Year 3 & 4 Class News

PE days – which day to I wear my PE uniform?

Posted on Friday 03 September 2021 by Mrs Latham

We are going to continue with wearing PE kit on PE days – this cuts down on lost property and saves learning time, so we’re going to continue this for at least next year as a longer term trial. On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their school uniform PE kit. (Track-suit bottoms instead of shorts would be good on colder days. Footwear : black/brown/grey/white flat shoes which are safe to run around in.)

Footwear on PE days could be children’s ‘school shoes’ which are often a plain ‘trainer’ style anyway, if you want to avoid having to buy 2 pairs of shoes.

Here is a link to our uniform policy.

Please find below the days each class has allocated PE times, which will be taught outdoors, except in extreme weather.

  • F2 Sunshine (Miss Parling) – Monday and Friday
  • F2 Rainbow (Mrs Allen-Kelly/Mrs Wilkins) – Monday and Friday
  • 1A (Miss Lowry) – Thursday and Friday
  • 1,2B (Mrs Latham) – Thursday and Friday
  • 2C (Mr Gathercole) – Wednesday and Thursday
  • 3,4A (Miss Harker) – Tuesday and Thursday
  • 3,4B (Mr Catherall) – Monday and Tuesday
  • 3,4C (Mrs McCormick/Mrs Wadsworth) – Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 5,6A (Mr Freeman) – Monday and Wednesday
  • 5,6B (Mrs Hogarth) – Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 5,6C (Mr Lindsay) – Wednesday and Thursday



Go Go Go-Karts!

Posted on Thursday 22 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

We tested our prototype Go-Karts today and what an exciting event that was! This is the final part of the design – make – evaluate process.

All of our efforts in making the go-karts came together in the big test!

It was great to see so many different types of go-karts, with different components, come together. The children went through a quick and steep learning curve when testing them, realising what needed to be strengthened or supported in order for them to function better.

The design criteria for our go-karts was:

  • to roll
  • to steer
  • to keep a character safe inside the kart

We also evaluated our Karts – see Aaron’s great work below.

Farm…at school!

Posted on Thursday 15 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

We were very lucky to have Ian’s Mobile Farm at school this week.

The children enjoyed petting the animals, watching ‘Meg the dog’ do her obedience tricks and we even got to brush the donkeys!

Scholes in Bloom – competition winner!

Posted on Monday 05 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Over the past 5 years Scholes in Bloom have entered the Yorkshire in Bloom competition and have received 3 Gold Rose awards, a Silver Award and a Silver Gilt Award. They work so hard in our village to keep it looking beautiful.

This year, like most years, Scholes in Bloom asked children to create a flower bed design, which will be planted along Station Road.

Today, our lucky winner, had her design chosen and recreated in beautiful flowers.

Well done to our Scholes in Bloom ‘design a flower bed’ competition winner!


Scarecrow competition

Posted on Sunday 04 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

We will be making some scarecrows in school. If anyone lives in the village, you can join in individually and display them outside your house. If not, and you want to make your own, bring your scarecrow to school on Friday 16 July and we will display it outside school over the weekend.

3,4NV class post

Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Wadsworth

This week, we have enjoyed practising for Sports Day!

In the library, we took time to read and share stories together.


Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mr Catherall

Today, in our ‘Book Club’ session, we played Musical Books.

We started off by reading a book we knew we’d like and enjoyed reading this for 10 minutes. Then, we walked around the room while the music played. When the music stopped, we sat down next to the nearest book. For some of us, that meant reading a book we’d never have chosen.

After spending some time reading the new book, we shared and reflected on our experiences. To our surprise, most of us enjoyed reading all the books – some of us were even inspired to change our current book.

Here’s a snapshot of our conversations (without names because we’re keeping our personal information to ourselves – it’s important to stay safe online):

“It was actually really good and I think I’d actually enjoy reading Dirty Bertie!”

“It’s not really my type of book because I normally prefer non-fiction books. I enjoy finding out facts. Although it’s not my type, I did enjoy this book more than I thought I would!”

“We’ve read this book as a class and I didn’t really like it but now that I’ve read it again I like it more. Maybe it’s good to read books more than once so you understand it better!”

“I read a princess book (I’m normally into football books) and it was actually much better than I thought it’d be. I’m not sure you’d read it but it was nice to read something a bit different!”

We had such a good time that we managed to convince Mr Catherall to let us keep reading for longer.

Help at home by…

– asking your child what they read today and how they found it

– encouraging your child to read a range of books

– role modelling to your child being a reader

– taking your child to a free library and encouraging them to choose books they think they’ll like

reading regularly with your child

The last point is especially important. We’ve recently changed our homework to give families more time to concentrate on the aspects of learning we consider most important – reading is most definitely one of these. Regular reading (10 – 20 minutes every day) will have a hugely positive impact on your child’s academic attainment and mental health.

Living and Learning: I can say something good about myself

Posted on Monday 28 June 2021 by Mr Roundtree

In our Living and Learning session this week, we had some time to reflect on what we can do well. We are proud to show what we are good at and decided to present them on our shields.

I am good at …

DT: design process

Posted on Sunday 27 June 2021 by Mr Roundtree

In our DT lessons this week, we’ve been evaluating existing products to gain some inspiration and ideas for our own designs.

We’ve also begun to explore our ideas using TechCard and next we’ll be drawing our final designs.

The design criteria for our go kart prototypes:

– move by rolling on wheels
– have a steering system
– a platform to sit on and not fall out of
– a braking system (extra, aspirational challenge)


Photos to follow …

3/4NV Class News

Posted on Friday 25 June 2021 by Mrs Wadsworth

Over the last three weeks, we have enjoyed learning and improving our cricket skills including throwing, batting, catching and fielding.

We have played lots of games and had lots of fun!