Super Skippers
The whole school enjoyed sessions delivered by Jodi Corcoran from Skipping School this week. The primary aim is fitness through fun and she includes every child in the sessions, regardless of their skills. There is a clear pathway through the skills to ensure all children make progress. After all the sessions, there was a celebration assembly for the whole school. Lots of children demonstrated their achievements.
Please bring skipping ropes into school after half term so the children can continue to improve their skills.
See children demonstrating the skills below for more skipping ideas. Which ones can you do?
Reading Workshop
Thank you to all the parents who attended the reading workshop during parents’ evening last night. Don’t worry if you missed it because the workshop will be running again during the parents’ evening on Wednesday 07 February between 5pm and 7pm.
The workshop provides tips and advice on how to support your child’s reading at home. The year 6 children running the workshop demonstrate games and activities to encourage a love of reading. If you have five minutes after visiting your child’s class teacher, then pop in and see what the children have to offer.
Below are some comments from parents who attended the workshop:
- “This was a useful and informative workshop. Useful for our two younger children.”
- “Good descriptive information to support at home.”
- “Really fun and enjoyable. I’d recommend coming.”
Can you claim your wristband?
We launched the 30:30 Wristband Challenge in the new year. We aimed to complete 30 minutes of physical activity during school time.
The other 30 minutes were to be done at home. If you’ve managed 10 days, you will receive a certificate.
If you have managed 80% of this half-term (38 days), you’ll receive a bronze wristband. Please return your completed forms back to school by the end of next week if you would like to receive your prize. If you need another form, please call in to the school office.
The Big Ink Cartridge Collection
School council are collecting used ink cartridges to raise money for our school and our chosen charity – The Donkey Sanctuary.
All collected used ink and toner cartridges are recycled in an environmentally friendly way and the money raised is donated back to us! The more cartridges we can collect, the more we can raise.
If anyone’s workplace throws their ink cartridges away, we’ll be happy to recycle them for you!
An ink cartridge recycle box is waiting for your donation in the main office reception.
Wonderful Writing!
This week in writing, the children have been using conjunctions, even though and although, both at the beginning and in the middle of sentences. For our extended writing task, we rewrote one of the chapters from Akimbo and the Elephants (our class novel), trying to include these conjunctions and use ambitious vocabulary. Here are examples by William and Ruqayyah – well done!

Cultural Homework
The standard of the creative homework in Year 3/4 last week was fantastic! The presentation of artwork and handwriting is improving weekly. We saw many different examples of cultural experiences from the children ranging from films, art and sculptures, to holidays, hobbies and books.
Here are just a few examples to show the range and quality of work from our students.
Terrific Tessellations
This week, we began our new Life Forces topic with a focus on the key characteristics of mammals and fish. In art, we were inspired by the work of MC Escher (1889-1972) and created our own fabulous tessellations of mammals and fish.
Ask you child to explain how they modified a square to make their tessellating template.
Which liquid is the most viscous?
This week, in our science-based mini topic, What’s the matter?, we planned a test to find out which liquid is the most viscous.
We had to think about:
- how we would test the different liquids
- what we would need
- what we would measure
- what things would need to stay the same to keep the test fair
- what one thing would change each time
On Friday, we carried out our tests and recorded the results. Ask your child to describe what is going on in each of the pics below.
Poetry practised, poetry perfected!
Practice makes perfect homework.
Well done to all who ‘practised and made perfect’ today during our homework review – we were very impressed with your poetry recitals!
Check out the video clip to hear some children performing their chosen poems in Year 3/4.
12 January 2018
What a smashing treat the Y3/4 children had this morning with a judo taster session by Sportif Judo! We had so much fun challenging each other in hold downs and throws. Children have a leaflet with more information if they would like to attend further sessions in Wetherby.