Topic – practical art (printing)
This week, Year 5/6 students have been working hard on creating prints as part of their art topic. In a previous lesson, they designed leaf patterns on polystyrene tiles. This week, the children added more intricate details to their leaf designs, such as veins and blemishes. They also chose different colours to print over their designs. It was important to carefully consider their colour choices. It was lovely to see the students discussing their artwork, sharing ideas, and thinking about how to refine and improve their initial creations.
Help at home by asking your child about the process of creating prints.
Living and Learning: Staying safe online
This week’s Living and Learning lesson was all about online safety. We looked at how apps and online games work like businesses – trying to keep users hooked for as long as they can. They do this by using things like: personalised gameplay, giving out rewards, and having leader boards or other social features to keep people engaged.
To share what we learned, we made posters to help others understand how to make better, safer choices online.
Help at home by talking to your child about how they use the internet and ways they can stay safe online.
Design and Technology: food
Cooking has been on the menu for 5,6 again! The class enjoyed spending time in the hub creating a whole new recipe. This time, they were turning their hand to chickpea curry. All the recipes that the children make are designed to develop food preparation skills, be healthy, reflect seasonality and be easy and practical to try at home. The recipe included ingredients such as chickpeas, onions, mushrooms and curry paste. The children applied skills such as weighing, peeling and using different knife grips such as the claw grip and bridge hold. The children really enjoyed the cooking and enjoyed eating it even more.
Help at home: Follow the recipe with your child at home. Can you make any variations to the recipe to make it even more delicious?
Reading: Michael Rosen
This week, Year 5/6 had an exciting virtual session with the amazing Michael Rosen! He shared some brilliant tips on how to write poems and even invited us to join in as he read some of his funniest ones.
Help at home: You can try writing a poem too! Michael suggested a few fun topics to help get you started, like family, school, food, or even silly rhyming jokes, like the one below!
Living and learning: Odd Socks Day
Today is Anti-bullying day and to show our support of this, we’ve been wearing odd socks. This is to celebrate that we are all different and that we should stand up for discrimination and bullying. We discussed the different types of bullying including cyberbullying.
“Bullying is when you hurt someone physically or emotionally (including online) several times on purpose.” Junior Leadership Team
We talked about how bullying might make a person feel and how it is important that you Start Telling Other People.
Anti-bullying Day
This year’s Anti-bullying Day theme is ‘Choose Respect’. During our live lesson from BBC Teach we were asked to think about how we feel when some is disrespectful towards you. As a class we generated a list of words/ terms to describe our feelings.
This led to a discussion about choosing our words carefully when we speak to or about other people. Choosing to be respectful is a positive choice that we can all make.
Help at home: discuss how our words have meaning. How can we make up after a fight? What is the difference between having an argument and bullying?
Community Week – a discussion with children at Moortown Primary School
As part of Community Week, the children had the chance to connect with another school community – Moortown Primary School. The children were able to ask the students at Moortown about daily life at their school. Similarly, the children at Scholes had the opportunity to answer any questions from the children at Moortown. We discussed different religions, the setting of each school (whether they are based in a village or town), the school community and, of course, school dinners!
The children at both Scholes and Moortown found this experience really useful and enriching. It was great to get to know another happy and healthy school community.
Help at Home: Ask your child what they learnt about the community at Moortown Primary School.
Living and Learning – Me and My Community Week – Coffee Morning
Coffee morning and WUSU.
What a great success! Thank you to the members of the FOSP team who ran the coffee morning on Thursday. Thank you to the adults who supported our school community by coming to the coffee morning and joining the children at Wake Up, Shake Up!
Living and Learning – Me and My Community Week – Grandad Wheels
On Wednesday, the children enjoyed a fantastic and hilarious visit from Grandad Wheels, author, Brian Abram.
Brian, ‘Grandad Wheels’, delivered assemblies where he shared his story, told jokes and made us all laugh, as well as discussing what life is like in a wheelchair. We enjoyed listening to ‘Chaos at Cheapfoods!’. At the end of the assemblies, Brian set the children the challenge of designing a new wheelchair.
After reading a story to the Reception children in the school library, Brain visited each class so the children could share their designs. He was really impressed.
Thank you to FOSP for funding this wonderful visit.
Thank you to everyone who ordered a book from Brain – in total, £254 was raised through book orders – Brian puts this money towards two charities that support spinal injury.
Art: observational drawing
Year 5 and 6 have been practising our observational drawing skills. We drew a line drawing of the leaves and then consider which colours (hues) to use.
Help at home: Take a winter walk and collect some items from nature. Have a go at drawing them. Can you use shade to help give your drawing form?