Topic- History
We are historians!
This half term we are historians and are learning about what life was like in Ancient Greece.
This week in class, we learned about the physical geography of Greece! Using atlases and iPads, we discovered that Greece has lots of mountains, hills, and is surrounded by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. We talked about how some parts of Greece have rocky landscapes and how people live near the coast.
One geographical feature that fascinated us was the Acropolis in Athens. Although it is located on Acropolis Hill (a physical feature), the Acropolis itself is considered human geography because it involves humans.
Did you know that Greece has over 6,000 islands?
Help at home:
Ask your child some facts about Greece.
Living and Learning – I follow the school rules
Living and Learning: I follow the school rules.
We have discussed the importance of the school rules and how we can be safe, respectful and ready in school.
We have discussed why rules are important, the rule of law and what would happen if we didn’t have rules.
Phase 3/4 Class News!
What a fabulous start to the half term!
The children across year 3 and 4 have worked so hard this week, demonstrating excellent attitudes to learning and respect and kindness towards each other.
The children have taken pride and care in the presentation of their work. They are really excited to learn more about the Ancient Greeks!
Enjoy the weekend and we look forward to another successful week of learning next week.
Phase 3/4 reading
Reading records
This half term, your child will be reading a book that they have selected from the school library. In addition to this, some children will still access the Collins online books. Their username and password will be on the inside of their reading record.
Each class has spent some time going through the reading records so the children know how to use them. Each Friday, the children will be set a reading record task to complete for homework. Details of how to complete the tasks are in the reading record.
Please make sure that your child brings their reading record and book to the Book Club session each week. In this lesson, their class teacher will have the opportunity to check the reading completed at home, share reading records as a class and celebrate reading.
Book Club sessions:
3/4 A – Wednesday
3/4 B – Friday
3/4 C – Friday
Please ensure that your child is reading out loud and regularly to an adult at home. There is space in the reading records to sign when your child has read at home. Each class will provide opportunities for your child to change their book when needed.
Any questions, please ask.
We look forward to sharing the reading records each week during Book Club. Happy reading!
Phase 3,4 Team
3, 4 Class News – sewing
What an end to the year!
Here are our completed pouches! We are so pleased with how the children have shown resilience when sewing. Look at the neat and careful stitching.
Well done 3,4.
Year 3 and 4 Armley Mills School Trip
What an amazing trip to Armley Mills – Year 3 on Thursday and Year 4 on Friday!
We enjoyed the ‘Wonder of Weaving’ workshop and learnt so much from exploring the museum. Have a look at the pictures of the fun we’ve had.
Living and Learning – Staying Safe Week Year 3,4
Staying Safe Week 2024
Wow! What a week!
This week, Year 3 and 4 have had a range of visitors in school to talk to us about how to stay safe in different situations including:
- Hazel from d:side – how to stay safe online
- Alan from RNLI – water safety
- Bella, a nurse – how to stay safe at home
- Darren – first aid
- Mrs Hill from the Dogs Trust – how to be safe around dogs
In addition to this, we have focused lessons on:
- Road safety
- Food safety
- Sun safety
- The importance of being respectful
- Understanding digital footprint
We’ve had an amazing week! Help at home by discussing with your child how they can stay safe in different situations.
Thank you to everyone who donated money to enable us to have these fantastic visitors in school.
Scholes in Bloom
Some children went out to meet the Britain in Bloom judges this week. The winner of the ‘design a flowerbed’ competition came to talk about their design. We also told them about plants we have grown and our beautiful wildlife garden. We hope they were impressed!
Key Stage 2 Sports Day
Friday saw the event of the year that we’d all been waiting for – sports day! All the children turned their hand to a range of competitive races from the sack race to the long distance. The weather was good and even the sun made an appearance. It was so good to see all the children looking happy and healthy and thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers that came to support us! Thank you also to the crazy people that took part in the adults race – I’m sure you made your children proud!
Class News – PE and Design and Technology
This week, we used a template to cut the correct sized material for our pouch. We used the scissors carefully. Then, we started to sew our pouches. They’re looking great! We showed lots of resilience when threading the needle and stitching. Help at home by practising the running stitch or over stitch.
In PE, we enjoyed practising for KS2 Sports Day.