Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and Learning: Anti-Bullying Week

Posted on Monday 14 November 2022 by Mr Lindsay

Children wore odd socks today as part of our anti bullying week. In class, we discussed our definition of what bullying is. Children were very keen to stress the importamce of what they could do to help stop bullying. We also dicussed cyber bullying and the damaging effects that negative messages can have on students.

Children in 56C could talk at length about how to spot bullying and shared their ideas on how to help victims of bullying.

At home, continue this converstaion by  discussing this year’s theme which is ‘Reach Out’. Who should you talk to? When should you talk to them? How could we prevent bullying from happening?

Odd sock day!

Posted on Monday 14 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

The children arrived at school this morning looking very unusual – they all had odd socks on! This is to ‘kick off’ Anti-Bullying Week. This week, we will discuss the meaning of the word ‘bullying’ and recognise that everyone is different and that that’s okay.

‘Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally (including online), several times on purpose.’

The solution to this is STOPStart Telling Other People. We talked about which trusted adults the children could talk to if they felt they were being bullied.

Class 5/6A News w/c 7th November

Posted on Friday 11 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

And so we have reached the end of week 2 of this half-term.  Only 5 more school weeks until Christmas! (Is it too early to mention that word?)  Let’s look at what the class have been up to this week.

In Writing we have begun to plan a short narrative piece about an apocalyptic world.  Using a couple of videos as inspiration to help generate ideas and vocabulary, our pupils have been planning how they will set the scene for their narrative, describe their main character and give a brief insight into the plot.

Air resistance has been the focus of our Science work this week, as the pupils explored the effect of this force on different sized parachutes.   Using cupcake cases and string to make the parachutes, pupils recorded how long it took them to fall to the floor and drew the conclusion that larger parachutes took the longest because of the increased air resistance.

Year 5 pupils have been exploring one of William Wordsworth’s most famous poems in Reading this week, “Daffodils“.  Linking to our writing, we have been identifying how the use of similes, metaphors and personification helps to bring a piece of writing to life and make it engaging for the reader.  We have also practised some of our oracy skills by learning the poem by heart and reciting to the rest of the class.  I am really proud of the pupils’ efforts on this!

On Monday, the school will be recognising Anti Bullying Week through Odd Socks Day.

For this we ask all pupils to come to school wearing odd socks, to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!  When talking about bullying, Scholes Elmet Primary School defines this as follows:

Bullying is where you hurt someone, physically or emotionally (including online), several times on purpose.

What might bullying look like?

If any of these things happen several (lots of) times, it is bullying.

Hurting peoples’ feelings, for example, name calling, teasing, threatening, ignoring, leaving people out or spreading rumours
Hurting peoples’ bodies, for example, hitting, punching or kicking

Throughout the course of the week, we will be discussing what bullying is, and what we can do as individuals and as a school to prevent it.

Finally, let’s check out certificate winners for this week.

Great Learning – Louis M.  Has been on task across all subjects this week.  His planning work for his written narrative piece has made for great reading.  I can’t wait to see the final version!

Living and Learning – Ben.  Is always showing consideration to others in class.  Kind, polite and honest, Ben is always making the best possible choices.

P.E – Harry.  Has shown some super hockey skills this week with great stick control.  He throws himself with enthusiasm into every new task.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mr. Robson

Scholes Show Winners!

Posted on Thursday 10 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

We were lucky enough to enjoy an assembly this week in which some winners from Scholes show were announced. This is a yearly event in which children from the local area are encouraged to participate. We had three very surprised winners in our school.

Emma won a huge trophy for the most points overall in the children’s sections, but she also won two more trophies for the best handwriting and baking – well done!

William won a lovely shiny trophy for the best rock painting. He created a circular design using  metallic paint.

Clara won a trophy for the best handwriting in the under 8 group – well done.

Let’s hope more children join in next year – it sounds like a lot of fun. Well done again to the winners – keep polishing those trophies!

Art: observational drawings

Posted on Tuesday 08 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

This art topic has involved the children learning about William Morris – an artist and designer from the Victorian Era. His designs were inspired by nature. This week, we have also used nature to inspire ourselves. Using a selection of leaves, we have completed observational drawings. Whilst sketching, the children had to consider proportion, line, tone and shade. The children were able to complete some excellent, accurate drawings. They were also very confident at looking at each others artwork and talking about strengths and weaknesses – What could the person do to add to their sketch?

Welcome back Class 5/6A

Posted on Friday 04 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Hello and a big welcome back to all of Class 5/6A pupils after what I hope was an enjoyable half-term break.  It’s great to see everyone again.  Let’s catch up on what we have been doing this week.

Our Topic focus for this half-term is Art, in particular the works of William Morris and Orla Kiely.  We are building up towards creating our own printed floral picture.  To provide us with inspiration, we have been comparing examples of Morris’ work, looking at their colours and patterns; and ended the week with some direct observational drawing of leaves.  These leaves will form the basis for our printing work later in the term.

