Year 3 & 4 Class News

Living and Learning – Democracy

Posted on Friday 29 April 2022 by Mrs Wadsworth

Living and Learning: I can take part in democratic decisions.

This week, we have been learning about democracy as part of our Living and Learning.

In class, we voted for who we thought was a Champion Reader. We talked about the importance of reading regularly and reading a variety of different texts.

The candidates were voted for anonymously by the members of each class.

The winners were:

3,4 A – Jimmy

3,4 B –  Jessica

3,4 C – Archie

Well done to everyone who took part. A great example of democracy in the classroom!

The day Y3,4 met a real poet!

Posted on Wednesday 27 April 2022 by Miss Harker

Yesterday, we were lucky enough to welcome Andy Tooze into our school.

We watched him perform some of his poems and had a go at writing our own (in just seven minutes!). The children had a lot of fun and felt inspired. Today, each class read their poems aloud and published them in a book.

If your child would like one of Andy’s books, please let your child’s class teacher know. They cost £5 each when ordered through school.

Summer Term 1 Science: Plants

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This term is all about growing plants. Included in this post is a list of our new vocabulary for this topic.

Yesterday, we looked at some typical flowering plants and identified their parts and functions. Photos are some children’s work will follow.

What are the Parts of a plant KS2? - Answered - Twinkl Teaching Wiki

I was so impressed with the knowledge the children already had!

We progressed to ‘plant’ our own broad beans so we can see the journey they take from seed to shoot and root (simply put into a cup with water and cotton wool -we’ll check what’s happened next week).

You can support your child at home by planting your own seeds  in your garden, or in a flower pot and just observe over time the changes that take place.

Or, you can watch these excellent video clips.

stem holds the plant upright and supports the leaves; contains tubes that allow water to travel from the roots to the rest of the plant
roots helps anchor the plant into the soil; takes up water and nutrients from the soil
leaves catch sunlight and use this to make food
photosynthesis how plants turn sunlight into food
pollen a dust-like powder that causes plants to make new seeds
pollination transferring pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female part of a flower so new plants can be made
stamen the male part of the flower which produces pollen
stigma the female part of a flower that pollen attaches to during pollination
seed dispersal the way seeds get from the parent plant to a new place so that they can grow into new plants

Herea re some lovely pictures of children’s flowers they drew using oil pastels:

Living and Learning: First Aid

Posted on Tuesday 29 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Living and Learning statement:

I know how the emergency services can help. 

We talked about keeping safe, hazards, calling for help and casualty help. The children were really engaged in their learning and acted out many role play situations.

Maybe ask your child – what is a hazard?

What does LIONEL stand for?

  • Location. Tell them where the emergency is and where you want them to arrive.
  • Incident. Tell them what has happened.
  • Other services. Do you need more than one?
  • Number of people that are involved.
  • Extent of the injuries. What types of injuries do people have?
  • Location. Repeat again where they need to arrive.

Here is the video we watched.

Further information linked to first aid can be found at:



Living and Learning: health and prevention

Posted on Monday 28 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Our Science and Living and Learning lessons have been all about microbes, handwashing, health and preventing illness this week.

We have talked about how microbes can be harmful but also how some can be good for us. We have set up an experiment about growing mould. We are testing to see which conditions are best for mould growth.

Hand washing

Washing our hands is really important. All the children could all talk about this, with our experiences of Covid-19!

We’re growing … mould!

Posted on Wednesday 16 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Growing mould on bread

We’re learning all about micro-organisms (tiny living things).

We know three: bacteria, fungi and virus.

Our learning today was about setting up a fair test to grow mould on bread.

The green stuff on your slice of bread (sometimes) is called mould. Mould is a microscopic, living organism in the Fungi kingdom, related to yeast and mushrooms.

We decided to set up three conditions:

  1. wet and dark
  2. sunny and dry
  3. refrigerator

We out three pieces of bread- all exaclt ythe same – and placed the in three different conditions. ALl we need to do now is wait a week to see if any mould grows. If it does, which condition do you think will grow the most mould?

Get ready, get set … read!

Posted on Tuesday 08 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

With only 4 weeks to go until Easter, we’ve launched a reading challenge for our Year 3/4 children.

The challenge is to read one book a week and bring in your reading record to get it signed and checked. If the book is long (too long for a week’s reading), then it can also be counted as one book.

If children read more than one book, then that can also read a bonus book!

We’ll keep a tally in school to count up all the books the children have read. We’ll also get chance to share books and recommend any great reads.

There will be prizes for all challengers – so get ready and read!

In our reading session today we looked at

One of our favourite authors – Andy Griffiths – is our author of the week. We watched his 10 minute video which inspired us to draw the next layer of 130th story Treehouse. Check out our drawings below…

A huge thank you!

Posted on Sunday 06 March 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

Last half term, we set the children a maths challenge in which they had to learn some number facts or some multiplication tables. We asked the children to collect sponsors and see how much money we could raise for our school charity (Leeds Autism Services) and our school. You have absolutely gone above and beyond what we anticipated. The total so far that we’ve raised is £2318.15! This is just amazing and we can’t thank you enough – you are a very generous school community. This huge total will be split between the charity and school. Keep an eye out for more fundraising this half term, but again, thank you so much.

3,4 C Class News

Posted on Friday 04 March 2022 by Mrs Wadsworth

On Thursday, we had great fun celebrating World Book Day.

We shared our favourite books and talked about our favourite characters. After watching a masterclass on creating interesting characters, we had a go at creating our own.


















Our Topic for this half term is Computing. We can explain what a computer does using the words input, output and process. We are continuing to talk about the importance of online safety, referring to these rules to help us stay safe online.




Our new Spring topic – Computing.

Posted on Wednesday 02 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree


Online Safety

Although we had a Safety Week last term, this is still high on our list of priorities, especially as we’ve started our new topic – Computing.

Computing topic

It’ll no doubt be a very enjoyable and engaging topic for our pupils and they’ll come home wanting to explore some more. There is a list of useful websites below for further coding, Scratch and online tools – you could explore together!

Golden Rules

Every week we shall be reinforcing the ‘Golden Rules’ with our children, which came from a helpful workshop GoWiseOnline last term, delivered by Sarah Lynch.