Year 5 & 6 Class News

Creating our sculptures.

Posted on Thursday 02 December 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have finally begun to make our sculptures. Following inspiration from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, we have designed and sketched out or own ideas for sculptures that are similar to the Family of Man by Barbara Hepworth. Each child is creating a different section of their teams sculpture – it is based on a member of their family. They had to use cardboard boxes (thanks to everyone who sent these in) and manipulate them into their desired shape. They are at the initial stage of the creating process whereby they are creating a maquette. Ask your child what this means. There was a lot of discussions, a lot of cutting and I think we used the worlds supply of masking tape, but we are ready to move on to the next stage now.

Wonderful writers!

Posted on Thursday 25 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

The children have begun writing a descriptive narrative linked to our art topic. The children have generated ideas and a plan for a piece of writing that involves a sculpture from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park coming alive. They were able to research different sculptures and choose which one they wanted to include in their writing. Ask your child which sculpture they chose. They have worked hard to include figurative language, expanded noun phrases and vocabulary for effect. The children have already created some amazing descriptions involving the weather, the landscape and changes in mood.


Posted on Thursday 25 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

A massive thank you to everyone who donated to our recent fundraising events – you were all unbelievably generous. We managed to raise £126.25 for our school charity – Leeds Autism Services. This was following our Odd Sock Day at the start of anti-bullying week. Last Friday we raised money for Children in Need and managed to raise £410.30.

Thank you all so much.

Living and Learning: Anti-Bullying Week

Posted on Friday 19 November 2021 by Mr Freeman

Years 5 and 6 have been very during our Anti-Bullying Week this week. We make sure that we all know what classifies as bullying and the steps we can take to help ourselves, and others, if bullying ever occurs.

As you know, we have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying at Scholes Primary School. Here are a few things that Year 5/6 have done this week to support our anti-bullying campaign:

  • We have written a letter to the main character in our class novel (Holes), who was sadly being bullied in school. We suggested ways to help Stanley reach out to others and overcome the situation.
  • When it comes to bullying in our school, we say STOP. STOP stands for… Several Times On Purpose / Start Telling Other People. We have ensured all of our classmates know this and know the steps to take, whether you are the victim or a bystander.
  • We have designed our own odd socks as part of our anti-bullying campaign! We have had some fantastic, colourful designs with information and advice spread all over the odd pairs. Well done, Year 5/6!

Art learning

Posted on Thursday 18 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been continuing our history of art learning this week and explored the idea of the chronology of art. The children sorted art into time order starting with the oldest. They successfully identified that the cave paintings and classical art were the oldest. We discussed the invention of the camera and how this impacted and changed art. Artists moved onto creating more abstract art and become more experimental in their ideas. The children created a timeline of the artwork and added the different art movements over time. Some children took there learning even further and added key historical events to their timeline


Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day

Posted on Monday 15 November 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5/6 started Anti-bullying week in style… sort of. They impressed with their unique style of sock wear. In our living and learning session, we discussed the term banter and what happens when we cross the line. Children were open and honest about what they know is the right way to deal with bullying and the reality of what they would do if they were faced with being a victim.

At home, talk to your child about the positives of speaking to a trusted adult if they see bullying taking place.

We are artists

Posted on Thursday 11 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been comparing classical and modern pieces of art – in particular, sculptures. We looked at how different modern art movements had influenced artists. We researched different art movements such as cubism and futurism. We loved the abstract concepts and use of bright, vivid colours. We then used a classical sculpture and had to turn it into a modern piece using the different art movements to influence our adaptations. We could use different medium to add colour – some of us used pastels, others used felt tips. It was definitely a very creative afternoon.

Hockey fun

Posted on Tuesday 09 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Today, 5/6B decided to brush up on their hockey skills. They worked hard in pairs to learn how to efficiently pass the ball to each other using their hockey sticks. They had to think about the positioning of their hands, how hard to hit the ball and how to stop the ball quickly. They then worked on their dribbling skills, maneuvering the ball around different sets of cones. Finally, they had a match against different teams in the class – it got very competitive!

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Posted on Tuesday 02 November 2021 by Mr Lindsay

Such a perfect day for a walk in the park. The sun was shining and all  children were in high spirits as we set off on our adventure to explore the magnificent Sculpture Park. Works by Hepworth, Moore, Price and Hirst had the children appreciating and discussing art like never before.

Artistic adventurers!

Posted on Tuesday 02 November 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

We have had the most amazing day at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. We began the day taking part in a workshop that allowed us to explore our inner artist! We were able to see sculptures that focused on nature and used this idea to create our own sketches. Our drawings needed to incorporate shade, texture and even some leaf rubbings. We then observed Barbara Hepworth’s Family of Man sculpture and created some clay models from our observations. I think we got more clay on ourselves than on our mini sculptures!

The afternoon allowed us to explore the rest of the park. We discovered numerous sculptures by Henry Moore and completed more sketches. Ask your child what their favourite sculpture was? Can they remember any facts about the artists?