Square corners
Thursday’s puzzles and problems
We’ve had some super efforts from the maths puzzles and problems this week.
Here are some of your results from square corners challenge:
Alfie found a way using 10 counters (below) without making 4 corners of a square…
And another, different way …
Virtual School Sports Day – results
Thank you to everyone at home and in school who took part and submitted results. Over 200 schools across West Yorkshire took part and we did really well – netball being our particular strength!
Did you get sporty today?
Well, the rain came – just like when we usually have sports day! We hope you managed to complete at least some of the challenges set by the West Yorkshire School Games for the Virtual Sports Day. Don’t forget to submit your results here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdEX8xOo-PtkFwasg0B7deXM1uzvMQMFAPwpKCU9yEKG6qqg/viewform
Calling all library books!
Library books: If you have any Scholes library books at home, then please can you return them to school, where possible.
There will be a box outside school for this. Thank you!
A new youth group coming to Scholes…
I am the leader of The Tribe Youth Group and we are looking at setting up our fourth group in Scholes. We are planning to open in September.We were announced as Youth Group of the Year for Leeds in the recent Child Friendly Leeds Awards. Activities we offer include creative, lifeskills, the I am Me project (which is about health and fitness) including physical and mental health. We also offer outings and community service projects.Please contact 07756-585864 for more information.Jean, The Tribe Youth Group

Home Learning Heroes
Hello Year 3/4!
Thank you for sending your pictures and messages in – we love to hear from you!
Here are some of your fab pictures from this week:
Orric’s Creative Stories
Daniel’s shapes
Sam’s active pictures
Being Creative!
Home Learning Heroes!
Hello Everyone.
We’re reached the end of our first week back after half-term, a week when our school opened up to more children. Some of you may be back in school, and some of you are at home.
A huge thank you to everyone who has emailed your teachers.
Here are some photos and a video that you have sent:
Whole school ‘Quiz of the Week’
If you’re struggling to keep yourself entertained this week…why not have a go at our whole school quiz?
Get creative with Hello HipHop
We have been keeping in touch with Phil from Hello HipHop. He has created some blank lettering for our school name and a guide showing how to do some different effects.
It would be nice to have some of your ideas to display on the website and in school. If you would like, you can print this blank lettering and add effects or you can create your own ‘Scholes’ graffiti art with your own lettering. Send your ideas to Y2scholeshomework@spherefederation.org
Get creative!
VE day pictures and Home Learning
Here are just a few highlights of Home Learning and VE day activities from the weekend.