In Writing, we have begun to look at figurative writing; using similes, metaphors, expanded noun phrases and alliteration to help engage the reader. The pupils were like a walking dictionary with all of the different figurative vocabulary they used, and I was as pleased as punch to be able to read their work.

We have had a couple of visitors into class this week as part of our Community themed week.  On Wednesday we were joined by a member of West Yorkshire Police Force to speak to us about hate crimes, and what we can do to be more aware of and respect the various members of our community.  Thursday saw two guests from Selective Silhouettes join us to talk about the LGBTQ+ community.

Year 5 pupils will have brought home a new reading book this week: Kensuke’s Kingdom.  This half-term we will be reading the same text in class, and homework will be set based on this.  It is very important that pupils are keeping up to date with their reading targets, homework, and bringing their reading records to Book Club on a Friday.

There’s just time to check out our certificate winners this week:

Great Learning – Esme.  Always ready to learn. Calm, collected and organised, she sets a great example for our class.

Living & Learning – Louis W.  Louis provided some very mature and insightful comments during our Community discussions this week.  Well done Louis!

P.E – Ella.  Full of energy, and with a smile on her face, Ella is always looking for fun and innovative ways to make P.E fun for her peers and herself.

Have a very happy and healthy bonfire weekend!

Mr. Robson

Topic: art

Posted on Wednesday 02 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

This week, we have started our new art topic – printing. The first lesson focused on the history of art and we were introduced to William Morris who was an artist and designer. The children had the opportunity to look at some examples of wallpaper designs by Morris and explain their likes and dislikes. The children had to comment on the use of colour and shade. Was there a repeated pattern or any symmetry? The children all identified that William Morris took his inspiration from nature and his wallpapers depict flowers, leaves and birds. They did a great job of applying some artistic vocabulary such as figurative and abstract.

New Junior Leadership Team

Posted on Monday 31 October 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

During the last week of term, our classes cast their votes for who they would like to represent their class on the JLT. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the number of children that wrote speeches – these were well written, full of ideas and very persuasive!

The votes were counted and the new members were announced in assembly – each child received their shiny JLT badge.

Here are our new members:

5,6A – Sam

5,6B – Olive

5,6C – Layla

3,4A – Archie

3,4B – Olivia

3,4C – Archie

2C – Abby

1,2B – Faith

1A – Eti

Well done to each of you. I’m looking forward to working with you this year and can’t wait to get started.

Class News 5/6A

Posted on Friday 21 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Well, that is the first half-term of the new school year over with!  It doesn’t feel like two minutes since children were arriving on the first day of term, bursting of stories about their holidays.  Let’s take a look at what we have been up to this week.

Our writing focus has been on creating our own recount of visiting an Ancient Egyptian tomb, and retelling all of the adventures along the way.  We have used a variety of resources to help us plan our writing, to ensure we could get the reader hooked on our Egyptian adventure.

Tuesday saw us host a Drop-Down Morning, where we recapped our Geography learnings from the previous year.  Hemispheres, Biomes, Grid references and fact files on Venice were just some of the topics we looked at.  Year 5 particularly enjoyed using Ordinance Survey maps to try and locate our school.

Ancient Egypt was our Topic focus again this week, and this time it was looking at pyramids.  Our pupils could not believe just how big they were.  Each stone weighed 2.5 tonnes (that’s the equivalent of 765 chickens!)  We measured objects out in the playground to compare how these measured up against the size of the tallest pyramid (146m high).

A huge well done to the 17 pupils who put themselves forward to be the class representative on the Junior Leadership Team.  I was blown away by the quality and maturity of the speeches you gave.  After a very tight vote, I can confirm that Samuel Beevers has been elected as our Class Representative.  Well done Sam!

There’s just time to catch up on our certificate winners.

Living and Learning – Freddie.  Gave an excellent candidate speech to be class representative.  Honest, humorous and genuine, his speech was representative of who he is as a person!

Sports – Bethenny.  Always comes up with ways to make games imaginative and fun. A great partner to be teamed up with, she always puts others first before herself.

Learning – Archie.  A superb attitude all week across all subjects.  Your commitment to producing a detailed recount in Writing has been great to see!

The very best of luck to Hope who is sadly leaving us to join a new school. She will be a big miss to the class, and we wish her all of the best.

Have a happy and healthy half-term holiday!

Mr. Robson

JLT voting

Posted on Thursday 20 October 2022 by Mr Lindsay

56C had a tremendous time deciding who would be our class representative. With 16 pupils dreaming of taking the top prize it was always going to be a difficult decision.

The speeches were fantastic. There were so many original ideas. In the end, our democratic voting system elected Layla as our JLT member. Many congratulations. Perhaps those pictures of cats will help elect the next Prime Minister too.