Year 3 & 4 Class News

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Friday 23 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back to Summer Term – we’ve had a cracking week! The weather is sunny and warm, and it’s making us feel inspired to leap into action.

We’re going to get started on some fundraising next week. Friday 30th April sees a campaign organised by the Captain Tom Foundation. This date marks a year from when Sir Captain Tom began the 100 laps around his garden. To mark this occasion, people are being encouraged to complete a challenge based on the number 100. We are definitely up for this challenge! Every class will be discussing and choosing their challenge.

In Year 3/4, we took a vote on many good ideas, and the vote with the most votes was …to shoot 100 basketball baskets in 100 minutes.

But that sounds easy? Oh no! We’re setting ourselves this challenge to do in pairs, or individually, over 100 minutes throughout the day.

We will be asking for voluntary donations to support the children in their challenges. This money will be ready to be donated to our new charity as soon as it’s selected.

Thank you in advance of your support and wish us luck with our challenges

Living and Learning: saying please and thank you

Posted on Friday 23 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This week, we have been making an extra effort to use our manners.

We know that using simple words and phrases like please and thank you can make a big difference.

Being polite to everyone is very important and can really brighten someone’s day. This links very well to one of our school rules:

We respect everyone and everything.

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Posted on Monday 19 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the Easter break.

The brand new Junior Leadership Team are going to be very busy this half term and they’re ready for action! In the next few weeks, classes will be coming up with ideas for who our next school charity will be. The JLT will then make the final decision. Before we even do this though, we’re going to get cracking on some fundraising. Friday 30th April sees a campaign organised by the Captain Tom Foundation. This date marks a year from when Sir Captain Tom began the 100 laps around his garden. To mark this occasion, people are being encouraged to complete a challenge based on the number 100. We are definitely up for this challenge! Each class will be discussing and choosing their challenge. This could be based on a maths challenge, running 100 metres or even writing a 100-word poem. We will be asking for voluntary donations to support the children in their challenges. This money will be ready to be donated to our new charity as soon as it’s selected. Each class will be posting on the website their chosen challenge.

Thank you in advance of your support and good luck with all the challenges.


Science -flowers

Posted on Friday 02 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Today, our Science learning involved  exploring the part that flowers play in pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

We watched a wonderful video   by artist Katy Scott of how flowers make new flowers. There were no words which made it all the more special.

The main points were:

  • The bees visit the flowers to gather nectar and pollen which they need for food. Some of the pollen gets moved from flower to flower.
  • Once the pollen has moved down the stigma into the ovary, the flower has been pollinated. Seed formation begins in the ovary.

We made the different parts from paper and put the structure together in groups.

Here are some pictures from the session.



The New Junior Leadership Team

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Mrs Hogarth

I am pleased to announce that we have a new Junior Leadership Team. A massive thank you to everyone who wrote a speech, had the confidence to speak in front of their classmates and thought of creative ways to improve our school.

There was a flurry of activity this morning as all classes visited the hall to cast their votes. It was very tense!

Our new JLT is…

1/2 C – Michael and Nyla

1/2 K- Caleb and Hermione

1/2 V – Ava and Lorien

3/4 N – Aurora and Freya

3/4 O – Rowan and Jessica

3/4 E – Sam and Elisa

5/6 S – Paige and William W

5/6 M – Seth and Joseph

5/6 B – Nathan and Zoe

I can’t wait to meet with the new team after the Easter holiday and get started!

3,4O: certificates

Posted on Sunday 28 March 2021 by Mr Catherall

Well done to all our certificate winners this week…

3,4NV class post

Posted on Friday 26 March 2021 by Mrs Wadsworth

What another great week 3,4NV!

Today, we were really lucky to have a visit from Junior Jam so we could learn to play the Steel Pans and create some carnival music.

We all tried to learn the tune to ‘Under the Sea’ and some of us had the chance to perform this at the end of the session! We had great fun.

We have also continued to create the final versions of our carnival outfit designs. Have a look at this design.

Our certificate winners for the week are:

For great learning…

Zac – for excellent answers in reading.

For living and learning skills…

Leila – for always being ready to learn and for contributing ideas to class discussion.

For Sport and physical activity

Aurora – for fantastic tennis skills in PE.

Our TT Rockstar this week is Harry E!

Well done to everyone!

Mrs Wadsworth, Mr Gledhill and Mrs Richardson




Living and Learning: I understand that rights come with responsibilities

Posted on Friday 26 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This week, our Living and Living statement is – I understand that rights come with responsibilities. This follows on from the NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe assembly last week:
We all have the right to speak out and stay safe.
It’s a really important one for helping us to live in a respectful, responsible way. It can relate to lots of different aspects of life. For example, we have the right to play, and we have the responsibility to play safely and sensibly with our friends; we have the right to food, and the responsibility to make our own healthy choices.
The link between rights and responsibilities is the key part of this learning.
Here are some photos of our posters we made in our Year 3/4 sessions.

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Posted on Friday 26 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Our local history topic is really making us think; think about British history, think about the primary resources we have and the information it gives us; think about how people were treated in the 1600s, and making us think about the effect on our lives today.

We’ve been learning about The Atlantic Slave Trade during the 1600s and how enslaved people were brought across from Africa to the West Indies, by boat, to work on plantations there.  The British were the most active trading nation during these times.

We learnt about the horrific journey that people took, with only 5ft by 1ft of space for a child. This was easier to understand when we measured the space out on the floor to ‘feel’ how craped the conditions were. Unbelievably, boys were chained to this space for a minimum of 6 weeks whilst aboard the ship. We sadly learned that not all people made it and died on the journey because of the unsanitary conditions.

Here are some photos of the ship.

3,4NV class news

Posted on Friday 19 March 2021 by Mrs Wadsworth

What another fabulous week of learning!

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning all about the Leeds West Indian Carnival. This week, we have started to design our own carnival costumes. Have a look at our sketches.

Our flowers are growing nicely.

Congratulations to our certificate winners for this week:

For Living and Learning

  • Well done Harry B. You are always so polite and cheerful. Well done for excellent manners.

For Sport and Physical activity

  • All of 3,4NV for excellent, creative ideas in PE.

For Great Learning

  • Grace – well done for taking the time to make sure your sentences make sense and that you have included the Must Dos.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Mrs Wadsworth, Miss McAleer and Mrs Richardson