Year 3 & 4 Class News

A Christmas song by 3/4E

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mr Roundtree

We’re very excited to share ‘something Christmassy’ with you all. We chose a catchy song!

All week, 3/4E have been practising the singing and dance moves so that we could perform our version of All I want for Christmas – is you!

We hope you enjoy it; we think it’ll make you smile!


3,4O: Christmas Song

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

As you’ll all be aware, Christmas looks a little different for everyone this year. This is the same at Scholes, too. We’re still celebrating Christmas, very much so, but we’re doing so with a few differences.

Because we can’t invite you in to school to celebrate with us, we thought we’d quickly put something together to make you smile and feel all Christmassy.

Have a watch of us singing a class Christmas song – you could even sing-a-long!

We hope you enjoy it!

Reading: performance poetry

Posted on Sunday 13 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, our reading learning has been focussed on poetry. We’ve read two poems, answered some comprehension questions, idenitifed key features and read them aloud. We really enjoyed reading aloud ‘The Dragon Who Ate Our School’ by Nick Toczek.

Help at home by…

Asking your child how they made the poem interesting when reading it out loud.

Asking your child to read it aloud to you.

Asking your child to identify some of the key features in the poem.

3,4O: Certificates

Posted on Sunday 13 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

Our penultimate week of 2020 was another super successful one in 3,4O. We’ve been writers, scientists, historians, performers and sports stars this week and, as always, our attitude has been superb – trying hard, being kind, being active learners and having a little fun along the way, too!

Here are this week’s certificate winners:

For great learning…

Jimmy – you’ve smashed your tests this week because you consistently try your best. Well done, Jimmy!

For living and learning…

Jayden – you are a great friend to many people because you are kind, considerate and thoughtful.

For Times Table Rockstars…

Jessica – you have improved your average daily time spent on TTR this week – well done, Jess!

Certificates 3/4 NV

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done to the certificate winners of the week:

For great learning…

Tommy – for sharing interesting facts about the ancient Greeks.

For sport and physical activity…

Aurora and Darcey – lovely team work in WUSU.

For living and learning…

Thomas – good concentration skills.

Well done!

Writing Workshop – A Virtual Visit

Posted on Friday 11 December 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Yesterday in Year 3/4, we had an amazing writing workshop with visiting author Adam Bushnell.

Each Year 3/4 class had approximately an hour’s creative writing all about Ancient Greek myths. The workshop was held via Zoom, which is proving to be effective in engaging our children.

Adam Bushnell was a primary school teacher and is now a published author of both fiction and academia. He works as a ‘visiting author’ in the UK and internationally delivering writing workshops and staff training. He is the author of fifteen books of children’s fiction including and he has recorded audio versions of some of  these books. His first novel, ‘Quests in Epica’ was released in the summer of 2016 and was illustrated by  multi award winning illustrator Ross Collins.

He has written The Kings of Ancient Greece – a great book for the children to read all about classic Greek myths.

Some feedback from 3/4 children:

“I loved it! He was really fun and full of facts.  I wrote my own Greek myth too!” 

“He made me want to write my best myth.”

“He brought the Ancient Greeks to life – almost!” 

Thank you to Adam who inspired our children at Scholes.

Ask your child about the virtual visit so they can share their experiences with you.

Author Visit Adam Bushnell

Posted on Thursday 10 December 2020 by Mrs Wadsworth

We had great fun today when we had a zoom chat with author, Adam Bushnell.

He helped us to create our own mythical creatures and heroes so we could plan our own Greek myths.


3,4O: Super Scientists

Posted on Monday 07 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

We continued our learning about sound by carrying out an investigation into the relationship between volume and vibrations.

First, we observed the vibrations when we played the musical instruments louder or fainter.

We found that the louder the volume, the bigger the vibrations – remember, the vibrations cause particles in the air to vibrate which in turn creates sound.

Then, we carried out a more scientific investigation using a decibel metre. Decibels are the unit we use to measure sound. We played the instruments and recorded the volume.

Finally, just like scientists would, we created a graph to show our results. Take a look at a few of ours…

New books!

Posted on Sunday 06 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

Recently, we made a significant investment in some new ‘dip in’ books for all classes across KS2.

It was very exciting when they were delivered and our book shelves are now full to the brim with exciting and engaging non-fiction / poetry books.

We spent some time this week enjoying them – it was awesome to share what we were learning with other people in the class.


3,4O: certificates

Posted on Sunday 06 December 2020 by Mr Catherall

We’ve enjoyed another great week in 3,4O. We’ve been historians, writers, mathematicians, athletes, friends, team mates – the list could go on!

Here are this week’s certificate winners…

For great learning…

Ethan – You’ve smashed your learning across all subjects this week. You’re ready to learn and you always try your hardest.

For living and learning…

Jessica – You’re a great friend to many people and a generally awesome member of Team 3,4O. Keep being kind!

For sport and physical activity…

Harry – For demonstrating excellent teamwork during our PE lessons. You are passionate about sport and help others to enjoy it, too.

For Times Table Rockstars…

Noah – You consistently use TTR to improve your times table recall and have done for some time. Keep it up!