Year 5 & 6 Class News

Thinking Like Scientists in PE!

Posted on Thursday 23 September 2021 by Mr Freeman

Year 5 and 6 have been using their chemistry knowledge of materials, and their properties, to help develop skills in PE lessons.

We have been using a variety of equipment (made from different materials) in our games and exercises. After feeding back our thoughts of the sizes, shapes and properties of the materials, we agreed the best and worst equipment to suit each task. Turns out it’s not easy to throw a rugby ball into a basketball hoop!

Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this aspect, using their inside learning in their outside activities.


Bike to School week and Let’s ride

Posted on Thursday 23 September 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Bike to School week and Let’s ride

Biking and scooting are one of the ways we encourage children to actively travel to and from school and next week we’ll be taking part in Bike to School Week (with Sustrans and the Bikeability Trust). We are pleased to be part of this UK-wide event, encouraging families to cycle, or scoot, to school. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate active school journeys and the positive impact it has on children’s health and wellbeing – as well as the environment.

Scooter storage facilities are available at the top of the playground near the gazebo.

Also, taking place this weekend is the free Let’s Ride session held locally at the Brownlee Centre.

This free family community event is ideal for the whole family to enjoy cycling in a safe and friendly space. At the Leeds Brownlee Centre, Bodington Playing Fields, you can ride at your own pace as many times as you like with volunteers on hand to chat all things cycling.

Sign up for the event here.


Living and Learning: I know the 8 Rs

Posted on Thursday 16 September 2021 by Mr Lindsay

This week, the year 5/6 have been reviewing our 8 Rs. They were even better than the staff at remembering all the 8 Rs – reflecting, remembering, responsive, ready, resilient, responsible, resourceful and risk-taking.

Children then ranked the 8 Rs by the importance to them.

One pupil said, “Risk-taking is the best because if you don’t take risks then you might miss out on some opportunties.”

We are Living in a Material World!

Posted on Thursday 16 September 2021 by Mr Freeman

Year 5 and 6 have been hard at work this week – we have been planning, testing and evaluating properties of materials!

First, we had to plan our scientific experiment. We decided to test the strength of bags (made from different materials) by adding weights to them, until they reached their maximum capacity. We had to think about the variables to keep and change, as well as how to remain safe during this experiment.

Well, what did we find out? It turns out bin bags are rubbish… but we knew that already. The cotton bag was a huge surprise – it could hold a huge 40 kilograms! Some pupils went one step further and showed off their data presentation skills by using bar charts and line graphs to record results.

Where in the world am I?

Posted on Thursday 16 September 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This week we have been discussing green spaces, including urban green space. This is linked to the vocabulary that we are learning in class. We used OS maps to look for green spaces in Leeds and then moved onto discussing green belt areas. This is an area that is protected against most forms of development in order to preserve areas of natural beauty and to protect wildlife. This is to also stop city expansion impacting on our green space. Can your child identify and urban green spaces in Leeds?

Year 5 swimming survey

Posted on Monday 13 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

As part of the government PE and Sport Premium for primary schools, there is a condition requiring schools to publish how many pupils meet the National Curriculum requirements. As school swimming lessons have been disrupted due to Covid-19, please could you complete this short survey to provide up to date information for your child.
Thank you
Mrs Latham
PE/Health Leader

Welcome Back To School Week

Posted on Thursday 09 September 2021 by Mr Freeman

5/6A are having a brilliant return to school this week. From investigating materials in science, to travelling around England’s National Parks in our geography topic, it feels like our brains are about to explode with learning already!

I am really pleased with how well the pupils, and staff, have managed to adapt back into our school setting – it shows how resilient we are after a difficult time for all.

As our living and learning statement this week is ‘I can greet someone politely’, we are making sure that we are speaking to each other with respect. We are listening, responding appropriately and ensuring we ping-pong that conversation back and forth!

Well done, 5/6A – keep it up!

Science – chemists

Posted on Thursday 09 September 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

This week, Year 5/6 have started their new science topic. It is all about materials and the focus is mainly on chemistry. This means the children will be thinking like chemists. In other science units, the children might be learning about the other strands of science which are biology and physics. The children have been exploring different materials and their properties. The thought about why different materials had been chosen to make household objects – why hadn’t other materials been used? Some children did a great job of applying their scientific vocabulary. Can your child remember any vocabulary about materials?

Welcome Back!

Posted on Saturday 04 September 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back to all the Year 5/6 phase. I hope you and your families have had a lovely summer. Whilst I’m sure there are some of you that are bursting with excitement to return to school, I’m sure there are some of you that might be feeling a bit nervous or anxious. This is completely normal and to be honest, the teachers are feeling the same way too. We can’t wait to see you all back at school and hear our classrooms full of learning and giggling again. If you are moving to a new class this time, we can’t wait to get to know you and you will be settled in in no time at all. Maybe make sure you start to think about your bedtime routines a bit now. Do you need to be going to bed a bit earlier before Monday? Have you got all your uniform and PE kit that you need? Make sure your making some healthy food choices over the weekend so you’re feeling healthy for the first day of term.

Anyway, enjoy the weekend and we’re looking forward to seeing you on Monday morning.

Welcome Back

Posted on Saturday 04 September 2021 by Mr Lindsay

The year 5/6 team are brimming with excitement at the thought of returning to school.

You’ll notice a few changes around the school such as the new fence in the KS2 playground. The biggest change for the classes is that we’ll now be known as 5/6A, B or C (hopefully less confusing).

5/6A -Mr Freeman, Mrs Ravenscroft and Miss Joicey

5/6B –  Mrs Hogarth and Mrs Goodwin

5/6 C (C for cool obviously) – Mr Lindsay and Miss McAleer

We’re really looking forward to this year. Our first topic is geography based and called Where in the World am I? At home, discuss your local area, our county, capital city and where we fit into Great Britain.

We’ll also be learning how to read maps as we take a virtual tour of some of our national parks. We’ll be learning about some Uk rivers and mountains through the use of OS and digital maps.

This half term will see the return of our class assemblies which will be recorded for parents to view.

Finally, there’s just a few reminders:

  • make sure your child comes with a water bottle
  • when the bell rings at 8:50am (yes, that early again), children walk straight into class instead of lining up
  • children wear PE to school on their PE days

See you all on Monday morning for a happy and healthy return to school.

The Year 5/6 team