Whole school sports roundabout
Our whole school sports roundabout is a chance for all children to work together, in teams, showcasing their sporting skills. The mixed aged teams encourage children to work together, supporting and encouraging each other. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to show their support.
Super sunny sports day
The Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a fantastic competitive sports event on Friday. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to offer their support. It is much appreciated.
Living and Learning: Relationships and Sex Education
This week is the second week of our RSE learning.
We had a mature discussion about the differences between male and female.
We realised that males and females have more similarities than we have differences.
Year 6 Enterprise
Year 6 would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents and carers, who attended their mini summer fair yesterday. Although the money is still to be counted, the event was a big success with plenty of smiles all round.
Living and Learning – Staying Safe Near Water
It’s Drowning Prevention Week so we have been looking at ways to stay safe near water.
We looked at the DO’s, DON’Ts and DANGERS of open water.
Here is a snapshot of our learning:
Scholes Gala 2019 – WUSU, Pop Choir and Skipping Crew
Scholes Gala was a rather wet affair this year but our children still did us proud. The WUSU dancers strutted their stuff, Pop Choir sang their hearts out and the skippers jumped with smiles on their faces! Well done and thank you to everyone who came to show their support.
Living and Learning: I listen to, share with and include others
“Happy… Loved … Thankful… Grateful… Proud… Joyful!”
In 3/4 C, they went to the gazebo to do their circle time.
Living and Learning: Relationships Education
Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the recent relationships education information sessions.
‘A useful session to find out what my child will be learning and when.’
‘Lots of helpful information.’
‘Very helpful to understand what vocabulary the children will be learning.’
These sessions were aimed at making parents and carers more aware of some of the following aspects of our curriculum.
- What is our Living and Learning curriculum?
- What does relationships education currently look like throughout school?
- What is included in our Relationships and Sex Education policy?
Relationships education forms part of our Living and Learning for this half term and if you were unable to attend the session, our progression of learning (pg10) and the terminology (pg6) that may be used as part of this learning can be found in our RSE policy.
Living and Learning – I make choices about money
This week, our Year 3 children took part in a Moneysense Workshop and were asked to budget for a party.
A volunteer (we learned about what this word means) from Natwest bank came in to school t help us with the budgeting and organisation of the parties.
Learning objectives:
• Identify what makes a good birthday party
• Plan and organise a party by making
decisions about what to include within
a set budget
• Identify costs and show an understanding
of value for money
What makes a good party?
A Diamond 9 Activity (most important at the top, gradually becoming less important as you move to the bottom).
We voted democratically for the type of party we wanted.
Each group had £200 to spend on a party for 10 people.
Using a price list activity sheet, each person had to fully cost the aspect of the party they were responsible for. As they were to be competing with the other groups, the children had to budget well to provide the best-value party.
Then, the children had to present their party budgets to the rest of the class.
Our volunteer was amazed at the skills set the children used – and they all came in under budget!
A fantastic morning of resilience, resourcefulness, remembering and risk-taking – many of our 8Rs for learning skills.
Money Art
Money Trails
As part of our money week, we have been collecting 1p and 2p coins to raise money for Cancer Research.
All of the copper makes a beautiful shiny pattern as we found out today. We decorated our playground with copper coins, creating fantastic designs.
Here are some of our creations …
There’s still time to gather up your copper coins and raise more money!