Living and Learning – Relationships
15 June 2018
In Living and Learning this week, Year 3/4 have been looking at ‘Who’s in our family?’ Children have been learning about the way they grow and change throughout the human life cycle.
We discussed the ages of our own family members and at what stages of the life cycles they were.
Green fingers? Help needed!
Scholes in Bloom judging day is Monday 6 August this year. If you are available and would like to join the effort for gold, please come and collect a plant from Mrs Myers or Mrs Latham. All you need to do is look after it and meet us at the flower bed outside school on judging day at 10am. If you prefer, you could make a ‘scarecrow’ and bring it on the same day. The theme is ‘all creatures great and small’. Hope to see you there!
Pupil Voice – Friendship Benches
School Council had a really tough time deciding which designs would be used to decorate our friendship benches.
There were some lovely messages and creative ideas used to make these benches feel a positive and inviting place to be.
These are the chosen designs.
I love the message – friends are like rainbows they brighten your day.
I think the colours will brighten up our playground.
It has a happy vibe.
It has nice vocabulary on it.
Scholes Gala – skippers and dancers
Thank you to our Y4 Skipping Crew and the Y1, Y2 and Y6 WUSU Crews who represented school so brilliantly at Scholes village gala.
Celebration assembly
Congratulations to all the children who received a certificate this afternoon. We’ve seen some fantastic progress, ideas and attitudes in our learning this week.
Funky Street Dance at Scholes!
Year 3/4 children really showed off their dance moves this week in an afternoon of Street-dance. Led by Rhinestone Dance leader, Rebecca, the children oozed confidence, energy and rhythm.
For the next 6 weeks, the children will learn individual and group routines, with a group performance (including all 3 classes) by the end of the block.
Remember your dancing kit everyone!
Scholes Gala and Scholes in Bloom
Please come and support our Skipping Crew and WUSU Crew at Scholes Gala this Saturday, 9 June 2018. We would also like as many children as possible to visit the planting stall. Children can take them home, look after them and then bring the plants and join us on judging day for Britain in Bloom on 6 August 2018 at 10am outside school. Scholes in Bloom are going for gold this year!
Walk to School Week winners
We had hundreds of raffle tickets in the box. Well done to all those who walked, scooted or rode bikes to school before the holidays. The Buffers car park was busy all week. Here are the prize winners. Let’s keep walking!
Living and Learning – How does money affect my feelings?
In Living and learning, we’ve finished the half term learning about careers and money. Two questions were posed. The children worked in groups to contribute lots of great answers.
How do we look after money?
How does money make you feel?
At home, talk with you child about: how to save money, how to budget and about whether something is value for money.
Sounds with Straws!
25 May 2018
Straw instruments.
In Year 3/4, we’ve been learning about how sounds are made from vibrations. On Friday, we made simple musical instruments out of straws.
All you need is: a straw, a scissors and a big breath. Just make a small, triangular cut at the top of one end of the straw. You can cut holes to change the pitch of the sound – a bit like a recorder.
Our own straw orchestra!