A massive thank you to everyone who donated to our recent fundraising events – you were all unbelievably generous. We managed to raise £126.25 for our school charity – Leeds Autism Services. This was following our Odd Sock Day at the start of anti-bullying week. Last Friday we raised money for Children in Need and managed to raise £410.30.
Thank you all so much.
Living and Learning: Anti-Bullying Week
Our Living and Learning Statement this week has been ‘I know how to STOP bullying‘.
On Monday, we started Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks to celebrate how unique we all are.
During our Living and Learning lessons, we have talked about what bullying is and how to stop it.
We have talked about STOP as an acronym which provides us with a clear definition of bullying:
Several Times On Purpose
We have discussed how to STOP bullying by:
Start Telling Other People
The theme of this week has been ‘One Kind Word’. We have talked about how being KIND can make a difference by making other people feel happy.
Digger Day in 3,4C
Last Wednesday, we were extremely lucky to have Flannery Engineers come into our class and talk to our class about construction and the ELOR road development.
They even brought a simulation digger into our classroom. Each child had a chance to use the hi-spec simulation observatory, for either a dumptruck or digger – it was amazing!
Our children were very privileged to have this experience – thank you, Flannery engineers. they talked to us about the development and how they are improving our community.
In the classroom, the children were also challenged to make the longest bridge, tallest tower and strongest bridge out of a single piece of A4 paper.
More photos to come …
Odd Socks Day – Anti-bullying week 2021
If you do just one thing today, choose “one kind word”. What could you say?
On Monday, we wore odd socks! This is to start our Anti-Bullying Week which is all about saying One Kind Word.
“It’s to show we’re all the same because we all wear socks but we’re all different because they all have different patterns!”
Here are our odd socks!
Helping Your Child With Reading
Helping Your Child With Reading – at home!
As parents, we are the most influential teachers that our
children have. It is down to us to play an important part in
helping our children to improve their reading.
Here are some suggestions to help your child read at home:
• Set aside quiet time every day for reading with no distractions.
10 to 15 minutes a day should be enough. Little and often is
• Make this time enjoyable. Sit together and if your child loses
interest then just talk.
• Do not correct often at all. Let them make mistakes!
• Allow time for children to self correct their own mistakes and
if you do need to correct them, then don’t do this for every
word mispronounced, only occasionally.
• Boost confidence with lots of praise.
• Build up confidence with easier books.
• Discuss what happened in the book, what was said, the
pictures etc. This discussion will lead to good comprehension
skills as well as develop love of books.
• Make up stories with some of the characters. What would they
do here in our home or school?
• Which characters did you like? Why?
• Which characters did you not like? Why?
• Would you like to be able to climb inside the book and visit
the place it is set in?
• Can you draw pictures and write out scenes from the story?
• Could you make a sequel? A prequel?
• Most importantly . . . have fun!!
3/4C Class News
In Living and Learning, we have talked about the importance of being resilient in learning and that sometimes learning is tricky. We have reflected on the times when we have been resilient and have been successful.
We have discussed climate change in related to COP26 by building on and responding to the views of others.
In Art, we have closely observed pattern and shape in fruit, completing some careful drawings.
A great start to a new half term!
Reading Records
Before half term, the last week’s activity was Draw It!
Thank you to all the adults who wrote some fantastic comments in their child’s reading records. Remember – useful comments might include what went well, what they need help with or how many pages they read at home.
This week’s reading activity is ‘Step into their shoes’. This activity is about knowing a character’s thoughts and feelings.
Possible activities:
- Draw a character and it’s thought bubbles – what would they say?
- Write a short diary entry for one of the characters.
- Tell or show the reader all about the character
Living and Learning – Mental Health
We have started talking about mental health this week. If you break your arm or catch a cold, everyone can see you’re poorly. It’s obvious. Mental health problems are much harder to spot because they start inside our heads. They affect how we think, feel, our behaviour and how we cope with things. They can affect anyone at any time.
Mindfulness (we like some of the Go Noodle ones) gives your brain a moment of pause to assess any situation without responding irrationally and full of emotions. Mindfulness means paying attention in the present moment.
Ask your child what their top tips are to keep a healthy mind.
Christmas cards
We have completed our designs, sent them off and now received our sample cards. If you would like to order anything, send the money into school with the order form or using the Gateway app by FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER. Thank you!
Reading in Year 3,4
Last week’s activity was Question Master! Well done to everybody who brought in their reading records with the Question Master activity completed. There were a range a questions asked – some to the author, and some to the illustrator – but all were well thought-out.
Marianne asked: “How do you create such amazing stories?” and “Where do you get you ideas from?”
Thank you to all the adults who wrote some fantastic comments in their child’s reading records. Remember – useful comments might include what went well, what they need help with or how many pages they read at home.
This week’s reading task is Fact File! The children need to choose a character or person (fiction or non-fiction) from the book and create a fact file all about them.
- What’s their full name?
- How old are they?
- What do they look like?
- What is special about them?