Year 3 & 4 Class News

Get active with orienteering – FREE EVENT

Posted on Tuesday 30 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

Your local orienteering club, AIRIENTEERS, are hosting a FREE orienteering event especially for juniors, families and anyone new to the sport.

PLACE : Millennium Field, off Barleyfields Ct, Wetherby, LS22 6FZ

DATE : Saturday 11th May 1:30-2:30

There will be courses with electronic timing for all ages.
See for more information about the races.
Start any time from 1:30 to 2:30. Just turn up and run.

Living and Learning – strong emotions

Posted on Sunday 28 April 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Living and Learning statement is …

I recognise emotions in myself and others. 

In class, we discussed emotions and where they come from (our brain!)

Children came up with lots of different feelings and emotions and decided if they were of high / medium / low intensity.

We filled in a table to describe how we felt.

Charlie and Ellie, “High intensity happiness is feeling ecstatic and thrilled.”


How we see things

Posted on Friday 26 April 2019 by Mr Roundtree

We are just loving our Science mini-topic, Seeing, which has been very successful. This week, we have investigated how reflective materials are under a torch light.

First of all, we made predictions about which materials would be the most and least reflective. Most of us thought that tinfoil would be the most reflective. We then tested the materials and made conclusions from our results.

Actually, our results showed that the spoon was most reflective.

On one sunny day this week, we looked at how our pupils change size in light and dark.

Paige said, “My pupils are like pin holes in the sunlight.”

Super, Seeing, Science!

The Wizard of Oz – writing

Posted on Friday 19 April 2019 by Mr Roundtree

The performance of The Wizard of Oz this week was one of the best we have seen at Scholes (Elmet) Primary School.

The acting, singing, scenery and story telling left us all wanting more.

Not only that, but experiences like this provides a stimulus to help us to write. It makes our writing more meaningful and easier to put pen to paper.

In Year 3/4 we have been working on direct speech within a story. So, this was an ideal opportunity to create dialogue between characters.

Here is our writing sequence:

  • watch and retell the story of The Wizard of Oz
  • recap by looking at photographs from the performance
  • add speech bubbles for what the characters said
  • turn speech bubbles into written direct speech

Here are some examples of our work that we feel proud to show off:-

By Alex, Connor and Imogen.

Living and Learning – knowing the difference between being proud and showing off

Posted on Friday 29 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

The Year 3 and 4 children were feeling very proud of their fabulous performance of ‘Eddie and the penguins save the world’.

They were committed to their performance by learning scripts, songs and dances.

Well done for all your hard work and effort.

We had a wonderful discussion about the  difference between showing off and feeling proud of your achievements.

Here’s what the children said about showing off:

“Don’t show off and steal someone else’s happiness.” Charlie

“Showing off is like boasting and that’s not good.” Abi

E-saftey in Scholes.

Posted on Friday 22 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

As part of our internet safety learning, we have been looking at the different types of websites and their uses.

First, the children discussed their understanding of  website addresses, URLs and what they stand for.

In particular, we looked at the difference between ‘safe’ websites with encrypted security  and those which are not secure.

We did this by checking the padlock on websites and those which have https and not just http. The ‘s’ shows us how this is secure.

We also looked at different domain names and what they are short for, like .com,, .org, .gov, .net.

Then, we searched different website types and discussed what we found out.

We miss you, Daniel!

Posted on Monday 11 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Daniel is recovering very well after his recent operation. After a visit to his classroom on Friday afternoon he was so enthusiastic to see all his school friends, just as they were to see him.
The children in 3/4 EK made Daniel a ‘we will miss you sign’ and on the back wrote a message to Daniel telling him why they miss him – even telling him a few jokes. Daniel then joined in with our circle time for our living and learning session this week. ‘I can say something good about myself’. He even listened to our Easter production songs and acted as a judge ensuring children were singing using their best voices.
A lovely afternoon for all involved.

Book Day Fun

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Thursday 7th March

We had a wonderful day today, full of smiles and creative costumes to celebrate World Book Day.

Can you guess who we are?

Harry Potter was THE most popular choice of costume .. 8 in just one class!

We shared our favourite books with friends.

Thank you to everybody’s time and effort in making today great.

Drama for Writing Workshop

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

On Monday and Tuesday, our children had a wonderful drama workshop by Leeds Playhouse, all about our current class novel, The Firework-Maker’s Daughter.

Paul, who led the workshop, quickly got the children into role and gathered them together as villagers from the story. Instantly, the children were transported to an emergency meeting in a village hall, somewhere in China, discussing the problem with the runaway, Lila – the Firework Maker’s daughter!

We decided on where we lived in the mountains and why we lived there…

We met some fellow villagers ….

Then, we questioned Lila and her father …

As Lila, we climbed to the top of Mount Merapi in search of the Fire Fiend….

We captured our thoughts and feelings using our 5 senses.

During the week, we’ve talked, tweaked and titillated our writing to produce quality extended pieces. We’ll post them when they’re all finished.

Well done, everybody!


Herd Farm Residential

Posted on Friday 15 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Monday 11th – 13th February 2019- Herd Farm

At the beginning of this week, the Year 4 children went on a residential visit to Herd Farm, Eccup. It was a fantastic experience for the children, which will no doubt be remembered as one of the highlights of their year.

The 3-day trip was packed full of exciting activities: the giant swing, archery, an assault course, a zip wire, orienteering, puzzle palace, songs around a campfire and a muddy night walk.

For many children, valuable life skills were learned and happy memories made.

Here is what some of the children said:

“It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” Lucas

“I did the zip wire all by myself!” James

“I loved singing songs around the campfire with my friends.” Lily

“I just want to be there now – we had so much fun!” Matilda

Thank you to all the staff who volunteered their time and effort to spend a wonderful 3 days away.

Photos of the trip will be uploaded once they have all been collected.