Year 3 & 4 Class News

Thank you for helping us help Sport Relief

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We started our Sport Relief fundraising a week early because we were expecting BBC Look North coming to launch the Big Summit Sofa challenge. Unfortunately, we were let down and they postponed the event at the last minute last night. We are resilient and resourceful at Scholes though and were determined to make it a happy and healthy day anyway. We completed nearly an hour of Wake Up Shake Up routines and raised £219.24 for Sport Relief. Thank you to everyone who sent contributions in and to the people who came to watch and support us!

POSTPONED – Big Sofa Summit for Sport Relief 6 March

Posted on Thursday 05 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have had a message from the BBC tonight saying,

We have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Big Summit Sofa Challenge until later in the year. Our role is to deliver our audience the best possible coverage and to do that we need every member of our team on duty.

We are all so disappointed but we will still be dressing in our sports kits and raising money for Sport Relief by doing an extended Wake Up Shake Up dance-athon session as one of our sports challenges. Feel free to come and watch from 9am.

The new, national multiplication tables check

Posted on Wednesday 04 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree

The government is introducing a new, statutory multiplication tables ‘check’ (MTC) for the first time, in June this year. Children in Year 4 will take this check.

The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help your child’s school to identify pupils who may need additional support.

Read more about the check in this leaflet from the Standards and Testing Agency.

Support the Big Summit Sofa Challenge for Sport Relief – Friday 6 March

Posted on Tuesday 03 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

The excitement is building for the launch of the Big Summit Sofa Challenge that the Look North presenters are doing for Sport Relief 2020.  The starting point this year is our school, Scholes (Elmet) Primary! Harry Gration, Amy Garcia and Paul Hudson from BBC Look North will join in with Wake Up Shake Up as their warm-up at 9.30am.

Each class is planning their own sports challenge and children are invited to come to school in their sports kit, in exchange for a contribution to Sport Relief.

The BBC television cameras will also be in school to film us and talk to as many people as they can – some may even feature on the news that night.

They have asked that we encourage as many parents, family and friends to stay after they have dropped children off in the morning, so please feel free to show your support and join in with the fun!
See you on Friday!

Awesome orienteering

Posted on Saturday 29 February 2020 by Mrs Latham

We entered two teams in the Leeds Schools Sports Partnership orienteering competition at Wetherby High School this week. Despite the wet, cold and muddy conditions, the children performed brilliantly!

We have continued using our orienteering skills since our whole school introduction in September 2018. If you would like to get involved in this sport, contacting The Airienteers (who helped organise the event) is a great place to start.

Is your child in Year 4?

Posted on Wednesday 12 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

The government is introducing a new assessment for Year 4 pupils. In June, each child in Year 4 is set to complete an online multiplication tables check (MTC). Read more about this new assessment.

There will be 25 questions covering the full range of facts children are expected to know, which means questions going up to 12 x 12. However, there​’​s slightly more weighting towards multiplication facts involving 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 due to these being the most difficult to learn. For example, there will be between 2 and 4 questions involving multiplying by 6.

For each question, children are presented with a multiplication fact and an empty box. This may be written as __ x 6 or as 6 x __ .

If you’d like to practise at home, our own website has lots of spreadsheets you can download.

There are also lots of websites that you can use. This one is very similar to the MTC. It’s possible to alter the settings on this website to focus on particular times tables.

Another exciting way to practise times tables is through the ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ website. Every child has their own individual login details that enables them to access their account at school and at home. Feedback so far is that this is proving an enjoyable way to practise times tables facts at home!

Sport Relief – The Big Summit Sofa Challenge Friday 06 March

Posted on Tuesday 11 February 2020 by Mrs Latham

We are very excited to announce that Scholes (Elmet) Primary School will be the starting point of the BBC’s Big Summit Sofa Challenge on Friday 06 March.
Harry Gration, Amy Garcia and Paul Hudson from BBC Look North will join in with Wake Up Shake Up as their warm-up before they set off at 10am. They will then head towards Barwick, pulling and pushing their red sofa 100 miles, incorporating some of Yorkshire’s biggest climbs. We will be making banners, flags and as much noise as we can to create an amazing send off for the celebrity team.
It would be amazing if we were able to start this challenge off with a generous donation and so we are inviting the children to come to school in their sports kit, in exchange for a £1 contribution.
The BBC television cameras will also be in school to film us and talk to as many people as they can – some may even feature on the news that night.
They have asked that we encourage as many parents, family and friends to stay after they have dropped children off in the morning, so please feel free to show your support and join in with the fun!
Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Dog’s Trust Visit

Posted on Friday 07 February 2020 by Reception Team

We have found out about all about the great work that the Dog’s Trust do to care for and rehome dogs.

It was interesting to learn about a day in the life of a dog at the centre. 

We also got taught some great ways to keep safe around dogs to make us and the dog feel safe when playing, feeding or stroking a dog.

Did you know the dogs at the Dog’s Trust even go to dog school? 

They learn tricks and skills to help them become great pets for their new owners. 

The Leeds centre rehomed 876 dogs last year.  The money you help our school raise will help them to continue to support and care for the dogs, buy toys, blankets, beds and important medicine and treatment.


School Council visit the Dog’s Trust

Posted on Friday 07 February 2020 by Reception Team

18 excited school council members visited the Leeds Dog’s Trust centre.

We were guided though the centre with a look behind the scenes. 

The staff at the Dog’s Trust were very grateful for our first donation of £517! 

Thank you to everyone that donated on our recent film night.

School Council Film Night

Posted on Thursday 06 February 2020 by Reception Team

What a fabulous film night we had yesterday! 

With your support, we raised over £500 for the Dog’s Trust.

The film last night was so good!

I liked eating the popcorn.

It was great because I got to sit with my friends.

I hope it becomes a regular event.