Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and learning: 8 Rs for learning

Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Living and learning has allowed the children to reflect on the 8 Rs for learning in class and at home.

Here is a reminder of what they are:

  • ready
  • responsive
  • risk taking
  • responsible
  • resourceful
  • resilient
  • remembering
  • reflecting

The children reflected on the first few weeks of school and gave examples of when they had used an 8R.

” I used remembering when I remembered some vocabulary from last years topic learning.”

“I was resilient in maths when I was finding reading large numbers tricky – now I get it!”

Help at home: Can your child give an example of when they’ve used an 8R at home? Maybe at a sport club or with their homework.


Science: we are physicists

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

The children are learning about forces this half term, which allows them to experience the physics strand of science. Air-resistance (a type of friction between air and another object) has been our focus for the lesson this week and we began by testing this on paper. The children dropped a piece of paper and a scrunched up piece of paper from a height to see which would land first – they predicted that the scrunched up one would land first. They discussed how surface area affects the force of the air acting upon it. The whole piece of paper was the last to fall as it had the largest surface area.

The children then used bin bags and ran holding them, a bit like a parachute. This was to allow them to feel the drag associated with air resistance.

Help at home: Ask your child about the science vocabulary they are learning about. What can they remember?

Living and learning: I follow the school rules

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Living and learning this week has allowed the children to think about our school rules at the start of a new school year. The children remembered the rules well:

We’re ready.

We’re safe.

We’re respectful.

We discussed how these would look and sound in class and around school, even in the playground. How would we know the children are following the rules?

The classes will also have established rules for their living and learning sessions to ensure these lessons are purposeful and reflective.

This week, we will also be sending home the Acceptable Use Agreement for using the computers in and out of school. When using technology, the children need to ensure they are safe. Please read through this with your child and check that they understand the expectations. We’ll also be discussing this in class.

Help at home by asking your child about the school rules. Can they explain what they have done this week to show they are following them?

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the summer holiday e hope you had a happy and healthy summer. It  has been great to see so many happy faces back in school. The children have settled back into school really well and are adapting to new routines, classrooms and teachers really well.

This week, we will be sending the children home with a reading book and a new reading journal. It is really beneficial that your child reads at home daily – it improves fluency and increases the enjoyment of reading. The children can record what they’ve read at home and when in the journals. We will also set a task for them to complete at home. Ask your child what their task is for their homework. Please actively encourage your child to think about the presentation of their work in the journals and the importance of neat handwriting and accurate use of punctuation.

Thank you to all the children who have come to school in the correct uniform and PE kits  this week – you all look so smart. If you are unsure of the uniform, please click the link to see what is required.

We are looking forward to a successful year. Please feel free to come and introduce yourselves to us!

Welcome back

Posted on Tuesday 05 September 2023 by Mr Lindsay

It was our pleasure to welcome back the students today. After finding out about all their adventures over the summer break, we revisited our school rules:

we’re respectful

we’re ready

we’re safe.

Children discussed what this might look like, feel like and sound like. At home, discuss the importance of having rules and how they help us learn. 

All children in year 5/6 now have a reading book. Remember that children should be reading daily to an adult for at least 15 minutes. Getting back into a routine will help your child make great progress this year.

Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Yoga and mindfulness

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 all enjoyed yoga sessions from School of Yoga this week. This helped us learn about the importance of mental wellbeing and wellness, as well as physical health. Time to be mindful is important for our mental health.

Living and learning: I make healthy choices

Posted on Wednesday 12 July 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

As part of Being Healthy week, we welcomed Dave in from D:side. he ran a brilliant, informative workshop about the dangers of smoking and in particular, the potential risks of vaping. He began by asking the children what they already knew about these products and discussed how widely available they are.

They talked about the health risks that are posed from using these items and how it can hinder a child’s development.

The children engaged brilliantly and maturely in the discussions – well done!

Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Soggy Sport Roundabout

Posted on Monday 10 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

A big THANK YOU to everyone who came to support our rather wet Sport Roundabout afternoon today.

We all still had fun, despite the rain. The winning team was France – but check out where your team came.

Another THANK YOU for sending children in fantastic coloured clothes to match their country team too.


1st France

2nd England

3rd Nigeria

4th Spain

5th Italy

6th Portugal

7th Germany

8th Colombia

9th Norway

10th Netherlands

11th Argentina

12th Brazil


Living and Learning : Being Healthy week launch

Posted on Friday 07 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

We launched our Being Healthy themed week today with a whole school assembly. We talked about physical and mental health. We also did some mindfulness (belly breathing).

We’re looking forward to a happy and healthy week next week.

Design Technology: construction

Posted on Thursday 06 July 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We have continued to construct our cars this week. Groups have been working so hard, looking at their diagrams and putting their illustrations into reality. The aim of the week was to measure and cut the pieces of dowel for the frame of their cars. Then came the tricky part of attaching them onto the base of the vehicle. The children decided small nails would be the strongest method for their designs. This involved lots of hammering and holding tightly to very small  nails. I think I nearly lost a few fingers!

The children will continue to construct their designs next week. Then comes the exciting part where we test our vehicles!