Science: light
Children in 5/6 have been investigating shadows. They found out what happens to a shadow when an object is moved closer to the light source. We also looked at what happened to shadows throughout the day. Thank goodness for sunny days in January!
Help at home: create your own shadow puppet show. How can you change the shape of a shadow?
Topic: What are the causes of climate change?
The children have been really enjoying their geography topic this week, focusing on the causes of climate change.
They have read articles and done some great learning about how factors such as increased food waste, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the rise in global temperatures. The primary gases responsible for damaging the ozone layer are methane and carbon dioxide.
Help at home: Ask your child about the causes of climate change. Do they know the key vocabulary for this topic?
Living and learning: I know what a drug is
Our living and learning statement this week allowed us to explore our understanding of what a drug is. A drug is something that can alter the way you feel and think. The children were able to identify harmful drugs including alcohol and tobacco but also recognise that some drugs can help us, such as medicines. They also knew that medicines needed to be prescribed by a doctor and taken appropriately. We then discussed how we might experience peer pressure into taking drugs. The children discussed strategies to cope in such situations. They were able to confidently talk about how they would resist peer pressure, remove themselves from difficult situations and be assertive in their choices and actions. The children always know they can talk to trusted adults in school about any of these issues and are able to also contact other means of help such as Childline.
Welcome back!
After a very snowy start, it was lovely to see everyone back this week and we enjoyed hearing all about your Christmas holidays.
Our main topic focus will be geography this half term. As geographers we will be exploring the environment and natural disasters. In this topic, we’ll look at the effects of global warming and discuss the use of fossil fuels and renewable energy. We’ll be using digital resources to look at how erosion has taken place over the last 100 years and how sea defences, such as groynes, help to minimise the effects.
In science, we’ll be brightening things up (not literally) as we explore the properties of light.
Our Living and Learning theme this half term is being safe. In the next two weeks, we’ll be discussing some influences associated with drugs and alcohol.
PE days:
56A Monday
56B Monday
56C Wednesday
All year 5 and 6 Thursday
Please read the uniform policy carefully. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE days
Reading records:
Just a reminder, children in 5/6 are expected to read on a daily basis. They have a reading record to record their responses to each text and a space for parents to sign and add a comment. It is still vital that children read aloud at home. Please continue to make this part of your daily routine.
Science – light
We have started our new science learning this week. We are learning all about light. As physics will be our focus this term, we are being physicists. The children were given their new vocabulary to learn and as a class we rag rated how confident we felt about these words.
In the lesson the children identified different light sources and were able to tell which ones were luminous (emit light) and which were non-luminous (reflect light). They understood that light travels in straight lines and they understood how we see objects.
Help at home: Can you help your child learn their vocabulary? Play some games such as Pictionary.
The Nowhere Emporium
Our class novel is called The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.
Here’s the blurb to peak your interest:
Merry Christmas
Season’s Greetings from 56C. It’s been a loooong term in which we’ve learned, laughed and listened. Now, it’s time to take a well deserved rest as we look forward to the Spring term.
Drop down morning
This week we had a great morning during ‘Drop Down Morning.’ The children worked through a range of lessons that helped them to recall their previous learning. Geography allowed the children to test their knowledge of capital cities, main cities in the UK and four of the longest rivers. They were able to accurately place these on to their maps. The history sessions helped the children to remember their learning about Ancient Greece and the Romans. Year 6 had to consider arguments for and against the Elgin Marbles being returned to Greece. D&T helped the children to recall their learning they did on sewing and we talked about the design process when designing a new product. It was a very but productive morning.
Art: block printing
In art this week, children have been inspired by the work of William Morris and Orla Kiely. They have produced some prints using a styrofoam block to show a repeated pattern. We looked at adding more detail to our blocks and changing the colour.
PE – gymnastics
We have been thoroughly enjoying gymnastics this term. We have worked on different routines as part of a group that incorporate a range of gymnastic skills. The children began by moving in different ways and then they challenged themselves to add in a balance and a piece of equipment such as a hoop. This week, we’ve been thinking about different jumps. We discussed the importance of landing safely to avoid injury. We practiced different jumps in groups and then attempted to perform jumps in time with each other or in a ‘Mexican wave’ style.