A skipping frenzy!
Today our Year 3/4 children, along with the rest of our school, enjoyed skipping their way to over 100,000 skips, in order to raise money for Sport Relief and our current school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary.
Children practised various skipping styles and jumps by themselves, with partners and in groups. Well done for trying your best and raising money.
114,530 skips at Scholes School today!
As part of our efforts to raise money for Sport Relief and our school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary, we aimed to complete 50,000 skips collectively today. We smashed our target and completed 114,530! We also enjoyed watching our Year 4 skipping team rehearse for the skipping competition in May.
Living and Learning – Body Image
Our Living and Learning topic is body image.
Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.
In Year 3/4, we’ve been discussing the importance of being different and celebrated our differences today during Circle Time: “We all have imaginations, but what we imagine is different.” Klayton, Year 3/4E
The children also recognised that although we may look different we often share similar strengths and weaknesses.
An owl adventure
Today, Year 3 and 4 met both birds of prey and exotic creatures. This morning, all the children came face to face with three different owls and a Harris hawk. The children were very excited to take this opportunity to hold the smallest of the three owls – the burrowing owl.
All the children were extremely mature and handled the owls with great care and respect.
We were amazed to see the size of the brilliant eagle owl. The children gasped as it flew around the hall.
We all loved the barn owl! The children commented how much heavier it was compared to the small burrowing owl. Watch it fly…
The children loved seeing the Harris hawk. It was brilliant watching the Harris hawk catch its food in mid flight, as Ryan threw it up in the air.
This afternoon, we met the exotic creatures. Meeting and holding the python was the most exciting part of the day for most. All the children were extremely brave and asked insightful questions to learn more about their favourite animal of the day.
We also met and held a leopard gecko, some cockroaches, and a giant frog.
Well done, Ruby!
Ruby had a very successful weekend at the Jorvik Swimming Gala, representing East Leeds. Ruby works incredibly hard, she trains multiple times a week and her hard work is paying off. This weekend she won five medals: one silver, two bronze and two fourth place.
Well done, Ruby. We’re very proud of you!
Shared reading
After the success of the shared reading last week, 3,4E and 1,2V joined together for another session on Monday. We were reading purely for pleasure which brought a smile to all our faces😊
Join-in Afternoon 05 March 2018
Today, Year 3/4 N enjoyed our parent join-in afternoon. Thank you to all the parents that came to help support the children’s learning this afternoon.
Without your help, we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy such ‘hands-on’ activities. The children have produced some fantastic work all linked to our Life Forces topic. We enjoyed weaving, aboriginal animal painting, food chain art and learning facts about endangered animals through a game of Top Trumps.
We love reading!
Even though World Book Day was snowed off at school yesterday, some Y1,2 and Y3,4 children enjoyed sharing their favourite books today. For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been pairing children up to read for pleasure. It has been really successful. It encourages the Y3,4 children to develop their fluency and intonation, while the Y1,2 children have support with their decoding and understanding.
Living and Learning – Vampire cough and sneeze
As part of our focus on manners this week, we’ve been mastering the ‘vampire method’. I cover my mouth (when I cough, sneeze or yawn) is our Living and Learning statement so we looked at why this method can help to prevent germs spreading. By coughing or sneezing into our elbow, germs are not spread into the air or on our hands which may contaminate other things.
Join-in Afternoon 19 February 2018
On Monday this week, it was year 3/4 E’s turn to have our parent join-in afternoon. It was a great opportunity to attempt hands-on activities, like sewing and gardening, with the help of some or our parents.
We had a very enjoyable join-in session making funny face cushions, planting of daffodil bulbs (for our Life Forces topic) and creating a diary ready to record our observations.
Thank you to all our parents who helped out on the day – we achieved so much with your help! Hopefully, we’ll be doing it again soon so that all our parents get the opportunity to ‘join-in’.