Year 5 & 6 Class News

Scholes in Bloom

Posted on Wednesday 10 July 2024 by Mrs Latham

Some children went out to meet the Britain in Bloom judges this week. The winner of the ‘design a flowerbed’ competition came to talk about their design. We also told them about plants we have grown and our beautiful wildlife garden. We hope they were impressed!

A day in the life…

Posted on Wednesday 10 July 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5 had a fantastic time visiting Wetherby High School yesterday. They got to experience what it would be like to  be a high school student for the day. It was a jam-packed day that involved a lot of rushing around to different classrooms but the children took part in a great range of lessons. We began the day with French. This was a great link to the Latin learning we do in our school as the children could already work out the meaning of some french words. Science allowed us to consider which things in the world are living and non-living and they got the chance to use some scientific equipment – a microscope. Maths provided the children with lots of mind-boggling challenges! After lunch, one lucky group got to experience a high school PE lesson whilst the others turned their hand to cooking. What budding chefs they were!

Living and learning: RSE

Posted on Monday 08 July 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5 are continuing to complete their Relationship and sex education lessons and we have been discussing how our emotions change during puberty. The children understood that during puberty, they will expect a change in their hormones. This can impact on how they feel. We talked about how they can manage these changes, especially when they are feeling low, sad or angry. They cam up with some great ideas of how to relax and talk time to look after themselves, such as: having  a bath, spending time outside, reading a book or even doing some art.

Help at home: Has your child been experiencing any changes in their emotions? How can you support your child through this?

Key Stage 2 Sports Day

Posted on Monday 01 July 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Friday saw the event of the year that we’d all been waiting for – sports day! All the children turned their hand to a range of competitive races from the sack race to the long distance. The weather was good and even the sun made an appearance. It was so good to see all the children looking happy and healthy and thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers that came to support us! Thank you also to the crazy people that took part in the adults race – I’m sure you made your children proud!

Spectacular sport roundabout

Posted on Tuesday 25 June 2024 by Mrs Latham

The sun shone this year and we enjoyed a rather warm sport roundabout yesterday.

Spain were the winners with Ukraine in second place and England third.

We hope you all enjoyed it and thank you to all the families and friends who came to support us.

Design and Technology – food

Posted on Monday 24 June 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

5,6B channeled their inner chef last week as we attempted our newest recipe in design and technology. Our challenge this term was to make a pasta sauce. The children had to weigh out the ingredients such as tomatoes, carrots and courgettes. They then cooked the ingredients in a pan and blended it after it had simmered. The children stayed safe bu using certain hand grips when using the sharp knives. The children said the sauce tasted delicious. We hope you managed to have a little taste!

Relationship and sex education

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5 have begun their learning on RSE this week. These are really useful, purposeful lessons in which the children learn about the changes they will go through during puberty. We begin by setting some really clear rules to create a safe, respectful place in which all the children feel comfortable. The sessions this week have covered the biological terms for the female and male body parts and then we moved onto learning about puberty. We talked about the changes girls and boys will go through physically and emotionally.

Help at home: Ask your child about their RSE learning. What can they recall? Do they have any questions?

Water Safety

Posted on Wednesday 12 June 2024 by Oli Wain

This morning, we in Y6 had a visitor who came in to talk to us all about water safety.

We covered lots of different important subjects during the morning:

  • water safety (this included how to be safe in and around bodies of water)
  • dangers of open water (what dangers may we encounter whilst in or around open water and what we can do to avoid these)
  • how to say safe (the water safety code)
  • land based rescue

    After a short break, our Y6s then learnt all about:

  • dealing with emergency (what to do in an emergency, how to help someone, which numbers to call)
  • unconsciousness (checking for danger,  recovery position including how to get check their breathing and get them into the recovery position)

Well done, Y6!

Design and technology: running and back stitch

Posted on Wednesday 12 June 2024 by Mr Lindsay

Children have been sharpening their sewing skills. They all expertly threaded their needles and remembered the running stitch from year 3/4. They learned how to create a continuous stitch by using the back stitch.

At home: have a go at mending that missing button; sew up that hole in the cushion; or just practise sewing in a straight line.  

More photos from Robin Wood

Posted on Wednesday 12 June 2024 by Mr Lindsay