Perfect perimeter!
This morning, in maths, year 4 have begun investigating perimeter. We used pieces of string and ropes to measure the perimeter of items in the classroom.
We even tried to find the perimeter of each other! It’s really important to find out what is hard to measure and what is easier.
Living and Learning: I apologise when I need to.
Manners matter!
This week, our Living and Learning statement is all about manners. We’ve been learning about when and how to use good manners. The children have been encouraged to think about situations when they should use their manners in school and at home.
In particular, we’ve discussed how to behave if you accidentally knock or bump into someone in the playground. We all have accidents. It’s important to let the other person know that it wasn’t on purpose, to say sorry and check that they’re okay.
When do you expect your child to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ at home? If there’s an accident, are they expected to say sorry? Manners matter!
We will remember them – Remembrance Day 2018
The children listened to poems and stories, then talked about Remembrance Day this week at school. They made poppies and some wrote messages to the soldiers.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Laurence Binyon
Thank you to Mrs Thorne for her artistic input and Peter Smith, from Lyndhurst View, who made the central piece.
A Transport Talk from the Past
We had two very special visitors in school yesterday. They were the grandads of two of our pupils, who came to talk to us about transport when they were a child.
Through asking questions and listening carefully, we learned how transport has changed tremendously over the past 50 years.
Interestingly, one visitor had nearly 40 years service working for Leeds Bus Service and he very kindly brought in many model buses and badges for us to look at. We loved his uniform picture!
The other grandad showed us pictures of old cars bought for just £50, horse-drawn milk carts and coal deliveries, and brilliant steam engines that powered up and down our streets many years ago. We also enjoyed listening to some of his poems.
The children loved listening to the stories from the past and had many, many questions.
You can do this at home too! Do you have anyone in your family who could discuss how times have changed? Talk to your child about generations and the similarities and differences that change over time – they’ll be hooked!
Roman Chariots!
It’s been DT week.
We started by putting our measuring skills to practical use.
Learning new skills such as sawing was very exciting.
Everyone followed our safety rules to saw the wood into the pieces. Then constructed the jinx frames. We added an axle, wheels and the card built chariot on top.
The end results are great. Everyone has fulfilled the design brief and created a Roman Chariot. Well done children, they’re fantastic!
When was the last time you learned and used a new skill? Try something new this holiday. What can you create?
Living and Learning: I can take part in democratic decisions.
This week, our Living and Learning has been the British value of democracy.
We began with our homework, set last Friday. The children were all asked to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council. Two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, will join the new School Council.
On Wednesday, we listened to the prepared speeches. It was quite nerve-racking for some children! Well done to everyone who stood up and gave their speech. It shows great courage! We were all very impressed.
Thursday was voting day! We lined up, gave our names, then received the ballot papers. The children used the ballot booths to vote in secret. It was very exciting!
Now, we await the results! Log in later to find out who will represent our classes in the new School Council!
3/4F trying something new!
This morning, in the school hall, 3/4F tried something new! JUDO! ‘New’ is always exciting! What will you try that’s new and exciting this week?
Judo Taster Session at Scholes!
At Scholes (Elmet) Primary School, our children certainly have an opportunity to experience a broad range of sports and activities.
Today’s 30-minute taster session, led by Destination Judo, was full of energy, movement and fun. Judo sessions are always enjoyable as the children learn how to throw, hold and pin their partners to the ground, with an element of rules, discipline and respect.
If your child would like to attend a further free taster session at a local HUB location, then contact Destination Judo, Leeds for information.
Look out for flyers in bags being sent home this week.
Spooky spectacular!
The annual Halloween-themed disco was a great success. There were some amazing costumes!
3/4F Class assembly
All the children’s hard work, rehearsals and preparations paid off on Friday afternoon for our class assembly. The children all remembered what to say. The poem recital was fantastic. It was loud, clear and confident. Well done, children!
Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to watch and encourage the children.