Reading: Book club in 3.4
Welcome to Autumn term!
We’ve quickly got into the swing of things and are ready to go with our home reading.
As you know, building a love of reading in your child by reading aloud at home strengthens their language, vocabulary and comprehension skills, and improves their social skills and confidence as you listen to them read.
You’ll have noticed Reading Records and reading books coming home in school bags, and/or assigned an ebook. Please get in touch with your child’s class teacher if this isn’t the case.
At Scholes, children are required to read at home every day for 15 minutes. We ask that a reading activity is completed at home just once a week, brought into school on their Book Club days and signed by parents. The children will be directed which activity to complete each week.
Book club days:
3/4A – Wednesday
3/4B – Wednesday
3/4C – Thursday
- Make a special reading spot.
- Let reading be a special part of every day.
- Ask questions. As you read together, ask questions about the book to build comprehension skills.
- Make time for mistakes.
- Re-read favourite books.
- Read for fun.
Welcome Back!
Hello and welcome back!
Where has the summer gone? Whatever you’ve been up to, we hope you’ve had a brilliant time!
On Tuesday, we return to school. Here’s some key information that you may need.
What should my child wear to school?
You can look on our school website for our school uniform and PE kit policy. We typically have spare, clean items of uniform, including PE kit, for children to change into if they’re not wearing the items set out in this policy.
Your child should wear PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
What does my child need to bring into school?
Children should bring a bag to school everyday. In the first week, they will have the opportunity to take a library book home and a book chosen by their class teacher.
Children should also have a filled water bottle (only water please) and perhaps a sun hat and sun cream if it’s a sunny day.
School will provide all the stationery. Children should not bring their own equipment. They will be asked to keep it at home. I hope you’ll understand that this will help to reduce any issues that this might cause in school.
Who are the key adults in Y3,4?
3,4A – Mrs Patterson & Mr Goodwin
3,4B – Mr Catherall, Mrs Wilkins & Mrs Thorn
3,4C – Mrs Wadsworth, Mrs McCormick & Mrs Kirby
We’re all looking forward to another successful year! In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Year 3,4 Team
WUSU Crew 2022

Scholes in Bloom – winning design
A group of children went out to meet the Britain in Bloom judges today. The winning designer of the Scholes in Bloom competition was there and everyone admired the planted design in the flowerbed outside school. It looks fabulous!
Living and Learning: how smoking affects our body
Our visitor today was Dave from D:side who talked to us about the harmful affects of smoking on our bodies.
Dave was a very informative speaker with lots of lovely resources for us to see and get involved with. We had lots of questions for Dave!
The children learned about what a cigarette was made from …
What’s inside?
The tar from cigarettes sticks to your lungs …
Some other chemicals that are inside cigarettes. Did you know that there are over 3000 …
The importance of keeping our lungs healthy (where they are in our body)
We must keep our heart healthy too …
How to say no …
You can always walk away from peer pressure …
Stand up to someone who tries to make you smoke a cigarette!
Why not ask your child about our D:side visit today?
Muscles working together
Today, we’ve been learning all about muscles.
Background: Muscles can pull bones, but they can’t push them back to the original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint. Then, when the movement is completed, the flexor relaxes and the extensor contracts to extend or straighten the limb at the same joint.
We made some videos about the movement that happens and the muscles that work. Check them out below:
Why not follow this bbc bitesize link for further practice with your child.
Sports day – KS2 Competitive

Sports Roundabout
We had a successful Sports Roundabout this afternoon after a break since 2019, due to the pandemic. All the children enjoyed collecting points for their team and showed great teamwork and support for each other. Thank you to all the families who came to show their support too. The points are listed below.
1st Northern Ireland 507 points
2nd Iceland 518 points
3rd Germany 502 points
4th Portugal 493 points
5th Sweden 483 points
6th Italy 477 points
7th Belgium 454 points
8th Spain 394 points
9th Netherlands 379 points
10th Norway 366 points
11th France 360 points
12th England 346 points

Muscles and Bones
Muscles and Bones in our body
Part of our science topic is all about our keeping healthy with food, exercise and lifestyle choices.
We talked about what it would be like without bones. What would our limbs feel like?
• Could we move and, if so, how?
• Could we stand?
• Would our muscles still function?
• How do animals that don’t have bones function
(e.g. octopus, snail, spider)
We depend on bones to give our bodies support and enable us to stand and walk.
- Bones aren’t essential for life but without them it
limits the size an animal can be. Our muscles are
attached to our bones and work with them to
provide support.
Today we were learning about the muscles and bones in our body. We watched this Video about the muscular skeletal system. To help us understand this better, we practised some exercises in the playground to help us think about which muscles and bones we use in certain movement, like throwing, jumping, skipping and balancing. Our pictures show us doing these exercises.
Ask your child:
How many bones are in our body?
How many muscles are in our body?
Which muscles do we use when we run? dance? throw?
Skipping School
- aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week
- take part in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscles and bones