Living and Learning-Physical Health
3,4 have been thinking about the importance of our physical health and how this impacts our mental health too. We discussed how exercise can improve our mood and physical strength. It turns out that we are an active bunch and participate in lots of physical activity throughout the week. In school, we have lots of opportunities to get our heart rate pumping. We enjoy our daily WUSU sessions, daily mile, active play times and PE sessions. What healthy habits can you adopt at home to make sure you are participating in ’60 active minutes’ per day?
Here are 3.4 B enjoying their tennis session.
Class news 3,4C
What an exciting couple of weeks!
Last week, we had a zoom chat with local author, Tom Palmer. He shared his top tips for writing stories and impressed us all with the number of books he has written and the number of awards he has won. We are reading one of his books, ‘Loidis, Ledes, Leeds’, in class at the moment. At home, keep regularly reading a range of texts to collect ideas for writing.
This week, the children all joined in a Bamboo Tamboo workshop, exploring the music from Trinidad and Tobago. It was great fun; the children had to listen very carefully and follow the beat.
In writing, the children have been working hard to develop their editing skills, helping each other to spot and correct errors.
Carnival Music Workshop
Today, children across Year 3,4 enjoyed a music workshop on ‘Tamboo Bamboo’ with Leeds for Learning (ArtForms Music) in conjunction with our Topic learning about Carnival. Tamboo Bamboo originates from the carnival traditions of The West Indies (specifically, Trinidad & Tobago) and is a percussion instrument. Here are some photos of 3,4A enjoying the session.
Living and Learning – Healthy Eating
This fortnight across Years 3 and 4 we have discussed healthy eating in Living and Learning, including the choices that we can make about what we eat and drink such as swapping a fizzy drink for juice or water and keeping sugary foods to a minimum. We looked at different scenarios and made suggestions about possible swaps (see image below).
Please help at home by discussing food and drink choices with us and asking us about our learning.
Living and Learning – Health and Prevention
This fortnight across Years 3 and 4 we have been learning about ways we look after our physical health including personal hygiene and hand-washing, protecting ourselves from the sun and getting good sleep.
This week in particular, we are thinking about why good sleep is important and what healthy habits we can develop to set us up well for resting such as having a tidy space, having some calm time before bed without devices and avoiding too much sugar.
Please help at home by asking us about our learning.
3,4 A Class News
We have got straight back into the swing of things this week in Year 3,4!
In reading and writing, we have been enjoying (and meanwhile, getting very hungry) looking at Michael Rosen’s ‘Chocolate Cake’. We’ll be continuing with this poem next week.
In Maths, in both year groups we are continuing our work on fractions.
In Science, we have started our new unit on forces and magnets and in Topic, we have begun learning about Leeds West Indian Carnival.
In P.E, 3,4 A enjoyed a lesson using the apparatus practising our climbing, balancing and teamwork skills – please see some pictures below.
Please help at home this half-term by continuing to regularly listen to your child read and supporting them with practising their spellings and times tables.
Shakespeare Rocks-WOW!
We think you’ll agree, our performances of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ were BRILLIANT! We are unbelievably proud of every super star who sang their heart out, performed incredibly and shone in their unique way. What a show! 3,4 children have certainly made some happy memories whilst rehearsing and performing this amazing play. Thankyou for all of your support. We hope you have a fantastic Easter.
A few pictures from rehearsals.
Post show costume pics.
Living and Learning – Mental wellbeing
The theme for Living and Learning in school this half-term has been mental wellbeing.
This week’s focus has been ‘feeling good and being me’ and in Year 3,4 we’ve thought about giving and receiving compliments. The children were quick to affirm each other with some lovely comments! We also talked about how we can give compliments to others beyond the classroom.
Help at home with this week’s focus by encouraging your child to list some positive attributes they see in themself.
Red Nose Day
A huge thank you to everyone that donated money last Friday for Comic Relief. The Junior Leadership Team stood at the gate and shook their buckets and collected any donations. You are such a generous bunch of people and we managed to raise £337.97. Thank you again for your support.
Romeo, Romeo!
3, 4 classes have had a busy week of rehearsals. You may have over heard your child singing a catchy tune or two. We teachers have certainly been singing around our homes and in school. Everything is exciting and a little nerve wracking as we work towards our production of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’. This week, your child should have brought home a request for their costume. We have thought carefully about the costume choices and are committed to a no fuss approach for parents/carers. If you are struggling for ideas or are a little unsure then please catch one of us at the beginning or end of the school day. Please also encourage your child to learn their lines by heart. We are really looking forward to you watching your child/ren shine!
Sssshhhhhhh it may be Mothers’ Day this Sunday and 3, 4 B adults may have a bespoke water colour surprise heading their way!