Year 3 & 4 Class News


Posted on Thursday 16 November 2017 by Mr Roundtree

We’ve seen some creative artwork from our Year 3/4 pupils this week to complement our Explorers topic. Using a simple coastal template, the children filled in the spaces with repetitive, detailed patterns using black ink. We think they look fantastic! Well done, Samuel W, Ellis W and Daisy B.

By Daisy Beardsley

Rebecca’s World Day 10.11.17

Posted on Friday 10 November 2017 by Mr Roundtree

What a fabulous day! Our Year 3/4 children had a dress-up day, coming as characters from our class novel, Rebecca’s World. We saw a variety of creative costumes that children (and parents!) have worked hard to produce. Well done to all the glittery Mr Glisters and his henchmen, cautious Kovaks, green Grisbys, super scientists, reliable Rebeccas, superhero-wannabe Captain Ks and last but not least… the GHOSTS!

School Council

Posted on Tuesday 07 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

The newly elected School Council have been given their badges by Miss Parling (School Council leader) and are proudly wearing them. They have also taken part in their first decision as elected members. They voted on the type of fundraising the school will do for Children in Need on 17 November. It will be a non-uniform day with a suggested donation of £1.

School Council and Democracy Week

Posted on Monday 06 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

During Democracy Week (16-20 October 2017) pupils took part in the democratic process as they voted for their class representatives for School Council. Congratulations to the elected candidates and we hope they have a successful year representing the views of all the pupils in our school.





Posted on Thursday 02 November 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Y3 children really enjoyed their ukulele lesson with Mr Oliver today. We practised our chords from last half term: C, A minor and F. We also learnt a new chord, G.


Tennis with Dwight

Posted on Thursday 02 November 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Our tennis lessons with Dwight are progressing well. Today, we practised our forehand and backhand. Dwight commented on how impressed he was with the improvements in hand-eye co-ordination.

Harvest: 13 October 2017

Posted on Sunday 15 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you for the generous donations. The Salvation Army collected the tins and packets for their food bank.

14 September 2017

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Look at our fantastic art work!

Linked to our class book, Orion and the Dark, children in all Y3/4 classes created some super works of art. The silhouette cities are really detailed and we love the different sunset skies.