Year 3 & 4 Class News

Maps and Maths

Posted on Saturday 22 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Map Skills

Not only are we learning to recognise OS map symbols, but children practised an extra maths skill by measuring the distance between two places on a map.

We studied a map of our local area and identified places of interest: our school, the nearest petrol station, picnic areas and parks. The children found particular place names quite amusing, such as Bog Lane and Flying Horse Farm!

To support our learning of our local area, we used a fantastic website called Digimaps for School.

Where in the … Yorkshire County?

Posted on Thursday 13 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Map Skills

As part of our Where in the World topic, the children are learning about cities in the UK. Today, we looked at large OS maps of cities local to us in Yorkshire – York and Leeds.

What can you find?

The children enjoyed finding many physical and human features on the maps. Children enjoyed being able to spot their village and street where they lived!

We’re currently working on a piece of artwork using OS map symbols, so watch this space!

Bringing our class novel to life!

Posted on Wednesday 12 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree


We had lots of fun today acting out some scenes and situations from our class novel, Around the World in 80 Days. It is the children’s version of the classic by Jules Verne – and we’re loving it!

Role-play games really help the children understand the character’s thoughts and feelings. Today, we used ‘Conscience Alley’ technique, where the children helped our character, Passpartout, decide whether he should tell Phileas Fogg about the policeman who is trying to arrest him!

Will Fogg make it around the world in time? What a dilemma!

Lots of energy today when playing the role of our story characters.

You can try something similar at home. Ask your child to try and understand the thoughts and feelings of a character in one of their books. What would they do in a similar situation? What would the character say?

It really does help their understanding.

Living and Learning: I show that I am ready to learn. I respond to feedback

Posted on Wednesday 12 September 2018 by Mrs Ellison

We have been thinking about all the ways we show we are ready to learn.

We created a mind map to share all our thoughts. These included ‘being ready and alert’ when we are in class and ‘sat ready at our tables when we should be’.

We demonstrated this behaviour by sitting up smartly with our eyes on the speaker brilliantly!

Asking lots questions is another way we show we’re interested in learning new things. The class remembered the important ‘w’ words- ‘why’, ‘when’, ‘who’, ‘where’ and ‘what’.

After discussing how we feel when we receive both positive and constructive feedback, we played a game called ‘cross the circle’ to explore the things that make us feel proud.

“I feel proud when I finally manage to do something after lots of trying, like getting better at my handwriting.”

“I feel proud when I make new friends.”

Class 3/4F

Posted on Tuesday 11 September 2018 by

I’m delighted to update you all with how well the children have settled into our routines and the new school year. Everyone knows just what to do and when!

Living and Learning – I greet people politely.

Posted on Friday 07 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

To start the year, we always establish our rules of Circle Time. Our Year 3/4 children decide on what’s important in our class Living and Learning sessions. Here’s what they came up with …

Our statement of the week -‘I greet people politely’, was a chance to discuss why it is important to be friendly. The children decided that a friendly school was a happy school. We collected our thoughts.

Poetry competition!

Posted on Thursday 06 September 2018 by

This Saturday is the annual Scholes Village Show.

All the children are entering the handwriting competition. They’ve tried their best – now it’s up to the judges!

Good luck everyone!

Living and Learning – I cope with change

Posted on Friday 13 July 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Friday 13 July

Yesterday, our children all met their new teachers for September. They had a full morning of activities with their new class and came back buzzing with enthusiasm.

Today, during our Living and Learning circle time, we talked about the emotions we felt and how we could deal with them, ranging from worry and frustration to excitement and relief. The children were quick to acknowledge that they experienced a whole range of emotions as it was hard to identify just one.

The children could talk openly about their feelings and are very much looking forward to the change in September.

Debate- Should footballers be role models? 

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2018 by Mrs Lake

Today in 3/4N, during our reading session, we debated: Should footballers be considered role models?  After reading information provided by FirstNews , the children were ready with arguments for and against. During the debate, all the children respectfully listened to the opposite side, used information to inform their viewpoints and put forward logical viewpoints. 

It’s coming home!!

Posted on Monday 09 July 2018 by Mrs Lake

We kicked off our World Cup mini topic this morning by looking at the Three Lions song. The children used their reading skills to answer a retrieval, an interpret and an authors choice question about the song. This then sparked a discussion about why we say ‘It’s coming home.’ What does it mean? Discuss with your child what they found out during today’s discussion.