Year 3,4 Science
This week, we have been Scientists.
Our enquiry question is ‘Does the number of seeds in a pot affect the growth of the plant?’
Each class has set the experiment up, planting either 1, 2 , 4 or 8 seeds in different pots. The children made sure each container had the same amount of soil, was placed in the same position in each classroom and is watered using the same amount of water. We will monitor and record the growth of the plants over the next couple of weeks.
Each child also planted their own sunflower so we can observe the growth over time.
Help at home by encouraging your child to explain the experiment. Maybe you could plant some seeds too!
Year 3 Maths
This week, Year 3 have been learning how to recognise coins, count money and add amounts of money. We have been converting pounds into pence.
Help at home by counting different amounts of money – remember to check the value of each coin.
3,4B Class News
In Geography, we’ve continued to learn about York – comparing it to Venice. We’ve looked at the population of both cities, learnt about the amount of tourists who visit on an annual basis and are now thinking about why tourists want to visit them – moving on to considering the issues raised by overtourism.
In PE this half term, we are developing our skills in basketball. This week we learnt about fitness for basketball and why it is important to keep fit and healthy. We did a carousel of activities around the playground, including star jumps, shuttle runs and burpees.
Help at home by asking us why it’s important to exercise regularly.
This week’s Science lesson was very exciting as we each planted our own sunflower seed. We will measure them on a weekly basis until the end of term and see how tall they grow!
We also planted multiple seeds in the same pot to investigate whether more seeds being planted together will have an impact on their growth. We have four of the same pot – one with one seed, one with two seeds, one with four seeds and one with eight seeds. Again, we will measure these weekly and see what we find out!
Help at home by asking us what conditions plants need in order to grow.
3,4C Class Post
This week, we have been geographers.
We have enjoyed learning about Venice and York, comparing geographical features including latitude, area and climate.
In our reading lessons, we have discovered more about the city of Venice by reading a very interesting text.
In writing, we have completed our writing promotion for York using writer’s techniques like alliteration and rhetorical questions.
What a busy week! Well done, everyone.
Help at home by continuing to read regularly and by encouraging your child to access Times Tables Rock Stars.
3,4A Class News
This week, we finished writing our promotions about York. We created leaflets and made sure to use rhetorical questions, commands and alliteration. We then worked with our partners to check through our sentences. The children did an amazing job and it’s been lovely hearing them confidently reading out their favourite section to the class.
In Geography, we’ve been also been learning about York but from the point of view of comparing it to Venice. We’ve looked at the locations of both cities, learnt about their scale and are now thinking about why tourists want to visit them, before we move on to considering the issues raised by overtourism.
In PE this half term, we are developing ball skills by learning about the sport of basketball. This week was all about fitness for basketball and so we did a carousel of activities around the playground, including skipping, shuttle runs and ladder runs.
Help at home by asking us why it’s important to exercise regularly.
Living and Learning – Healthy eating
This week and next, Year 3,4 are looking at all things healthy eating!
So far, we have discussed what is meant by a ‘balanced diet’ and used the ‘Eatwell Guide ‘ to talk about the different food groups and roughly how much of each of the food groups constitutes a balanced meal.
Next week we will move on to explore what people should eat more or less of and consider the issue of hidden sugars. We will also learn about simple food swaps and ideas to develop healthy eating habits.
Help at home by asking us what the main food groups are!
3,4B Class News
This week we have learnt lots of information about York and Venice across the curriculum!
In writing, we have produced our own promotional piece on either Venice or York – explaining lots of varied information about our chosen city whilst using persuasive devices such as alliteration, commands and rhetorical questions to encourage our audience to visit!
In geography, we have produced fact files on York and Venice – this time focusing on three geographical concepts – location, scale and place. This included using atlases to establish the direction from Leeds and the latitude and research online to find out facts such as population and size.
This term, our new class novel in Y3/4 is ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. We are all really enjoying the story so far and can’t wait to find out what happens to Edward next!
Help at home by continuing to listen to your child read and asking them questions as they go to help develop their understanding.
Phase 3,4 Library visit
This week, each class had the opportunity to visit Scholes Library. We learned how we can borrow books and how the library service works.
We enjoyed spending time exploring the books and discovering new authors. Using our new class library cards, each class was able to borrow five books to read and enjoy in school.
Help at home by continuing to read regularly. Why not take a visit to Scholes Library?
3,4B Class News
This half term Year 3 and 4 have started a new geography topic – explorers. In this topic we are learning about different places within Europe and comparing and contrasting them. This week we created fact files on York and Venice – finding out lots of information such as latitude, population and area – using atlases and online search engines.
We have also linked this learning to our writing where we are producing a promotional text on either York or Venice. The children have really enjoyed carrying out independent research on their chosen city and are looking forward to publishing these pieces next week.
Help at home by continuing to listen to your child read and asking them questions as they go to help develop their understanding and encouraging your child to play on TTRS regularly.
Have a great weekend!
3,4A Class News
This term, our new class novel in Y3/4 is ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’. In Reading, we have used an extract from the book this week to practise different skills, such as understanding new vocabulary and retrieving information from the text. We have also been practising our reading fluency with a short poem about York – linking to our Geography and Writing units. We always discuss any new words the children are curious about – this week I felt very old trying to explain what the poet meant by York being ‘top of the pops’!
Help at home by continuing to listen to your child read and asking them questions as they go to help develop their understanding.