Year 3 & 4 Class News

Living and Learning: I know we are all the same and we are all different

Posted on Saturday 14 November 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Our learning and learning  objective this week:

I accept that my friends and I might have different opinions. 

We watched a short clip about working together and came up with a recipe for success:

  • Problem solving words
    and phrases
  • Think about your own
    experiences of the
    problem solving activity
  • What qualities are
  • How might someone
    express their views and
    opinions successfully
    when working as a team?

Here is a photo that summarises our discussions:


Times Table Rockstars

Posted on Friday 13 November 2020 by Mr Catherall

Times Tables Rock Stars is an app and website that we use in school to quicken the recall of tables facts. It’s something that you can use at home, too – your child has their own username and password. (If you don’t have these, or you have any questions, email your child’s class teacher.) Each game is short so you don’t need lots of time. ‘Garage’ is where you’ll find tables set by us whilst ‘Soundcheck’ includes all facts up to 12 x 12.

We’ve just signed up to Numbots, too. Perhaps more suited to younger children or children who need a bit of extra support with the basics, this is a great app and website for practising addition and subtraction facts. Your child can use it at home too – they login using the same details they use for Times Tables Rock Stars. There are 15 different games, each with a different focus. Topics covered include doubles and number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.

3,4O: History

Posted on Thursday 12 November 2020 by Mr Catherall

Today, we spent our afternoon being historians – in fact, we were being archaeologists.

We had to find the pictures of artefacts from the time of Ancient Greece and predict what we thought they were used for.

Then, we found out – it turns out, our predictions were extremely accurate!

3,4O: Library

Posted on Wednesday 11 November 2020 by Mr Catherall

We love going to the library every Wednesday to choose a new book and spend a bit of time relaxing and reading. Here’s a few pictures from our session today (we all gave our consent to being photographed and displaying it on the website – ask your child why this is important).

Enjoying reading…

Some more of us enjoying reading…

Searching for a new book…

‘Dipping into’  a picture for a nice change…

Desperately searching for a book about Ancient Greece…

We keep these books in school and ‘dip in’ to them as often as we can.

Ask your child what book they chose and why they chose it.

How do we know so much about the Ancient Greeks?

Posted on Wednesday 11 November 2020 by Mrs Wadsworth

Today we have asked and answered questions about the Ancient Greeks. We were able to suggest what different artefacts were used for and what this tells us about life in Ancient Greece.

New playground equipment

Posted on Wednesday 11 November 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Playtimes have got even more active with our new playground equipment. The new breaktime resources arrived last weekend and are having a great impact on our play.

There’s cup-stacking …

Skipping ropes ….

Skipping is a great way to practice timing, agility and coordination …


Target practice and balls …

Throwing bean bags and calculating our scores …

And generally keeping fit.

Just another way of keeping active and staying healthy at Scholes!

Children in Need

Posted on Monday 09 November 2020 by Mrs Hogarth


We are going to be celebrating BBC Children in Need on Friday 13 November.

The Junior Leadership Team voted for a ‘dress as you like day.’ Children can come to school in non-uniform.

We would like to raise as much money as possible for Children in Need and are therefore asking for a voluntary donation. On the morning of the 13th, there will be some buckets placed in the playground for you to drop off your donations.

Thank you in advance for your support and co-operation.

The Junior Leadership Team

Wonderful writing

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mrs Wadsworth

Look at the wonderful expanded noun phrases that we have been writing this week:

  • the enormous, muscular beast with sharp pointed teeth (Eric)
  • his shiny, gold sword with a black diamond (Harry)
  • the vicious, fanged beast with claws as sharp as a knife (Freya)
  • the enormous, menacing beast with smelly breath (Luella)

Well done class 3/4 NV!

Certificate stars!

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done to the super stars from the week before half term and this week!

For great learning…

Freya– for asking excellent questions about the Ancient Greeks.

Haneen – for having the confidence to answer questions in class! Well done.

For sport and physical activity…

Harry – for fast running and quick ball skills in PE.

Ben – for excellent explanations in PE.

For living and learning…

Ruby – for great resilience, always trying your best and having a go no matter what.

Kye – for being ready to learn and responding with some excellent answers.

34O: Book Club

Posted on Friday 06 November 2020 by Mr Catherall

Every Friday, instead of our usual reading skills session, we enjoy our very own ‘Book Club’.

During this time, we enjoy spending time reading our books, reading to an adult, or taking part in some cool activities that help us to celebrate our love of reading.

Recently, we’ve updated our book corner.

It may look a little less busy, but the books, magazines and newspapers are perfect for ‘dipping into’ for a few minutes. Most of them are non-fiction. Ask your child what they think to the book they read today – did they learn anything new? Is there anything else they’d like to find out? Do they prefer fiction or non-fiction books?

Today, we focussed on finding out some facts about Ancient Greece (using one of the book sin our book corner). We talked about how non-fiction books are organised differently and why. We discussed the good points about non-fiction books and we learnt some new knowledge.

Please remember that your child should have their guided reading book and their reading journal in school every Friday. In addition, if you child finishes their book, they can bring it in any day of the week and we will aim to get it changed that day. 

We can’t encourage you enough to read regularly at home – it really does make a huge difference.