Year 3 & 4 Class News

3,4 A Class News

Posted on Saturday 19 November 2022 by Mrs Paterson

Week 3 of this term has come and gone in a flash!

In Writing, we’ve been looking at expanded noun phrases and using them to write interesting character descriptions.

In Reading, we’ve been focusing on the skill of retrieval across three different winter poems.

In Maths, we’ve been working on column subtraction and continuing to practise our times tables.

In P.E (pictured), we have been creating sequences of different static shapes in groups and then incorporating a variety of movements between each shape.

Beyond our usual lessons, we also enjoyed our themed anti-bullying day and preparing for our upcoming class assembly!

PE gymnastics PE gymnastics

School Charity

Posted on Thursday 17 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth


The classes have been busily discussing who we would like our school charity to be this year. All the ideas were brought to the Junior Leadership Team meeting and we discussed which one we would like to support. It was a unanimous decision in support of Cancer Research UK. The JLT will be busy thinking of fundraising ideas for the year and we hope you will support us in this.

If you’d like some more information about the charity, please visit their website.

Cancer Research UK

3,4 C Living and Learning Anti-Bullying Day 14.11.22

Posted on Monday 14 November 2022 by Mrs Wadsworth

Today, we have been wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Day.

Through group and class discussion and activities, we have talked about:

  • what bullying is
  • our Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy
  • the different kinds of bullying including cyber bullying
  • how someone being bullied may think, feel and act
  • the negative impact bullying has on mental wellbeing
  • how to get help including who we can talk to about bullying
  • the acronym STOP


Several Times On Purpose           and                  Start Telling Other People

This year’s theme is REACH OUT. How will you Reach Out today?






PE with a difference

Posted on Friday 11 November 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

On Thursday, the whole of 3,4 had the chance to participate in some excellent football training by local coaches affiliated with Leeds United Football Club. Our plan is to use these skills in our PE sessions in the coming weeks too. As ever, the behaviour and attitude of our children was positively commented upon by the coaches. Well done 3,4! The coaches advertised some sessions that children from 5yrs and upwards may attend. Please see photo.

Here are a few photos of 3,4 B enjoying some of the last warm sunshine during a skipping challenge. We aim to improve the amount of skips we can do in one minute. Skipping is such a great way to improve our fitness and make our ‘legs feel like jelly!’-Zara

3,4 B Please see our photos from Science learning this week. (Follow on from previous post).


Science: Sound

Posted on Thursday 10 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Our Science topic for this half term is Sound (physics). Last week, we went on a sound survey and assessed the noisiest place in school. It was the playground because this is near the road.

This week, we’ve been learning all about how sounds are made.

Here’s a summary …

When any object vibrates, it causes movement in the air particles. These particles bump into the particles close to them, which makes them vibrate too, causing them to bump into more air particles. This movement, called sound waves, keeps going until they run out of energy.

Using instruments, drums and beaters, rice and lentils against plastic, we explored the sounds we could make. We also tried aking sounds with our bodies. It’s such fun exploring music and sound!

Finally, we discussed making sounds louder and quieter depending on how hard or soft you hit them.


Scholes Show Winners!

Posted on Thursday 10 November 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

We were lucky enough to enjoy an assembly this week in which some winners from Scholes show were announced. This is a yearly event in which children from the local area are encouraged to participate. We had three very surprised winners in our school.

Emma won a huge trophy for the most points overall in the children’s sections, but she also won two more trophies for the best handwriting and baking – well done!

William won a lovely shiny trophy for the best rock painting. He created a circular design using  metallic paint.

Clara won a trophy for the best handwriting in the under 8 group – well done.

Let’s hope more children join in next year – it sounds like a lot of fun. Well done again to the winners – keep polishing those trophies!

Living and Learning: Me and My Communities

Posted on Friday 04 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

What a fantastic week we’ve had! This is one of two Living and Learning themed weeks each year – this one’s a celebration of community.

Each day, the children have been learning about a different theme:

  • Diversity
  • Identity
  • No room for Racism
  • Same but Different
  • We’ve had visitors from our community share their roles within the community of Scholes.


  • Here are some children being active in the village community. There are vouchers to win for the best active photo!


New Junior Leadership Team

Posted on Monday 31 October 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

During the last week of term, our classes cast their votes for who they would like to represent their class on the JLT. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the number of children that wrote speeches – these were well written, full of ideas and very persuasive!

The votes were counted and the new members were announced in assembly – each child received their shiny JLT badge.

Here are our new members:

5,6A – Sam

5,6B – Olive

5,6C – Layla

3,4A – Archie

3,4B – Olivia

3,4C – Archie

2C – Abby

1,2B – Faith

1A – Eti

Well done to each of you. I’m looking forward to working with you this year and can’t wait to get started.

3,4 A Class News

Posted on Friday 21 October 2022 by Mrs Paterson

It’s been another busy week here at Scholes.

Alongside our usual learning, we completed quizzes to end our units in Science and Topic. We also had some ‘dropdown’ sessions on Wednesday where we recapped some of our Geography work from last year.

Yesterday, many of the class put themselves forward for JLT and gave speeches, before taking part in a democratic vote. A worthy winner was elected, though it has to be said that there were lots of fantastic candidates so well done to everyone who gave it a go.

We ended a successful week by winning the choice chip trophy once more! Have a lovely half-term break everyone.



3,4 A Class News

Posted on Friday 14 October 2022 by Mrs Paterson

We’ve had a busy week in 3,4 A!

In Reading and Writing, we have been looking at discussion texts and the features a good one should include such as varied sentence starters and ambitious vocabulary.

In History, we have continued the discussion theme by looking at Elgin’s marbles and whether or not they should be housed in The British Museum.

In Science, we used our classification skills again but this time to sort different types of leaf by certain characteristics.

In Maths, we are continuing to work hard on our number facts and times tables.

You can help at home by practising on TT Rockstars and reading regularly. We enjoy discussing our home reading and showing off our reading records in Book Club on Wednesdays.

Well done on a super week everyone and thank you also for the Harvest donations.