Living and Learning: I know what a drug is
All the Year 3/4 children had a visitor, Ruth from D:side (an education healthcare provider), come in to talk to us about drugs and alcohol today. We learnt about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain and our bodies.
Scholes Peace Cards
In November last year, members of Scholes Parish Council came to visit our school during our Community Week. They worked with all of our children, from Year 1 through to Y6 on a range of creative activities.
They talked to the children about the Scholes Peace Flame and their roles in the community.
The councillors were so impressed with our artwork, and are pleased to announce that six of our children have their peace designs made into cards – Harry, Emilia, Esme, Dolly, Olivia and Archie from Y1/2V.
If you would like to buy a set of 6 peace cards, then they are available from the school office.
Keeping active – new gym fitness equipment
There was great excitement with the arrival of the new outdoor fitness equipment before Christmas. The wet weather slightly delayed the installation but it is now ready to use. Everyone wants a go!
This is part of our plan to increase physical activity undertaken within school. The UK Chief Medical Officers found that, “the latest evidence shows there is a clear link between physical activity and chronic disease.” We want children to be physically active for at least the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended 30 minutes during the school day, and this will help us to do this.
Merry Christmas!
Pop choir performed some songs for us this afternoon. The whole school then joined in with a Christmas sing-a-long. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…lunch!
We all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch today prepared by our wonderful kitchen staff. The lunchtimes supervisors did a fantastic job (especially Mrs Pennock) decorating the hall too. Thank you!
School Council tree planting – thanks to Scholes in Bloom
We have planted another 120 trees from the Woodland Trust on the school grounds this week. Thank you to Scholes in Bloom and the School Council for helping to do this.
You can also see the Scholes in Bloom presentation here that children in school saw last week too. The village looks wonderful!
Planting Trees
Our School Councillors were busy at work this afternoon, digging holes and planting young trees in and around our school field. There were roses, hawthorns, dogwoods, wild cherries and silver birches.
There were 120 saplings to plant and, with the help of Scholes in Bloom volunteers,
….they manged to do it all in one (cold and windy) afternoon!
Thank you very much to our fabulous friends, Scholes in Bloom, who kindly gave up their time to help us – we couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you to Mrs Latham who ordered the trees and organised the afternoon. We promise to look after them and will enjoy watching them grow.
Yorkshire Cricket
We had another visit from Tom Bates from Yorkshire Cricket this week. He worked with teachers last week, sharing coaching tips for us to use in lessons. He shared an assembly with us this week, talking to the children about cricket, upcoming coaching and competitions we will be entering.