Living and Learning: Friends and Family
In our Living and Learning lessons this week, we discussed being kind and the impact it has on others. We read a lovely book called The Rainbow Fish.
The book is best known for its message about selfishness and sharing and for the distinctive shiny foil scales of the Rainbow Fish.
We talked about the feelings of the different characters and made new scales for them
Certificate celebration!
Well done to the children who have achieved a certificate over the last couple of weeks. Here are the reasons why they have done so well:
For great learning…
Phoebe – Well done for excellent learning in Maths and for showing growing confidence in all subjects.
Louis – Well done for working hard to share ideas and learning in all lessons.
For sport and physical activity…
All of 3,4NV – for excellent team work and listening skills during PE.
Grace – Well done for great running during the daily mile.
For living and learning…
Leila – Well done for responding regularly and contributing some great ideas to class discussion.
William – Well done for showing resilience during Thursday’s Science lesson.
Well done everybody!
All About Colour
We have started a new art topic, linked to our booked Here We Are.
We’ve been learning about the basics of the colour wheel and have discovered Primary, Secondary and Complementary colours.
Here are some pictures of our designs:
34O Certificate Celebration
We’ve had another awesome week in 3,4O. Our concentration is improving and we’re showing off a range of our amazing skills.
This week, our certificates go to…(insert drum roll here)
For great learning…
Archie- you are a really active learner. You get your hand up, listen carefully and work well with others. Well done!
For sport and physical activity…
Travis– for showing great determination in our PE lessons. You always try super hard and help those around you. Well done!
For living and learning…
Amelia – you are always ready to learn. In fact, you always show all of the 8Rs and that makes you a great role model for your peers – well done!
Wonderful wings!
Cardboard and paint! We have had a great day making our wings. Well done everybody!
Colour mixing for our wonderful wings
Last week, we learned to mix two primary colours to make a secondary colour. So, this week we used this knowledge to design and paint our wings only using two primary and two secondary colours.
We had lots of (messy) fun! We used strong blues, mixed greens…
and orange and purple…
shades of red using white …
and more blues and greens.
Wings to make us fly!
Last week, we talked about having the ability to fly.
We asked…
“If you had wings, where would you go?”
We decided to design our own wings and look forward to making them out of cardboard this week.
Here are some of our fabulous wing designs…
Leeds Needs Trees
Leeds City Council have launched a scheme to increase the number of trees around the city. Collect tree seeds (conkers, acorns, beech nuts and sweet chestnuts) and take them to a collection point around the city. The Arium is the closest one to school and you will be helping create new habitats for birds and animals.
Reading – for parents!
Reading is super important. In fact, we think it’s one of the most important things you can do to support your child at home.
Some studies have found that children who read regularly are more likely to be happy in adulthood, more likely to earn more money and more likely to do well in all school subjects.
Whilst we understand life is busy, we’d love it if you could read with your child every day (ideally for about 20 minutes but anything is better than not reading at all).
This article has a handy reading for parents guide if you’d like any more information or tips.
Our Reading Activities leaflet will provide lots of activities to make reading an even more enjoyable and active experience for all. Check out the ‘Help Your Child‘ section of our website for a range of guides and tips for helping your child across a range of subjects.
Some common questions about reading:
When should my child have their reading book and reading diary in school?
If your child is in 3,4O or 3,4N they should have their reading book and reading diary in school every Friday. If your child is in 3,4E they should have their reading book and reading diary in school every Monday.
Now my child is in Year 3 or 4, should I still sign their reading diary?
Yes. We’d love it if you could sign their reading diary and leave a comment at least once a week. We think it’s a really important link between school and home.
My child can read fluently. Should they still read aloud to me?
Ideally, yes. They can spend time reading on their own, too – we encourage this. However, it’s really important that children still practise the skill of reading aloud. It helps improve their confidence and improves their ability to read with expression. Being read to is really important, too – so don’t underestimate the power of a bedtime story!
The book my child has brought home is too easy / hard. What should I do?
This will rarely happen but if you do think your child’s book isn’t the right level please get in touch with their class teacher (our email addresses are at the bottom of this post).
If you have any other questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher. While we don’t encourage you to do this on the playground (to reduce numbers and enhance social distancing), we encourage you to email us instead.
3,4O –
3,4E –
3,4N –
Celebration Certificates 3/4E
We’ve had an other great week with lots of active learning and having fun with our friends – being back together is feeling good in 3/4E.
As we can’t have our usual celebration assembly on a Friday at the moment, we will be posting the certificate winners on here each week.
For great learning…
Daniel – for a fantastic attitude since you’ve come back to school and producing neat handwriting in your books.
For sport and physical activity…
Tia– for amazing throwing and catching skills demonstrated in PE – well done Tia!
For living and learning…
Elisa – you’ve really impressed me with your effort and attitude towards your work. Well done for always putting your hand up and sharing your ideas.