Living and Learning: Relationships
Here is the picture of our Relationships – Living and Learning from today.
The children were demonstrating how threads of friendship get stronger the more they do things that support the friendship.
We discussed aspects of friendship:
- not laughing if they didn’t get a goal or basket
- checking they were ok if they fell over and
- being good learning friends meant working as a group
- not bossing everyone in the group
- making sure people were listened to, respected and heard
Living and Learning: Friends
Over the next few weeks, our Living and Learning topic is RSE (Relationships and Sex Education).
In class, we read some scenarios about friendships and discussed the good bits about each one. We asked – What makes a good friend?
Here are some of our thoughts ….
And Georgia
Certificates 3,4E
This week’s certificates go to these wonderful children:
For Great Learning: Dolly – for trying so very hard with column subtraction all week with super progress.
Sport and physical activity: Bobby D – Good attacking and defending skills in hockey – a great effort!
For Great living and learning skills: Georgia – for always taking a safe risk in class by putting her hand up and asking and answering questions.
TTRS – Aaron Ranasinghe for effort and dedication to times tables practice this week.
3,4O: Marvellous Maths
This week, we’ve been learning / recapping column subtraction. Take a look at this page on our website which tells you all about how we teach calculations in school.
The maths was impressive, but something else impressed me more – our attitude! We were resilient, resourceful and really took responsibility for our learning. In one lesson, Mr Catherall and Mrs Thorn didn’t even need to be there – we were teaching each other, choosing our own challenges and asking for quick interventions from an adult. What an awesome place to learn 3,4O is!
Well done, everyone.
History: How did Ancient Greece influence us?
Today, we continued to be historians by thinking about the ways in which Ancient Greece has influenced us.
We’d already learnt about Greek democracy and how we adapted and improved this aspect of Greek life. And, this week, we’ve been learning about the ancient Olympic games during our reading sessions.
This afternoon, we went on a hunt around the playground to find out loads of interesting facts about how Ancient Greek life has influenced ours.
Ask your child what they found interesting.
At the end of our lesson, we like to reflect on our learning. Here’s what two members of our class had to say:
‘I enjoyed this lesson because we got to go outside and find information out – we helped our friends, too’
‘I enjoyed this lesson because it was challenging’
How have the ancient Greeks influenced the world?
Today, we researched how the Ancient Greeks have influenced the world. We looked at sport, democracy, theatre, architecture and more! Watch this space for more pictures of our work.
Science: sound
This week, we carried out a practical investigation to answer our learning objective: Is there a pattern between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produce it?
First, we used our prior knowledge of sound sources, volumes and pitch to make a prediction:
‘The longer the instrument, the lower the pitch.’
‘The shorter the instrument, the higher the pitch’.
Then, we struck and plucked and range of musical instruments to test out our predictions. We realised that we were right. When we struck the chime bar, we noticed that the shorter the chime bar, the higher the pitch. This happened when we tried out other pieces of equipment like windchimes, tuning forks and elastic.
Ask your child what some of our key science vocabulary means: pitch, volume, medium, sound source.
Virtual after school clubs

Aimed mainly at primary-aged children, a different theme has been assigned for each day of the club – Adventure Monday, Tuesday Play, Wild Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday.
Find out more:
Children in Need
A Big Thank You!
The children came to school in non-uniform and we asked for voluntary contribution to support this cause. We’ve been completely blown away by your generosity as you’ve raised £566.35. Well done and a massive thank you.
3,4O: Certificates
We had another super week and it was made extra special by welcoming back the children who’ve helped to keep us all safe by self-isolating recently.
Here are this week’s certificate winners.
For great learning…
Lacey & Amelie- You both made amazing progress with your arithmetic this week – well done!
For living and learning…
Maddison – you really understand emotions in yourself and others.
For sport and physical activity…
Tilly – great determination in PE – you always try your hardest. Well done!
For Times Table Rockstars…
Louis- you’ve massively increased your TTR usage this week – keep it up! Welcome to the TTR band!