A little glimpse of our week
Week six has been and gone. The weeks have been flying especially because 3,4 are very impressive in their attitude towards learning. In science, we have all created our own classification key to identify different leaves. Perhaps if you go for an Autumn walk you can ask your child to identify the tree a leaf is from? Or encourage them to tell you you some facts about how to describe the leaf: lobes, teeth, veins or leaflets. In Maths, we have focused on number facts, place value and column addition. In our spelling lesson, we have looked at suffixes (different endings) that can be added to a root word (e.g. hope-hoping, hoped). The sun has continued to be on our side so we have been making the most of developing our basketball skills outside.
Junior Leadership Team Elections
It’s that time of year again where we vote for new members of the Junior Leadership Team. Do you fancy being the representative for your class? Can you listen well to other people’s ideas and opinions? Do you want to make a difference in our school? Then this is the role for you.
Make sure you take a look at this weeks homework – you will need to get writing a speech. It will need to convince others that you are the best candidate – there will be lots of competition! Make sure you mention your strengths, qualities, what you’d like to change in school and any other useful skills you might have.
Good luck!
3,4C Class News
Over the last week, we have been working really hard in 3,4C.
In History, we have researched information about Ancient Greek inventions and creations. They created theatre, introduced democracy and invented the Olympic Games. We have also been debating if we would rather be a Spartan or an Athenian in Ancient Greek times.
In Reading, we have looked at different examples of discussion texts, considering the arguments for and against wearing school uniform. Next week, we are going to write our own discussion text.
We are continuing to work on our number facts and times tables using Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars. You can help at home by encouraging your child to count, recall number facts and log on regularly.
As a class, we collected many items for our Harvest collection – thank you to everyone who donated.
Well done 3,4C!
3,4A Science
Science: Living things and their habitats
In 3,4A we also enjoyed our hunt around the school grounds for invertebrates. Once back in class, we shared our findings and used the data to create bar graphs.
A hunt around school
As biologists, we searched the school grounds for invertebrates. We had an enjoyable time turning over stones, logs and plant pots to find living things. Once we had gathered our data and analysed it, we turned it into a bar graph. Can you see what we found?
Here is a glimpse of our spelling and PE lesson too. We were focusing on different suffixes in spelling and played the game four-square in PE.
Basketball and debating skills in 3,4B
Over the past few weeks, 3,4 B have been enjoying developing their basketball skills. Amazing passing, footwork, teamwork and enjoyment have been clear to see. We have been very impressed with the positive competition between the children and how they have been able to take into account other people’s feelings about winning/losing.
We have also been proud of the debating skills that took place this week. Somehow 7-9 year olds are excellent at expressing their opinion and displaying quick thinking to formulate a response. Linked to our topic on Greece, the children were debating which was the best city state: Athens or Sparta.
The class have been settling well into the routines of 3,4 B. We are particularly proud of their good manners.
3/4A Topic
Topic (History): Ancient Greece
As part of our learning about Ancient Greece, we had a debate about which was the best city state: Athens or Sparta. We discussed good techniques for a debate such as projecting our voices, giving evidence and listening respectfully to other people’s opinions.
3/4C Science
Science: Living things and their habitats.
We’ve been doing some fantastic learning in Science all about classifying data and how to use classification keys.
Over the past couple of weeks, the children have built up their classifying skills by asking and answering questions about what living things look like, and other features they may have, e.g., how many legs? does it have wings? how many parts in its body?
Today, the questions asked were linked to whether or not the animals were invertebrate or vertebrate. Watch this video to help.
Ask your child the difference between these animals.
Living and Learning: Rights and responsibilites
We have been learning that we have the right to learn but a responsibility to be great learners. Here is a list of top tips we came up with to be great learners:
- be in class on time
- be prepared for all lessons
- take good care of school property
- complete spelling, reading and talk time homework
- be ready
- respect ourselves and others
- listen and react well
- doing our best – every day!
We’re very proud of the effort the children are putting in to their learning this week.
Here’s a run down of our great learning:
Maths: Place Value – tens and ones, hundreds and thousands.
Writing: Must-dos and handwriting (capital letters, full stops and conjunctions)
Spelling: ay, a-e, eigh, ai sound (favourite, great, straight, wait, everyday, famous)
Topic: Ancient Greeks (we read Theseus and the Minotaur for our myth)
Science: Living things and their habitats
PE: accurate passing and moving into a space.
Living and Learning: how to be a good learner – why not ask your child their 8Rs for learning?
Here are a few pictures of our Wake Up Shake Up today where the children put lots of effort into their funky dance moves.
A great start to the school year!
We are so proud of how 3,4 have settled/resettled back into their classes. There has been a lovely buzz within the classrooms as the children have been getting to know their new teacher/s and classmates. Here’s to a wonderful term!