Year 3 & 4 Class News

3,4 Trip – Lotherton Hall

Posted on Wednesday 02 October 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

What a fabulous trip!

The children had a great time having the opportunity to enrich their Science learning. They all participated in the classification workshop where they found out more about different vertebrates. They explored the Wildlife World where they saw flamingos, capybaras, tapirs, penguins and other species of birds. After a walk in the woods, a play in the park, a lunch break and more exploring, it was time to come back to school!

Help at home by asking your child what they have been learning.


Connect Challenge

Posted on Saturday 28 September 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Thursday saw the whole school take part in the Connect Challenge in support of the Rob Burrow Foundation. This event was aimed at rasiing awareness of MND whilst also linking primary schools across Leeds. It promoted the idea of collaboration, physical education and friendship. We were the first school in Leeds to compete in which the children had to complete a challenge linked to the number 7. This was Rob Burrow’s shirt number when he played for the Rhinos. The children had 1 minute to complete 7 physical activities such as passing a rugby ball, hula hooping – all sorts of crazy activities! At the end of all the challenges, we filmed Lilly in year 6 throwing a rugby ball to her left. This will be incorporated into a video in which the next school receives the ball. It will eventually show all the primary schools taking part, linking together by passing the rugby ball. It was great fun and the children loved taking part in the challenge!

Class News

Posted on Friday 27 September 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

We are biologists!

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning how to classify animals and plants using a classification key. We have really enjoyed this work and have created yes and no questions to classify and group animals and plants.

We can’t wait for our classification workshop.

Y3/4 Reading

Posted on Thursday 26 September 2024 by Mrs Paterson

Children in 3/4 have been sharing their love of reading in our Book Club sessions. Each week, children complete one activity in response to what they have read during the week. This past week it was ‘Book Wars’!

Help at home by listening to your child read regularly. Encourage them to discuss with you what they think of their book and why.

book club reading records

Living and Learning- I know that rights come with responsibilities

Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2024 by Hollie Gilliland

We have been learning that we have the right to learn but a responsibility to be great learners. Here is a list of top tips we came up with to be great learners:

  • be in class on time
  • be prepared for all lessons
  • take good care of school property
  • complete spelling, reading and talk time homework
  • be ready
  • respect ourselves and others
  • listen and react well
  • doing our best – every day!

We also talked about Children’s rights in the UK. These include:

Help at home: watch this video and ask your child what their rights are

Class News

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done 3,4 C – what a great week of learning!

In our art skills lesson, we used charcoal on large pieces of paper to create marks and patterns. We compared our artwork and were really impressed with the results.

In PE, we played hockey! We focussed on passing the ball to each other using the push pass.

Well done to everyone who has used Times Tables Rockstars and/or Numbots. Help at home by encouraging your child to access these games to help secure their number facts and times tables. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing either of these.

Reading- Hilarious Greek Myths with Tom Vaughan

Posted on Thursday 19 September 2024 by Hollie Gilliland

This week, Year 3/4 had a Zoom call with author Tom Vaughan. Tom introduced his new book, Hercules 2: A Hero’s Journey (on a School Trip).

Tom gave us insight into how and why he wrote his new action-packed book. This is Tom’s second book in the series, and he told us that the legendary hero Hercules isn’t fighting monsters anymore—he’s going on a school trip!

Tom shared some of the book’s laughs, action, and relatable school moments that show even heroes have to face the everyday struggles of being a kid!

We had the opportunity to ask Tom questions.

We asked, “Why do you write funny stories about Greek myths?” Tom replied, “I’ve always found Greek gods interesting! Ancient Greeks looked up to the gods for help and protection. However, the gods could also behave selfishly and act in vain. Because of this balance, they make great characters to base a book on.”

We thoroughly enjoyed our chat with Tom, and he even put our Greek gods knowledge to the test.

Help at home: Ask your child questions about the author. Click here to rewatch our chat with Tom:

Year 3 Maths

Posted on Thursday 19 September 2024 by Mrs Paterson

We have been working on place value in Year 3 and making sure we understand the difference between hundreds, tens and ones. This will be important for when we come to add and subtract 3-digit numbers later in the term!

We have looked at how we can represent numbers in different ways: using numerals, Dienes blocks (base ten) and counters.

Help at home by practising reading and writing 3-digit numbers. If I said ‘351’ for example, could you tell me the value of the 5?

Maths place value

Class News – PE

Posted on Friday 13 September 2024 by Mrs Paterson

‘I can work as part of a team to solve problems.’

Before we move onto hockey, we have started this half-term by practising our teamwork skills across the phase. We talked about what makes for a good team and worked together to complete various challenges. For example, could we move two hoops around a circle without breaking the chain? (pictured)

Help at home by asking your child what they know about good teamwork.

PE teamwork skills


Class News

Posted on Friday 13 September 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done, 3,4C – another productive week of learning.

We have worked in teams in PE to create our own game of ‘tig’ and had the opportunity to teach our games to another group.  We discussed the skills we used to work in a team.

In topic, we have explored the location of Greece and have identified where Ancient Greece is on a timeline. We have read the story of Pandora’s Box in our reading lessons. We are enjoying listening to the Greek myths.

Well done to everyone who came to school with their reading record today. We enjoyed sharing them in class. There are some great examples below of the work completed at home.  Help at home by listening to your child read regularly.

Have a great weekend!