Penny Trail – Cancer Research collection
Thank you to everyone who donated to
last week’s penny trail in aid of Cancer Research.
In total, we raised
An amazing amount made from mainly 1p and 2p coins.
Thank you!
Odd sock day
As part of anti-bullying day, the children (and adults) came to school wearing odd socks. This is to raise awareness of bullying and what can be done about it. The socks represent that we are all different and that’s ok – we should embrace our differences and celebrate them. We talked about the different types of bullying, including online behaviours and where to get help if needed – trusted adults, Childline.
Key Stage 2 Coin Trail
Thank you to everyone who donated money towards the penny trail to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. The Key Stage 2 classes had a lot of fun as you can tell from the pictures. We are still counting the money raised so we will let you know the grand total next week!
Living and learning: Wetherby Food Bank
We were really lucky to have a representative join us from Wetherby Food Bank this week. This gave us a real insight into how the food bank works, where they get their supplies from and other support that they get. She gave the children the opportunity to budget for a week on a very low income and the children recognised how difficult this was and why some people might need to access different forms of support. We felt really proud that our Harvest collection contributed to our local food bank.
Living & Learning: budgets and banks
We have been very fortunate to have several visitors this week to discuss money matters in year 56: Virgin Money representatives, Wetherby Food Bank and also Mrs Quirk (Sphere Federation Business Manager).
Mrs Quirk talked about how taxes help to fund our school and showed children a breakdown of how we spend our money. Children were shocked at how much money is spent of toilet rolls each year!
Children have learned about the difference between a credit and debit card. They have discussed the advantges and disadvantages of each.
They have also learned about what tax is and why it is so important.
At home, discuss some of the major expenses your household has to pay for each month. Discuss the benefits of using a bank account and what our taxes are used for.
Living and learning : coin trail
We’re going to make a ‘coin trail’ on Friday using 1p and 2p coins. If you can send any into school to help with this, donations will be counted and sent to Cancer Research (our current school charity).
We’re hoping to spell out SCHOLES in coins!
Living and learning – money week
As part of our themed money week, we enjoyed a visit from some representatives from a bank. The session was full of information about how a bank can help you. They explained how savings accounts work and the other types of accounts that exist. They helped the children to understand the importance of a pension and how this works when you’re older. The children were very excited to learn about the £5 challenge that would be taking place next year. The children are given a loan of £5 and allowed to be an entrepreneur and raise as much money as possible for the school. I wonder who will be the next Alan Sugar!
Junior Leadership Team
Last week saw that time of year again where we say goodbye to the current JLT members and we elect new ones. This year, the team have been great and these will be tough shoes to fill. On Wednesday, each class listened to speeches from the children wishing to be elected. There were some great speeches that allowed the children to express their strengths and their wishes should they be elected. Thursday saw a nail-biting day of voting!
In assembly on Friday, the new team was announced and the new members received their JLT badges.
The new team are:
5,6A – Emilia
5,6B Noah
5,6C Eric
3,4A Thea
3,4B – Caleb
3,4C – Lani
2C – Jenson
1,2B – Olivia
1A – Mia
Living and learning: I take part in democratic decisions
As a school we pride ourselves on the idea of promoting democracy. We really value pupil voice and being part of the Junior Leadership Team is a way that children can make positive changes around school and have their voice hear. This week, we’re holding the elections for a new JLT team. The children in 5,6B have been busy writing their speeches at home and read them aloud in class yesterday. The children spent last night pondering over who they will vote for in the elections today. Who will be lucky enough to be elected? Let’s wait and see!
Geography Fieldwork: How much carbon is stored within trees in our locality?
Over the last half term, we have been learning about Geography.
During this topic, we have learned that trees are really important for a number of reasons. One of these is that they store carbon in their trunks, roots and branches. Because carbon dioxide is a gas that contributes to climate change, the more carbon that can be stored, the better.
In order to work out how much carbon is stored in our locality, we went out into Scholes and measured the girth of different trees.
Help at home: Which of our vocabulary can your child remember?
From these measurements, we are able to work out how much carbon each tree stores and work out a total for Scholes by using our sample.
In our geography lessons this week, we will be collating our results and working out the total amount of carbon stored.
Come back later this week to read our results!
For ways to help plant more trees in our locality, visit: