Year 5 & 6 Class News

Triathlon – winning team announced!

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2022 by Mrs Latham

The red team were the winners for our inaugural Scholes Triathlon event, organised by FOSP. All the children reported enjoying the event and it raised over £250 for FOSP. All funds go back into school and providing extra enhancements for the children, so thank you to everyone who contributed!

Living and learning: RSE

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 have been enjoying our recent RSE learning – this is relationships and sex education. It’s really important that during these sessions the children demonstrate maturity and a willingness to learn – they have definitely lived up to this expectation. The first couple of sessions focused on vocabulary – making sure the children understood the anatomical names for the body parts. This links well with their science learning also. We reminded the children about the NSPCC PANTS campaign that promotes the fact that privates are private, always remember your body belongs to you,  no means no, talk about things that might upset you and speak up, someone can help. The children have shown great respect and empathy during these sessions.


Posted on Wednesday 15 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

It was our opportunity to take part in the FOSP triathlon yesterday, on a very hot day! The children were split into three different teams – red, white and blue. Children that had brought bikes to school, cycled around the track, whilst others ran. The children competed to complete as many laps as possible. We will find out the winning team later in the week.

Super sewing!

Posted on Tuesday 14 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been brushing up on our sewing skills today. As part of our design technology unit, we will be designing and sewing cushions.  Our first job was to master threading a needle and securing a knot at the end ready for stitching – this ensures the thread doesn’t pull through the fabric. This took quite a long time and the children were excellent at helping each other. They watched a demonstration of how to do running stitch and back stitch and created their own stitching on binca. The children who took to this like a duck to water were able to challenge themselves by stitching a shape, a pattern or even their initials.

Triathlon’s everywhere!

Posted on Monday 13 June 2022 by Mrs Latham

The AJ Bell World Triathlon Series has been in Leeds this week, with some children from school taking part.

We are also hosting our own triathlon in school to raise money for FOSP. Reception, Year 1 and 2 are doing the swimming element and KS2 are cycling or running. Children have been organised into either Red Team, White Team or Blue Team – with trophies to be awarded. Please donate your entry fee on the Gateway app.

Library visit

Posted on Monday 13 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

The Junior Leadership Team enjoyed a visit to Scholes Library last week and were welcomed by Madeline. It is the first time the children have been to the library since the start of Covid, so it felt very different and exciting.

Madeline explained how the system works within the library and explained how every child could register and get their own library card. The cards can be used at any local library and children and adults can borrow up to fifteen books at a time. Madeline explained where the fiction and non-fiction books were for key stage 2 and then the children enjoyed listening to a story before they were let loose choosing books. They selected five books to take back to school for others to enjoy – it was quite a tough decision as there were so  many fabulous new books to choose from.  These have been distributed across the classes for everyone to enjoy.

So, get yourselves along to the library and get registered. You can then enjoy an array of wonderful books to read at home. Happy reading!

Rehearsals Are Underway!

Posted on Thursday 09 June 2022 by Mr Freeman

As our first week back comes to a close, Year 6 have been extremely busy rehearsing for their end of year play – The Adventures of Superstan! The children are working incredibly hard to pull together and make this thing work! So far, there have been many examples of skills we aspire to have at Scholes: creativity, initiative and detail when making props; voice projection when acting; and fantastic teamwork when creating some dance moves for our catchy songs!

With the casting completed and some fantastic directors in place, this is sure to be a performance you won’t want to miss!

We look forward to seeing you at the show.

Welcome back!

Posted on Monday 06 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back everyone!

We hope you all had a lovely half term and you’ve recovered from all the Jubilee celebrations. Whilst this is the last half term of the school year, it might be worth a little reminder about learning the children can do at home. It is still really important that the children read daily at home. Each week the children will be set a task for their reading journals. This needs to be completed and returned to school each Friday. Parents, please sign the journals on a weekly basis. Those of you who are still regularly going on Times Tables Rockstars, well done! This really does help with fast recall of multiplication facts. Daily practise for those children who are wobbly on their number facts would really benefit from using this app.

Homework, including spellings will continue to be set every Friday. Don’t forget to visit our spelling strategies section of the website for some helpful tips on how to learn these.

Design Technology

Posted on Monday 06 June 2022 by Mr Freeman

Welcome back to school everyone – we hope you had a fantastic half-term.

Our final topic of the year is design technology. This week, the children will be looking into historical inventors and designers and how they have influenced the world we know today. Some particular designers/inventors of interest are Isambard Brunel, Lewis Latimer, George Stephenson and Jony Ive.

Underneath is our topic vocabulary. It may be useful to have a look through this regularly with your child to improve understanding of each piece of vocabulary. Another beneficial idea is to dive deeper into the designers listed above. Find out more about a specific person of interest and how they still have impact on the world today.


Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Posted on Friday 27 May 2022 by Mrs Latham

We had a fun-filled day today. All the children and staff shared a picnic lunch on the field, listening to some 50s music. We then all congregated on the field again, sang the national anthem and each class showcased a Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) dance through the decades that the Queen has been on the throne. We went from 1950s (Mambo No 5/Lou Bega) all the way to 2020s (Blinding Lights/The Weeknd). It was so much fun! We hope that everyone has a happy and healthy half term.