Year 5 & 6 Class News

Welcome back

Posted on Monday 01 November 2021 by Mr Lindsay

We have a busy half term planned. Our topic is art based this half term. We are artists!

We’ll be visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park to gain inspiration for creating our own sculptures before Christmas. Each pupil will need a cardboard box (shoe box sized) for thier masterpiece. If you have any boxes, then starting sending them in over the next couple of weeks.

At the Yorkshire Sculpture Park we’ll be looking at three key artists: Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Thomas J Price.


Reading journals

Posted on Thursday 21 October 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Well, half term is upon is and I just wanted to say a big thank you to those children who have been trying super hard with their reading at home. It’s brilliant that so many children are reading frequently and appear to be enjoying a good book. Thank you to adults for signing the journals and listening to children read aloud. Some children have put huge efforts into the weekly tasks – their journals look amazing. Below are a couple of examples that must’ve taken a lot of time and effort to complete. You’ve set the bar very high – well done.

Cross Country Competition

Posted on Wednesday 13 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We sent six teams to the East Leeds Schools Sport Partnership cross country heat last week – three Year 6 girls and three Year 6 boys teams. The were results are below.

  • Scholes A (girls) 7th place
  • Scholes B (girls) 16th place
  • Scholes C (girls) 17th place


  • Scholes A (boys) 9th place
  • Scholes B (boys) 16th place
  • Scholes C (boys) 18th place

Two children also qualified as wild cards for the Leeds City Final next year. A massive WELL DONE to everyone!

Christmas cards

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Latham

We have completed our designs, sent them off and now received our sample cards. If you would like to order anything, send the money into school with the order form or using the Gateway app by FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER. Thank you!

Cross Country Competition!

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mr Freeman

Year 6 had a fantastic time last week at the cross country competition, held at Brigshaw High School. The goal for all pupils was to finish the race, no matter their finishing position. Pupils had to run through multiple fields and up steep terrain whilst following the race officials at all times.  I’m pleased to say that all pupils successfully finished the whopping 1500m challenge!

Well done to all those that took part.

High School Visit

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Last week we visited John Smeaton to experience what learning is like in a high school. We got the opportunity to do a food technology lesson with Mr James. The children were very excited to make some delicious chocolate chip cookies. Some of the children were amazing bakers and no chocolate chips accidentally got swallowed in the making of the biscuits! We then moved onto a Science lesson in which the children investigated the process of evaporation. The children got to experience a laboratory situation and were able to use Bunsen burners and other scientific equipment. The children were aware of how to use this equipment safely. Thank you, John Smeaton, we had an amazing time.

Visit to John Smeaton Academy

Posted on Monday 04 October 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Children in year 5/6 had a great time at John Smeaton Academy. They carried out several experiments in science and even baked their own cookies.

Diary entry writing

Posted on Thursday 30 September 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been building up to writing our own diary entries. We read numerous stories from our class novel – Survivors and used these to generate ideas for our own writing. We based the majority of our ideas on the story of Mawson who was the sole survivor of an expedition to Antarctica. We spent some time focusing on vocabulary and generated words that would describe the landscape, emotions and the hardship of an expedition. We began to consider suitable fronted adverbials to add to our writing. These were being used to add extra detail and interest to our writing and to demonstrate our ability to vary our sentence structure. The children also needed to include relative clauses in their diary entry. Everyone worked super hard on their diaries and they were a pleasure to read.


WUSU…per Stars!

Posted on Thursday 30 September 2021 by Mr Freeman

Every day, , Year 5 and 6 participate in 10 minutes of Wake Up, Shake Up to get our heart beats nice and high

Children have the option of dancing to songs from our WUSU playlist, or skipping and showing off some cool skills!

Obviously the adults like to join in too!

Let’s get reading!

Posted on Thursday 23 September 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Last week, your child brought home a new reading record book. We are encouraging every child to read regularly at home and we would like parents to support us in this initiative. The children will be set a target page to read up to on a Friday and this needs to be completed by the following week. We are asking parents to sign the record books to show your child has read.

The children will also be set an activity to complete at home. This could be to draw a character and say what you like about them, it could be to generate some questions you would like to ask a character or prepare an argument for Book War. The task they’ve been set will be written on the activity page. Children need to consider the presentation of the work they produce in these books. There are also some challenges at the back of the record book that we would also like the children to have a go at. We will celebrate the reading that the children have completed and the activities every Friday in class.

Be a reading hero and get reading!