Happy Friday!

Posted on Friday 22 January 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all ok today and feeling happy. You’ve made it through another week of home learning and lockdown, so congratulations. Some of you might be finding it hard to get motivated to complete your home learning, but remember that it’s still important to do your work and that we really care about what you’re producing at home. We think you’re amazing to adjust to this strange new way of living.

The weather has been rubbish this week – so much rain! I hope you managed to get outside for some fresh air at some point each day as this is so important for you mental health.

Don’t forget that each class has a Zoom at 2pm daily. Thank you to those people who attend regularly. We love to see you and hear about what you’ve been up to. It cheers us up too! If you haven’t been on a Zoom yet, give it a go!

Remember you can contact us at any point via email. We love to hear about what work you’ve produced, what you’ve been doing, what you’ve been baking or eating and anything else you want to tell us about. If you’re finding any learning tricky, just let us know and we will support you.

We can’t wait to get you all back in the classroom and make sure you keep in touch.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs H.x

Home Learning 5/6S

Posted on Friday 15 January 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Hello 5/6 S!
How are you all? I hope you are all well and that you’ve managed ok with your home learning. I’m missing you all lots and I can’t wait to have you all back in the classroom with me.

A few of you have emailed your work in for me this week. However, I would like to hear from more of you. Well done to Alfie, James and Imogen for sending your work through to me – you’re stars!

Alfie sent me some sentences that he worked on in the Reading Fluency sessions. He really thought about his use of vocabulary. Here are his sentences:

The rocket launched before the snow drift could catch it. Inside, people were wandering around as though they had been imprisoned. The glittering rocket, crusted in ice, was now in space.
The words Alfie picked out himself were:
The fierce sea water rumbled. As if by magic, everything quietened down and it started rippling instead. The ship’s captain thanked his trusted crew for their courage during the storm.
Imogen has sent me the writing she has been working on. She has thought carefully about the audience and purpose of her writing and her vocabulary – well done!


James sent me a photo of the learning he had been doing in Reading. He has obviously enjoyed the treasure hunt this week and created a very strange alien from pennies, a torch, a watch and a teddy, among other things.

Make sure you all keep working hard and stay in touch. Remember we have our daily Zoom at 2pm – it’s lovely to see all your faces on it, so please join when you can.
Have a lovely weekend and take care.
Mrs H.

Home Learning Update

Posted on Wednesday 06 January 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Here is a video message about some changes to home learning. The email addresses for your teachers are below.