Year 3 & 4 Class News

Making switches

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our Year 3/4 children have been making circuits this week, looking at different components and testing switches.

The task today involved making two switches: split pins and paperclip; foil and card.

Here are some pictures of our successes.


Football match

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Our Year 4 and 5 players put in a gutsy performance on Friday, playing their first match against Woodlesford. Although we didn’t win, every player showed determination and resilience against a formidable Woodlesford side. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support in the sunshine. Well done, Scholes!


Posted on Saturday 21 April 2018 by Mrs Lake

This week, we’ve started our new mini-topic… Electricity. We started our topic by thinking about what is electricity. Each group looked at pictures of appliances and sorted them into electrical and non-electrical appliances. The children then moved on to create a Venn diagram to show appliances that are ran by mains electricity, battery power or both.

Then, we dicussed how electricity works. Each group were given pictures of circuits and predicted whether the bulb would light. The children made their predictions and tested each circuit. There was some fantastic learning, team work and discussions throughout the lesson. I was extremely impressed! The children were very excited and proud when they made a complete circuit and saw the light bulb light up. We then went on to discuss why some of the bulbs were brighter. The children successfully told me it was when there was more power from an extra battery.

Living and Learning: I can name emotions.

Posted on Friday 20 April 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Healthy Minds is the Living and Learning theme this half-term. Being aware of different emotions – both positive and negative – is an important basis for good mental health.

Throughout this week, Year 3/4 have been naming emotions that we feel. We discussed how different emotions make us feel inside and the situations that happen that can change our emotions.

School Library

Posted on Wednesday 18 April 2018 by Mrs Lake

Today, we visited our lovely school library and the children chose books to take home for the week. They were really enthusiastic about choosing their own book to take home. Please ensure your child looks after their book and returns it to school every week. If your child wishes to keep the book for longer then that’s fine, but please note that a new book will not be issued without the return of the old one! I hope you enjoy reading together.

Dance for Daniel!

Posted on Saturday 31 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We danced for a whole hour on Thursday in support of one of our pupils, Daniel, who has recently undergone an organ transplant. He will spend several months in hospital recovering and we thought it would be nice to show our support. The sun shone and it was a great way to end Spring term – with everyone smiling and feeling happy! If anyone has any sponsor money or donations, please send them into school after the Easter holidays.


The Bee Musical

Posted on Thursday 29 March 2018 by Mrs Lake

This week, we’ve enjoyed two fantastic performances of our Bee Musical production. We’re sure you’ll agree the children have done a great job and we’re very proud of their performances. Every child tried their best and learnt songs, dances and lines.

Thank you for coming to watch the children. We hope you enjoyed the show.

Thank you for your donations to our school charity: The Donkey Sanctuary.

After a busy term in Year 3 and 4, it’s time now to enjoy the Easter holiday with family and friends. See you back at school on 16 April 2018!

The Guard Bees did a great job protecting the Queen Bee.

Well done to some of the big stars of the show: Grumble Bee, The Tumble bees, The Jumble Bees, Mr MouseMr and Mrs Waxworth, Dennis and Business Bee.  

The ‘Bee Team’

The ‘Drone Bees’

The Farmer Bees and Little Bees.

The Narrators and Newsreader learnt some very long lines and read them perfectly. Well done!

The Townspeople came up with some great ideas to solve the bee crisis.

The Nectar Team and Flowers wowed everyone with their dancing! Well done!

Busy bees!

Posted on Saturday 24 March 2018 by Mrs Lake

This week, Year 3 and 4 have been busy rehearsing their spring production: The Bee Musical. Well done to all of the children who have spent time at home learning lines and song words. We’re ready to show off our great acting skills and wonderful singing voices on Wednesday. If you still require tickets, please return the slip from the production letter to the school office on Monday and Tuesday. Our performance times are 9.30am and 1.30pm on Wednesday 28 March.

A skipping frenzy!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Today our Year 3/4 children, along with the rest of our school, enjoyed skipping their way to over 100,000 skips, in order to raise money for Sport Relief and our current school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary.

Children practised various skipping styles and jumps by themselves, with partners and  in groups. Well done for trying your best and raising money.


114,530 skips at Scholes School today!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

As part of our efforts to raise money for Sport Relief and our school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary, we aimed to complete 50,000 skips collectively today. We smashed our target and completed 114,530! We also enjoyed watching our Year 4 skipping team rehearse for the skipping competition in May.