Year 3 & 4 Class News

Living and Learning: Safety Week – Road Safety

Posted on Wednesday 09 February 2022 by Mr Roundtree

We had a great morning (although chilly) with Harriet, our visitor from Leeds City Council’s road safety team, learning all about keeping safe while crossing the road. We learned lots of new skills about how to cross the road.

Ask your child about their new skills.  

We crossed near the school; we crossed at a T-junction; we crossed behind parked cars; we crossed as a whole group, and then in partners. By the end of the session, the children were confident in crossing the road super safely.

Living and Learning Year 3,4

Posted on Friday 04 February 2022 by Mrs Wadsworth

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about our identity and celebrating the similarities and differences between us all.

We have discussed the meaning of the word community and have shared the communities that we are part of, including the school community. We have looked at the role of different members of the community from health care professionals to firefighters.

Visit to Leeds Art Gallery – 24 January 2022

Posted on Tuesday 25 January 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Year 3/4C had a fantastic trip to Leeds Art gallery yesterday morning, and it was well worth the wait! The children enjoyed two workshops: 1) art detectives – looking at abstract art and asking questions; 2) sketching and drawing abstract art – looking at shapes and patterns in and around the art gallery and drawing them on paper.

So, what is abstract art?

Amanda Phillips the leader of the workshop, explained to us what abstract art is.

“Abstract art is inspired by something in the real world. ” 

“Abstract art is shape, pattern, colour, texture and also the spaces in between.”

Barwick Maypole celebration – dancers wanted

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022 by Mrs Latham

The Barwick Maypole Committee ( are looking for primary school aged children to dance at the maypole celebration this year. Please contact the committee on the email address above and they will let you know about rehearsals and how to join in the fun!

3,4B Class Novel: Queen of Darkness

Posted on Monday 10 January 2022 by Mr Catherall

Last week, 3,4B began to read two books as our class novel. They both link to our current history topic and they’re both great reads. They’re also written by the same author.

As we read more of each book, we thought hard about which book we’d like to read as our new class novel. Then, on Friday, we had to decide. Because we live in a democracy (ask your child how this word links to their previous history learning about Ancient Greece), we had a vote.

We chose… (drum roll, please)

Queen of Darkness, Tony Bradman

Help at home by asking your child about what they’ve read at school:

  • What’s happened so far?
  • What do you predict will happen in the end?
  • Who is your favourite character? Why?
  • Would you recommend this book to ______? Why / why not?

As always, when you’re having this conversation, don’t forget to talk in full sentences – this really helps with our oracy (speaking and listening) skills.

New Year, New Science Topic

Posted on Wednesday 05 January 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back to 2022!

The children have settled well this week and have demonstrated good learning habits and routines straight away – well done!

We’ve kicked off the term with a new science topic ‘Electricity’ and kicked off talking about electrical appliances in and around our home. Our first sparky discussion was “What is electricity? What does it do?” – there’s so much to learn!  Here’s a helpful bbc clip.

Why not have this discussion at home?

Today, we’ve learned about mains and battery operated appliances and realised that some are actually both!

In the forthcoming weeks, we will be creating our own circuits from wires, batteries and bulbs and why they work (or don’t work!), so watch this space.

Here are the scientific words children will be learning…

New topic: Romans and Anglo-Saxons

Posted on Wednesday 05 January 2022 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve started our new topic: Romans and Anglo-Saxons.

In this topic, we’ll learn loads about the Romans in Britain. We’ll use our history skills to analyse different sources of information and we’ll learn loads of key information about this period of time. We’ll be continuing our history learning in our reading and writing lessons, too – and our weekly Latin lessons, of course!

Today, we reminded ourselves about chronology and thought about when the Romans came to Britain. This timeline below is one we use in school and shows all the history we learn across school in the order happened (chronological order).

You can help at home by asking your child about their learning. Even better if you this vocabulary when having your discussions.

Christmas fun in the hall

Posted on Thursday 09 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

A massive thank you to Mrs Pennock and all the lunchtime staff who created a fabulous atmosphere for Christmas dinner day today. The children and staff had a lovely time!

Living and Learning – I make healthy choices.

Posted on Wednesday 08 December 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Our Living and Learning statement this week is – I can make healthy choices. Do you know what choices we can make?

In Year 3/4 we know what it means to make healthy choices!

We talked today about what choices we can make to keep us healthy. We asked ourselves these questions:

  • What do we eat?
  • When do we eat?
  • How much sleep do we get?
  • How much exercise do we get?
  • Do we laugh enough?


Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) Club

Posted on Tuesday 07 December 2021 by Mrs Latham

WUSU Club have had a successful series of sessions after school this half term. They have made two new dances for you to enjoy and learn:

Dance Monkey and and Christmas Special, One More Sleep

WUSU club will be continuing after Christmas. Keep an eye out for letters about after school clubs so you can decide if you’d like to join in with any.