Year 3 & 4 Class News

Spectacular sport roundabout

Posted on Tuesday 25 June 2024 by Mrs Latham

The sun shone this year and we enjoyed a rather warm sport roundabout yesterday.

Spain were the winners with Ukraine in second place and England third.

We hope you all enjoyed it and thank you to all the families and friends who came to support us.

Class News

Posted on Friday 21 June 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

In our topic lessons, we have been sewing! We practised running stitch and over stitch. Today, we have designed a pouch with a specific function – to hold money, pencils or cards. We are looking forward to making our pouches next week.

Over the last three weeks in PE, we have had great fun developing our tennis skills. Some of us managed over 100 hits to keep the ball in the air!

Help at home by encouraging your child to practise their times tables and to read regularly! Why not have a game of tennis in the sunshine?

Living & Learning – Health & Relationships Education

Posted on Friday 21 June 2024 by Nicole Iveson

This half term, in Living and Learning, we have been learning all about relationships. We have thought about our own network and the different relationships that we have with people in our lives. We focused on on what makes a relationship healthy and what to do if a relationship is making us feel unhappy or uncomfortable. This led on to us learning about friendships and how we can maintain and nurture friendships and solve conflicts amongst ourselves and peers.

The sessions this week have covered the biological terms for the male and female body parts and the lifecycle of humans – developing from babies to children to adults. We also looked closely at information provided by the NSPCC regarding the PANTS rule. Help at home: Ask your child if they can recall what the PANTS acronym stands for. What can they recall? Do they have any questions?

Design and technology – running stitch

Posted on Friday 14 June 2024 by Mrs Paterson

In Years 3 and 4 we are learning about design and technology this half term, with a focus on sewing. We have been learning about the design process and how a product comes into being, before now moving onto the more practical side of things. We are practising the skill of using a needle and thread first with a binka (a firm piece of fabric with holes in to help beginners learn to sew). We’ve found that this takes some resilience! We’ve done really well though and were able to sew a ‘running stitch’.

Help at home: why not have a go at mending that hole or missing button? sewing Year 3 4

3,4A Class News

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Mrs Paterson

A new half-term means new topics! This week, we have started our DT unit and have been learning about the design process before we go on to design and sew our own products.

In Writing, we are learning about what makes a good instruction text, looking at features such as adverbs and imperative verbs. We will be writing our own recipes to show off these skills.

Help at home by asking your child about their learning. Can they give you an example of an adverb? What job does an adverb do?

In PE, we have started a series of tennis lessons and this week, focused on developing our throwing and catching skills.

In Y3 Maths, we are learning about shape and have started by looking at different types of angles. See below where we identified right angles around the classroom.

Maths right angles

Living and Learning – Phase 3,4 – Physical Health and Fitness

Posted on Friday 24 May 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Over the last couple of weeks in our Living and Learning lessons, we have talked about:

  • the importance of regular exercise to keep our bodies and minds healthy
  • how we keep active during the school day including our daily Wake Up Shake Up sessions
  • the ways that we keep active out of school
  • aiming for being active for at least 60 minutes each day

We all enjoyed our Heely session on Monday! Lots of us have walked, scooted or cycled to school this week – well done!

Help at home by discussing the importance of being physically active and how you can achieve this.


3,4B Class News – Heeleys special!

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2024 by Nicole Iveson

This week we had lots of fun trying out Heelys. If you’re not sure what they are, they’re shoes with wheels! The workshop allowed the children to try a new sport and this linked brilliantly with our living and learning statement for this week about being active for 60 minutes a day.

The children struggled a little to find their balance at first and there were a few tumbles! Luckily, we were well-protected with helmets and elbow/knee pads! Everyone had a great time and didn’t want the session to end!

3,4A Class News

Posted on Friday 17 May 2024 by Mrs Paterson

Last week in Science, we had planted dwarf sunflower seeds.  This week, we used a ruler to measure their progress! We learnt about the function of the stem, taking water to other parts of the flower, and predicted what would happen if we added blue dye to the water some flowers stood in. As most of us predicted, the white flowers started to turn blue.

measuring plantsblue dye

In Topic, we are coming to the end of our Explorers unit and have been finding out the effects of overtourism on Venice. We are busy producing a double-page spread in our books to showcase what we know.

In Writing, we have been practising using inverted commas so that we can include direct speech in our narratives next week. We are basing these on a book called FLOOD. The children have come up with some fantastic adjectives to make their pieces descriptive.

Help at home by continuing to listen to your child read daily, practising spellings from the spelling list and helping your child to access TTRS. These things all have a noticeable impact on learning – thank you for your support!


3,4 C Class News – Geography

Posted on Friday 17 May 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

In Geography, we have been advisors to the Mayor of Venice. We have considered the problems caused by over-tourism in Venice such a crowds of people at places of interest and the noise pollution created.  We have  discussed the possible solutions to solve each problem.

Help at home by asking your child about the decisions they made.

Walk to School Week

Posted on Monday 13 May 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Next week is ‘Walk to School Week!’

Can you support us and our local community by leaving your car at home? We are setting the children the challenge of walking to school for 5 days. In class, they will sign a pledge and collect stickers over the week for each day they walk. Each child will receive an activity book with fun tasks to complete at school too. If you live far away and need to travel by car, try leaving your car at St Phillips church in Scholes or at The Buffers pub and walk the rest of the way.

Good luck – get walking!