Year 5 & 6 Class News

5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 19 March 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Sonny – you have returned to school with a brilliant attitude and put 100% into your learning. Keep it up!

For sport and physical activity…

Charlie H – for demonstrating hard work and a mature attitude during cricket this week. You were great at demonstrating your skills. Well done.

For living and learning…

Ellie – you contributed so well to the discussion about where to find help. You were sensible and mature. Thank you.

Well done everyone!

Homework Heroes!

Posted on Friday 19 March 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have had a great response to the creative homework this week about Biology. The children were asked to show their own knowledge of the digestive and circulatory system. They could present this how they liked: a diagram, a model or even just a written explanation. It has been lovely that so many parents have emailed the homework in. This means we can celebrate their work in the homework review and enjoy seeing what each other have done at home – so thank you.


Posted on Monday 15 March 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 have begun their new science unit ‘Electricity.’ The children have been learning about the scientific symbols for the components that make up an electrical circuit. They confidently used vocabulary such as: cell, switch, wire, buzzer and motor. They had to test different circuits using equipment to see if they would work. They did an excellent job with their predictions. Here are some photographs of the investigation…

5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 12 March 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This weeks certificate winners are…

For great learning…

Freddie – you were so active during Topic this week and you participated in discussions about WWII. Well done.

For sport and physical activity…

Poppy – for demonstrating control and skill during hockey this week. A big improvement – well done!

For living and learning…

William W – you were attentive and participated well in the discussion about lockdown and self-belief. Well done.

Well done everyone!

5/6 Certificate Celebration

Posted on Friday 12 March 2021 by Mr Freeman

A great first week back at school in 5/6B!

Here are our certificate winners for the week…

For great living and learning skills…

Eli – You have done a fantastic job at keeping everyone safe by regularly washing your hands – well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Ellis – You have settled back into school very quickly. You are always a fantastic role model during PE lessons, break times and lunch times. Keep it up, Ellis!

For great learning…

Olivia – It’s like you never left! You have returned to school with the fantastic, responsible and resilient learning attitude you’ve always had. Well done, Olivia!

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 11 March 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

It has been an amazing week in which we welcomed back all our year 5 and 6 children. It’s been lovely to have our classrooms full of learning, chatting and giggling again. The children have returned to school with a brilliant attitude and have got stuck straight into their learning, so well done everyone. Below is a little overview of some of the learning that we’ve done this week.

We’ve continued with our topic on WWII and have moved onto looking at how people’s lives changed during this period. We have used historical information such as: photographs, newspaper reports and diary entries to find out what it was like to be evacuated.

The children have continued to learn and use the vocabulary for this topic. If you would like to see the vocabulary we are using, click on the link below.

WWII topic vocabulary

In reading we have been working on our retrieval and inference skills. The children have used a range of sources including radio clips and photographs. To develop their fluency skills we have been looking at ‘The Photograph‘ by Roger Stevens. This is a poem based on WWII and looks at the memories of a child who is experiencing the war. It focuses on positive emotions and also feelings of loss.

In writing, the children have been practising their ‘must dos’ including using capital letters, full stops and squashed sentences.  We will continue with this learning next week.

Keep an eye out tomorrow for our certificate winners. As usual, there will be a learning, physical activity and living and learning certificate for those children who have really stood out to their class teachers.

Again, well done year 5 and 6 for a great first week back.

Period product scheme

Posted on Thursday 11 March 2021 by Mrs Quirk

In 2020, the government introduced a new scheme in which they provided period products to schools. You may not have seen much about it on the news at the time – other events have obviously taken precedence over the last 12 months!
The scheme is for all learners who need to access period products in their place of learning, in order to access education. It’s not a universal offer of free period products to young people, but includes learners who:
  • have forgotten their products
  • cannot afford products
  • have started or come on their period unexpectedly
School now has a large supply of products, and we just wanted to make you aware that they are available, should your child need them. They just need to ask their teacher, or any other member of staff in school.

PE days reminder

Posted on Friday 26 February 2021 by Mrs Latham

On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their PE kit as detailed in our uniform policy . (Track-suit bottoms instead of shorts would be good on colder days. Footwear : black/brown/grey/white flat shoes which are safe to run around in.)

Footwear on PE days could be children’s ‘school shoes’ which are often a ‘trainer’ style anyway, if you want to avoid having to buy 2 pairs of shoes.

Please find below the days each class has allocated PE times, which will be taught outdoors, except in extreme weather.

  • F2 Sunshine and F2 Rainbow (Miss Parling & Mrs Allen-Kelly/Mrs Wilkins) – Wednesday & Friday
  • 1KN (Miss Lowry/Mrs Lake) – Monday & Friday
  • 1,2V (Mrs Latham) – Thursday & Friday
  • 2C (Mr Gathercole) – Monday & Thursday
  • 3,4N (Mrs Wadsworth) – Tuesday & Wednesday
  • 3,4E (Mrs McCormick) – Tuesday & Thursday
  • 3,4O (Mr Catherall) – Monday & Tuesday
  • 5,6S (Mrs Hogarth) – Tuesday & Wednesday
  • 5,6M (Mr Lindsay) – Wednesday & Friday
  • 5,6B (Mr Freeman) – Monday & Friday

Happy Half Term!

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Well, we’ve made it! Another half term of lockdown done. You should all be very proud of yourselves for working so hard on your home learning. A massive thank you to those parents that have kept in regular contact and sent positive messages to the teachers – it has really helped keep us motivated when juggling video lessons, teaching and planning among many other things. Thanks to everyone that has continued to send their work in –  we love to see how well you are doing at home.

The daily Zooms have continued to be a success in 5/6S and well done to all those children that have had the confidence to be one of our daily quiz masters. I love to see you all and have a giggle, even though I never win at the quizzes! I still can’t believe that I didn’t win the Michael Buble quiz!

Anyway, I hope you all have a great half term. Make sure you get out for some fresh air and spend some quality time with your families. Maybe some baking might be on the cards – photos will need to be seen by me though. Yum yum!

Hope to see you all very soon.

Mrs H.

Let’s Celebrate Learning!

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Mr Freeman

This half term has been…interesting!

Although schools haven’t been open, the home learning has been a great success! A big thanks to everyone involved in adapting to this way of learning in such a difficult time for all. Let’s celebrate some of the fantastic learning that has taken place over the last six weeks!