Exciting Outdoor Orienteering
Orienteering is an exciting outdoor adventure sport which involves walking or running whilst navigating around a course using a detailed map and sometimes a compass. The aim is to navigate in sequence between a set of control points and decide the best route to complete the course in the quickest time. Today, our children did just that and learned many new skills along the way. Here are some pictures…
- Orientating the map to north (with ground or compass) …
- Thumbing the map…
- Reading features on the map…
- Following a compass bearing…
- Pacing…
- Judging distance…
- Navigate between control points…
and check your team’s course times!
More information about further Orienteering activities and local events will be sent home shortly, so look out for letters in book bags.
Herd Farm presentation
If you missed our meeting about the year 4 residential to Herd Farm, please find the link below to the see the presentation we used.
Maps, maps and more maps!
It’s the end of our mini-topic, ‘Where in the World’, so we’ve spent some time looking at OS maps of our area and investigating what the symbols in the key means. Maps are really interesting and fun. We’ve really enjoyed finding our school and Scholes.
Class 3/4F – Homework to wow me!
Take a look at these amazing pieces of homework! The children were inspired by last week’s homework!
They’ve shown me creativity, motivation and invention! The vehicles can travel across the sky, the land, under and across the sea. I’ve been really impressed! Well done, everyone!
Living and Learning – I am resilient and resourceful
Our Living and Learning statement this week deals with two more of our 8 Rs for learning – being resilient and resourceful.
Being resilient isn’t easy, especially when you find things hard. Our story, “Izzy Gizmo“, helped us to talk about times when we just want to give up. The message in the book helped us to understand that we must keep trying even when we are faced with difficulties.
Time Travel and Transport
Time Travel
We’ve kicked off our Time Travel topic with some learning about chronology, looking at how transport has changed over time. The children pieced together a timeline of different transport designs.
For homework last week, the children created their own type of transport and we certainly had some imaginative designs. The quality and variety of models were wonderful to see.
We’ve been orienteering!
This morning we spent an hour learning how to orienteer around our school grounds. It was lots of fun! We practised some map reading skills and showed resilience when it got tricky. We kept going and didn’t give up!
Marvellous maths!
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been working on our knowledge of place value, rounding and exchanging up to 1000.
Ask your child to explain to you how to add or subtract 10, 100 or 1000. Request a tricky one which involves exchanging. We’ve been rehearsing our explanations.
Living and Learning – I can take a safe risk
For our Living and Learning sessions this week, we’ve discussed the importance of stepping out of our comfort zone and putting our hands up to answer questions – even if we might be wrong.
Our classrooms are a safe place to make mistakes so that we can learn from where we might be going wrong. Our brains work harder and grow stronger when we try to find the correct answer and learn from the mistakes we make.
This is just one example of taking a safe risk at school.
Outside of school, other safe risks might be crossing a road, stroking an animal or learning a new skill. It’s all about the pros and cons and accepting the outcomes.