Reading Records!
Wow! We’ve got some fabulous front covers done for our reading records – well done! Keep them coming in.
The children have an activity to complete each week. Inside the front cover, there’s a list of fun activities linked to reading. Check with your class teacher what the activity is.
3,4 C Class News
This week, we have enjoyed keeping active during WUSU and on the adventure playground.
Today, we have studied OS maps and located Scholes, Roundhay Park and Leeds. We looked carefully at the OS map symbols to help us understand and read the maps.
Another fabulous week of learning! Well done, 3,4C!
Bike to School week and Let’s ride
Bike to School week and Let’s ride
Biking and scooting are one of the ways we encourage children to actively travel to and from school and next week we’ll be taking part in Bike to School Week (with Sustrans and the Bikeability Trust). We are pleased to be part of this UK-wide event, encouraging families to cycle, or scoot, to school. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate active school journeys and the positive impact it has on children’s health and wellbeing – as well as the environment.
Scooter storage facilities are available at the top of the playground near the gazebo.
Also, taking place this weekend is the free Let’s Ride session held locally at the Brownlee Centre.
This free family community event is ideal for the whole family to enjoy cycling in a safe and friendly space. At the Leeds Brownlee Centre, Bodington Playing Fields, you can ride at your own pace as many times as you like with volunteers on hand to chat all things cycling.
Sign up for the event here.
New Reading Records
This week, we’re excited for all the ways your child can engage with reading at home in these new Reading Records.
The new Reading Records offer the following benefits:
- it is a place for children to record the books/texts they’ve read and rate them out of five stars
- there are a range of activities your child will accomplish throughout the year based on what they’ve read (each week, details of this task will be on your homework letters)
- it gives children a chance to enhance their love of reading during our weekly Book Club sessions in school
- it gives children ownership and responsibility of their reading
- there are loads of exciting challenges to complete to become a Reading Challenge Champion
- it can be a place for parents to share with teachers the wonderful reading their child has been doing at home.
This week, the activity your child should complete based on their reading is…
Complete the front cover.
We’re very much looking forward to the children bringing them in next week for Book Club and signed by an adult.
3/4 C Class News
What a fabulous week of learning!
Today, we have enjoyed using Kahoot to answer retrieval questions all about Edinburgh!
This week, we have been answering the question ‘Where in the world am I?’. We know that England has been split into different counties. Scholes and Leeds are in the county of West Yorkshire.
Finally, we have considered the 8Rs for learning. We have tried to decide which one was the most important – this was a difficult task because they are all important. What do you think?
Living & Learning – 8Rs for learning
This week, we’ve introduced our new living and living theme: The 8Rs for learning.
These are 8 characteristics that help us to be effective learners – they apply to wider life, too.
We’ll be referring to these lots in school but for some practical tips on how you can help at home check out this parents guide.
We love reading!
Reading is super important. In fact, we think it’s one of the most important things you can do to support your child at home.
Some studies have found that children who read regularly are more likely to be happy in adulthood, more likely to earn more money and more likely to do well in all school subjects.
Whilst we understand life is busy, we’d love it if you could read with your child every day (ideally for about 20 minutes but anything is better than not reading at all).
This article has a handy reading for parents guide if you’d like any more information or tips.
Our Reading Activities leaflet will provide lots of activities to make reading an even more enjoyable and active experience for all. Check out the ‘Help Your Child‘ section of our website for a range of guides and tips for helping your child across a range of subjects.
Some common questions about reading:
When should my child have their reading book and reading diary in school?
3,4A (Miss Harker’s class) – Friday
3,4B (Mr Catherall’s class) – Friday
3,4C (Mrs McCormick and Mrs Wadsworth’s class) – Monday
Now my child is in Year 3 or 4, should I still sign their reading diary?
Yes. We want you to sign their reading diary and leave a comment at least once a week. We think it’s a really important link between school and home.
My child can read fluently. Should they still read aloud to me?
Ideally, yes. They can spend time reading on their own, too – we encourage this. However, it’s really important that children still practise the skill of reading aloud. It helps improve their confidence and improves their ability to read with expression. Being read to is really important, too – so don’t underestimate the power of a bedtime story!
The book my child has brought home is too easy / hard. What should I do?
This will rarely happen but if you do think your child’s book isn’t the right level please get in touch with their class teacher (our email addresses are at the bottom of this post).
If you have any other questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher.
Welcome to 3,4B! (Mr Catherall’s class)
Hi everyone
It’s been great to be back at school and get together as a class for the first time. I’ve been super impressed by how everyone has come back with a positive attitude and dived into their learning head first. We’ve had a great first few days and I’m super optimistic that we’re going to enjoy a great year.
Just a few reminders:
- School starts at 8:50am – just walk in when you see the door open.
- PE days – Monday and Tuesday (wear your kit to school)
- Bring your water bottle everyday
- Reading books – Friday’s
- Library – Wednesdays
- Please check the uniform policy for your information.
On Friday this week, your child will be sent home with a reading book. Please make sure they have this in school every Friday.
If you have any questions, please come and ask Myself or Mr Goodwin.
Welcome Back Year 3/4!
Hello and welcome back to school!
We are so pleased to be back after a lovely summer break. Today, we’ve heard lots of stories of adventurous summer day trips and cool, relaxing evenings. It sounds like everyone had a good summer and a well deserved rest. The children were certainly feeling fresh, well-rested and ready for learning.
Well done to everyone for making the first day such an enjoyable one – I know it’s not easy getting back into a routine after a long break.
Just a few reminders:
- School starts at 8:50am – just walk in when you see the door open.
- PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday (wear your kit to school)
- Bring your water bottle everyday
- Reading books – Mondays
- Library – Wednesdays
- Please check the uniform policy for your information.
If you have any questions, please come and ask Mrs McCormick, Mrs Wadsworth or Mrs Kirby.