Year 5 & 6 Class News

Rugby – taster session

Posted on Saturday 22 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

Want to get involved in rugby? A local rugby team are recruiting girls and boys in Year 5. Go along to the taster session if you’re interested!

Living and Learning: Identity Week

Posted on Friday 21 January 2022 by Mr Freeman

This week’s living and learning statement is…

‘I respect myself and others.’

Year 5 and 6 have been discussing what identity can mean and the similarities and differences we all have to one another. We have been working really hard to show off our identity and uniqueness by producing identity maps. The aim of an identity map is to record as much about yourself as possible, such as your likes, hobbies, appearance, favourite foods and so on. We have also made sure that we present our maps in a unique, individual way, as this also adds to our own identity. Here are some fantastic examples of the identity maps we have created. What can you find out about their identity by looking at their maps?


5/6B Dance

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

The children have been learning about dance this half term. They have been learning a very tricky routine that involves different moves to the beat of a song. The song was very fast and it was hard to keep up, however they have blown me away with how fabulous they are. They were then given ‘creative lead’ and began to put together their own routing, bringing together moves they had learnt and their own ideas. Some children were brave enough to allow me to post their dance on here! Well done everyone.

Group 1

Group 2

Barwick Maypole celebration – dancers wanted

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

The Barwick Maypole Committee ( are looking for primary school aged children to dance at the maypole celebration this year. Please contact the committee on the email address above and they will let you know about rehearsals and how to join in the fun!

Evolution and inheritance

Posted on Monday 10 January 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

We had a fun science lesson today in which we discussed traits that you could inherit from your parents or grandparents. We began by seeing if we could match celebrities with their offspring. Some of these we found easy, others were a bit trickier. We discussed how we knew offspring belonged to certain adults. We identified that they had inherited skin colour, hair colour, face shape and eye colour. We then had great fun using Mr Men and Little Miss characters to create offspring and described their inherited characteristics.

The vocabulary we focused on this week was:

  • inherited: the way that a trait or characteristic is passed to offspring from parents
  • trait: a quality or characteristic belonging to something

Here are some examples of the offspring that we created.

Welcome back!

Posted on Friday 07 January 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

Happy 2022!

We hope you all had a very restful and healthy Christmas. It’s lovely to have all the children back in school again.

Year 5 and 6 have started a new science unit this half term all about evolution and inheritance. They have a new set of vocabulary that they will be getting their heads around!

  • evolution: change in living things over time
  • inherited: the way that a trait or characteristic is passed to offspring from parents
  • trait: a quality or characteristic belonging to something
  • adaptation: a small change that a living thing goes through
  • natural selection: a process in which living things adapt themselves in order to survive, that they don’t have any control over
  • prehistoric: the time classed is ‘before history’ as it was so long ago it hasn’t been recorded or written
  • variety: differences between things as part of a whole group
  • fossil: the prehistoric remains of a plant or animal

Could you help your child learn these words at home? You could create some flashcards with images on that might help jog their memory, you could create a poster of the words. Could you describe one of the words and your child has to guess which word from the list it is? Be creative and have fun!

Living and Learning: Physical Health and Fitness

Posted on Monday 20 December 2021 by Mr Freeman

5/6A are very excited to show off our brand new WUSU dance!

Wake Up, Shake Up is a very important and exciting part of our school routine. To ensure we are keeping physically active and healthy for 60 minutes every day, children participate in 10 minutes of dancing and movement to music.

A few were slightly apprehensive about learning a new routine, but their dance moves have sent shockwaves of positivity through school – even the teachers are wanting to join in!

Take a look at our brand new WUSU video here – we hope you enjoy it!


Christmas fun in the hall

Posted on Thursday 09 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

A massive thank you to Mrs Pennock and all the lunchtime staff who created a fabulous atmosphere for Christmas dinner day today. The children and staff had a lovely time!

Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) Club

Posted on Tuesday 07 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

WUSU Club have had a successful series of sessions after school this half term. They have made two new dances for you to enjoy and learn:

Dance Monkey and and Christmas Special, One More Sleep

WUSU club will be continuing after Christmas. Keep an eye out for letters about after school clubs so you can decide if you’d like to join in with any.

Sculptures Coming To Life!

Posted on Thursday 02 December 2021 by Mr Freeman

Year 5 and 6 have written some fantastic narratives, based on our visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park earlier this half term. Using a sculpture of their choice, the children had to write a short setting and character description of their sculptures coming to life!

There were some absolutely fantastic pieces of writing and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the process.

Here are a few excellent examples – enjoy!