Year 5 & 6 Class News

Story Trail Event

Posted on Tuesday 27 June 2023 by Mrs Latham

As part of the Leeds City of Culture, there is a local story trail event taking place. The flyers are below and pdfs to download.

Why not take part with friends or family in this fun event?

Leeds23 Picnic Flyer 9th July

Leeds 2023 Poster Story 5 The Fox King QR5

LEEDS 2023 Legends of Harewood Forest Map and Answer sheet

DT: construction

Posted on Monday 26 June 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We were very excited this morning to get to the point where we could begin to make our cars in design technology. Our aim is to create a safe car for ‘Eggy’ to travel in. The children generated design criteria such as safety, robust and mobile. They spent last week creating annotated diagrams that labelled the materials they need and the quantities and measurements – the dimensions. The children spent the lesson building the base for their vehicles using wooden dowel. They used hand saws to cut the wood after they’d measured it and then glued it together using cardboard to reinforce their structure. The children worked brilliantly in their teams and used the tools well and safely.

Design and Technology

Posted on Wednesday 21 June 2023 by Mr Lindsay

Children in year 5/6 have been designing their own cart to hold an egg. They have used tinkercad to to draw a computer aided design. After discussing the term dimensions, they considered what size their group’s cart should be. Also, they suggested other household items that might be good to use as an air bag or crumple zone.

At home, discuss which household items could be used to include safety features on the cart. 


Wetherby taster day

Posted on Tuesday 20 June 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5 enjoyed a fantastic day experiencing what it would be like to be a high school student at Wetherby High School. It has been a really busy day, meeting new teachers and learning new things.

The children got the chance to take part in some lessons ranging from english and maths to design technology and french. The teachers did a great job of inspiring learning whilst also allowing the children to show off their existing knowledge.

One of the biggest highlights of the day was the food! We loved eating in the canteen and being offered some delicious cooking.

What a fantastic day!

Gymnastics – summer clubs with North Leeds Gymnastics

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Mrs Latham

Here is the flyer and application form.

Living and Learning: Year 6 Water Safety

Posted on Wednesday 14 June 2023 by Mr Lindsay

Today, year 6 children had water safety training. They learned the acronym SAFE (Spot dangers, Advise, Friend, Emergency) for what to do if you see someone struggling in water.

They also discussed the dangers of swimming in open waters and what the flags at the beach mean.

In addition to this, they practised putting each other in the recovery position.

At home, discuss the dangers of swimming in open water and the importance of staying safe this summer. 

Scholes in bloom

Posted on Monday 12 June 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Earlier in the year, Scholes in bloom ran a competition at school to design the flower bed at the side of school. There were lots of entries, however, Freya was the lucky winner. This morning, she has had the opportunity to put her design into reality. She worked with a few other children and the Scholes in bloom team to create her design with plants. It loos great and will look even better when it is in full bloom later in the summer. Well done, Freya.

Residential Day Three

Posted on Friday 09 June 2023 by Mr Lindsay

A few more snaps of our last day on residential. Can’t thank the staff at Robin Wood enough. It was a fantastic experience and the children thoroughly enjoyed themseleves.



Residential Day Two

Posted on Thursday 08 June 2023 by Mr Lindsay

The children have had another fun-filled day: piranha pool, zip line, canoeing, raftbuilding, a knight’s quest and caving.



Residential Day One

Posted on Wednesday 07 June 2023 by Mr Lindsay

What an action-packed day we’ve had: night line, crate challenge, archery, dungeon, giant swing, climbing and trapeze. Lunch was a happy and healthy pizza, crisps and Kit Kat and dinner was a chicken curry or fish fingers and chips.

It’s been a fantastic day with plenty of smiles, fears conquered and encouraging chants.